These SOI tables include estate tax data from Filing Year 2008 and selected income tax data from the Form 1040 filed by the decedent in the year prior to death. Because of the relatively long filing period, estate tax returns filed in a single calendar year may be for decedents who died in several different years.

Data tables are available in Excel.  A free Excel viewer is available for download, if needed.

Individuals with a Married Form 1040 Filing Status

Data Presented Classified By Tax Years
Table 1 - Selected Data from Forms 706 and Form 1040 Filed by the Decedent in the Year Prior to Death, Individuals with a Married Form 1040 Filing Status, by Tax Status and Size of Gross Estate Tax Status and Size of Gross Estate 2008 XLSX
Table 3 - Selected Data from Forms 706 and Form 1040 Filed by the Decedent in the Year Prior to Death, Individuals with a Married Form 1040 Filing Status, by Age and Form 1040 Size of Adjusted Gross Income Age and Size of Adjusted Gross Income 2008 XLSX
Table 2 - Selected Data from Forms 706 and Form 1040 Filed by the Decedent in the Year Prior to Death, Individuals with a Non-Married Form 1040 Filing Status, by Tax Status and Size of Gross Estate Tax Status and Size of Gross Estate 2008 XLSX
Table 4 - Data from Forms 706 and Form 1040 Filed by the Decedent in the Year Prior to Death, Individuals with a Non-Married Form 1040 Filing Status, by Age and Form 1040 Size of Adjusted Gross Income Age and Size of Adjusted Gross Income 2008 XLSX

SOI Tax Stats - Estate Tax Statistics