Pay your tax balance due, estimated payments or part of a payment plan. Penalties and interest will continue to grow until you pay the full balance. Pay from your bank account Pay now or schedule payments up to a year in advance. Direct Pay with bank account Debit card, credit card or digital wallet For individuals and businesses. Processing fees apply. Not for payroll taxes. Pay by card or digital wallet Pay from your IRS account Sign in or create an account to pay now or schedule a payment. Individual Online Account Pay balance due, payment plan, estimated tax and more View amount due, payment plan details, payment history and scheduled payments Pay in online account Business Tax Account Make federal tax deposit payments Make balance due payments View payment history Pay in business tax account Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) Enrollment required to use this option Make payments from your bank account Make tax deposits; pay estimated taxes, Offer in Compromise (OIC) or other types of payments Pay through EFTPS Other ways you can pay Same-day wire — Bank fees may apply Check or money order — Through U.S. mail Cash — Through a retail partner and other methods Electronic funds withdrawal — During e-filing only Need more time to pay? You can avoid penalties. File and pay your tax by the due date. If you can’t pay what you owe, you have options. Apply for a payment plan For individuals and businesses. Apply to pay your balance over time with a payment plan (installment agreement). Fees apply. Apply for a payment plan Find details on payment plan types: Streamlined, in-business trust fund express, guaranteed and partial payment installment agreements. Offer in compromise Check if you can settle your debt for less than you owe with an offer in compromise. Find more options to get help with tax debt. If you're facing financial hardship, you may be eligible to ask for a temporary collection delay until your finances improve. Pay Taxes Transcript