How is the segment count in the Transaction Set Trailer (SE) segment determined?
Counting each segment in the file between and including the ST and SE segments determines the segment count that is entered into the SE01 element.
In the BTI segment, elements BTI13 and BTI14 identify the complete file as an original or amended report. The BTI13 is for an original file and BTI14 is for amendments to the original file. If the BTI13 is used, must the BTI14 field be completely left out of the segment or can the BTI14 placeholder (i.e. ~) be used?
The standard ANSI practice is to use the segment terminator immediately following the last data element provided in the segment. It is not a recommended practice to insert element separators to indicate optional elements that are not provided. See the example of BTI segment below.
Example using BTI13 with placeholders for data elements BTI09 and BTI10 and segment terminator following BTI13:
Example using BTI14 with placeholders for data elements BTI09 and BTI10, placeholder for data element BTI13 and segment terminator following BTI14:
In the map section of the EDI Guide of the Terminal Operator (TOR) Tax Form section, does the TFS segment get repeated when reporting the ending inventory for each product code?
The TFS Tax Form loop for Terminal Operator Reporting (TFS01=T2) is used to identify the terminal for which the ending inventory is being reported. The FGS loop indicates what product code is being reported within the TFS (T2) loop. You may report multiple product codes within one TFS loop if desired, or repeat the TFS (T2) loop as product codes change for the terminal. When the information provider has additional terminals to report in the same transaction set (ST-SE), a new TFS (T2) loop must be provided each time the terminal changes.
Should the TFS Schedule loop (TFS01=T3) through the N1 segment get repeated when reporting each Bill of Lading (BOL)?
No. The TFS (T3) through the N1 segment (TFS Schedule loop) begins the schedule detail and repeats when one of the following values changes: product code, mode of transportation code, carrier, origin, destination, position holder, consignor, and exchange party. Once grouped for one of these values, the BOL information is then reported in the FGS through TIA segments (FGS loop). The FGS loop is repeated when one of the following changes: BOL, BOL date, gallons.
Can data be reported for more than one terminal in one 813 file?
Yes. The EDI map has been set up to handle all your terminals in one 813 file. This is accomplished by repeating the TFS Tax Form (TFS01=T2) loop for the Terminal Operator (TOR) report. This loop handles the ending inventory for each terminal. The IRS TCN is entered into TFS06 and the ending inventory is entered by product code in the FGS loop within each TFS Tax Form (T2) loop for each location. When the information provider has additional terminals to report in the same transaction set (ST-SE), a new TFS (T2) loop must be provided each time the terminal changes. After all terminal inventory has been reported, the shipment information is then entered into TFS Schedule (TFS01=T3) loop.