Pay your taxes with cash | Internal Revenue Service

Pay your taxes with cash

The easiest and most secure way to pay for most taxpayers is electronically (online or through the IRS2Go mobile app). Others prefer to pay by check or money order.

But if you're a person or business who has had trouble obtaining a bank account — or need to pay your federal taxes with cash (using U.S. currency) for some other reason — there are ways to pay. Our goal is to make the process of paying your taxes as convenient, safe and secure as we possibly can for every type of taxpayer.

Cash payment method What you need to know
Electronically using a prepaid card or mobile app
At one of our retail partners
  • Pay cash in person at one of our retail partners.
  • Retail partners only accept payments of up to $1,000.
  • To avoid penalties and interest, make your retail-partner cash payment at least seven business days before your due date.
By mail using money order or cashier's check
  • Purchase a money order or cashier’s check at a post office, grocery store, retailer or bank, and pay by mail.*
  • Never mail cash to an IRS office.
In person at one of our IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TACs)
  • Call 844-545-5640 to schedule an appointment at an IRS TAC that accepts cash.
    • You should call 30 to 60 days before the day you want to pay.
  • IRS TACs that accept cash have security checkpoints to ensure your safety. Our specially trained staff will help make the process as efficient as possible for you.
  • If you decide to pay cash in person, learn what you can expect at each step along the way.

*Note: most institutions have limits on how much you can put on a prepaid credit card or money order.