Taxpayer Experience Office at a glance | Internal Revenue Service

Taxpayer Experience Office at a glance


Enriching all IRS interactions through an agencywide customer-centric approach.


Ensuring all IRS customers are empowered and supported when engaging with the agency.


The Taxpayer Experience Office oversees and drives the IRS strategic direction to improve the taxpayer experience. We identify opportunities to make improvements for taxpayers and the tax professional community based on taxpayer expectations and industry trends.


The Taxpayer Experience Office works with all IRS business units and coordinates closely with the Taxpayer Advocate Service. Our focus is on monitoring the taxpayer experience and providing other organizational units with information and methods to apply experience best practices. The Taxpayer Experience Office also identifies areas in current taxpayer-facing processes that need continuous improvement, in real-time, to eliminate systemic breakdowns before they harm taxpayers.

Choice and access

To improve the IRS taxpayer experience, implementation comes down to choice and access.

Choice – How do customers like to get answers to their questions? Taxpayers can choose to find answers on our website or interact with us online or by phone. They can also make an appointment to see us in person.

Access – A good customer experience begins with providing taxpayers access to the information needed to comply with their tax responsibilities. We're increasing access to services, forms and tools that are available in multiple languages.

Strategic priorities

The Taxpayer Experience Office plays a pivotal role in the strategic effort to improve customer service at the IRS by focusing on areas identified in the President's executive order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government. An improved taxpayer experience is also a key component in the IRS Inflation Reduction Act Strategic Operating Plan.

Management team

  • Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer - Fumi Tamaki
  • Deputy Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer - Courtney Kay-Decker

Resources and tools

IRS Inflation Reduction Act Strategic Operating Plan 
The IRS's Continued Efforts to Improve Service to Diverse Communities
The IRS is improving the taxpayer experience
Publication 5136, IRS Services Guide PDF