2002 IRS Research Conference
Washington, D.C.
This section contains papers written by IRS employees and others for the 2002 IRS Research Conference.
The views expressed in these papers are those of the authors and are not necessarily the official positions of the Internal Revenue Service.
Citations are included in the papers. For more information about a paper, please send us an email message.
All research papers are available as PDF files. A free Adobe Acrobat reader is available for download, if needed.
Data availability, access and security issues
Challenges Associated with Collecting Compliance Data PDF
Karin Cano and Robert Brown, IRS National Research Program Office, July 2002
IRS Contractors to Conduct Research and Surveys PDF
Julia Reasoner, IRS Office of Disclosure Regarding Research, July 2002
The Release of IRS Data: Challenges and New Approaches PDF
Nick Greenia, Statistics of Income, IRS, July 2002
Use of Contractors in Tax Administration: Issues to Consider PDF
Patricia H. McGuire, Office of Program Evaluation and Risk Analysis, IRS, July 2002
Earned Income Tax Credit
Compliance Estimates for Earned Income Tax Credit Claimed on 1999 Returns PDF
IRS, July 2002
Dependent Data Base and Earned Income Tax Credit PDF
Wendy Handin and Scott Mendelson, IRS Wage and Investment Division, July 2002
Development of an Effective EITC Outreach Strategy PDF
Jose Lopez, IRS Wage and Investment Division, July 2002
IRS workload and resource allocation
Projecting Tax Return Filings by Major Workload Categories PDF
Russell Geiman, IRS National Headquarters Office of Research, July 2002
Measuring compliance and the tax gap
Compliance Measurement and Workload Selection with Operational Audit Data PDF
Brian Erard, B. Erard and Associates, July 2002
Trends in Book-Tax Income and Balance Sheet Differences PDF
Lillian Mills and Kaye Newberry, University of Arizona; and William B. Trautman, IRS Large and Mid-Sized Business Division, August 2002
Return selection strategies
Partnership Selection System: Data Mining Proof-of-Concept PDF
Don McPartland, IRS Large and Mid-Sized Business Division, Research; and Richard Solari, Oracle Corporation, July 2002
Predictors of Unreported Income: Test of Unreported Income (UI) DIF Scores PDF
Dennis Cyr, Thomas Eckhardt, Lou Ann Sandoval, and Marvin Halldorson, IRS, January 2003
Risk Based Reporting Compliance PDF
Richard Fratanduono, IRS Small Business and Self-Employed Division, Research; and John Kam, IRS National Headquarters Office of Research, August 2002
Testing the UI-DIF Formulas PDF
Lance Asner, IRS National Headquarters Office of Research, July 2002. Large File—27.5 Megabytes
Strategies to reduce taxpayer burden and improve customer service and satisfaction
Design and Development of the Wage and Investment Compliance Burden Model PDF
Michael Stavrianos and Arnold Greenland, PwC Consulting. August 2002. Large File—15.8 Megabytes
Walk-in Taxpayer Demographic and Attitudinal Profile, Project 2.02 PDF
Ralph Collinson and Jon Games, IRS Wage and Investment Division, Research, July 2002