What this notice is about There is a delay processing your refund because you may owe other federal taxes. What you need to do Do nothing at this time You will Receive a notice letting you know where we applied your refund toward other federal taxes you owe, or Receive your refund, with any applicable interest, in 6-8 weeks You may want to Wait at least 6-8 weeks before calling regarding this notice. Frequently asked questions Why did I get this notice? Your refund is available to apply to an outstanding non-individual liability or a balance on another account. How long does it take to determine any non-individual liability? Allow six to eight weeks for the IRS to determine if a non-individual account tax liability exists. What happens after the refund is applied? After the credit is applied, if any part of the refund remains, it will be refunded with interest, if applicable. Herramientas de referencia Publicación 1 (SP), Derechos del Contribuyente PDF Publicación 5027 (SP), Información de Robo de Identidad para los Contribuyentes PDF Lista completa de formularios e instrucciones contributivos, en inglés ¿Necesita ayuda? Puede usted autorizar a un representante para comunicarse con el IRS en su nombre. Vea si usted califica para recibir ayuda de las Clínicas para Contribuyentes de Bajos Ingresos. Si no puede encontrar lo que necesita en línea, llame al número del IRS en la parte superior de su aviso o carta.