SOI Tax Stats archive - 1953 to 1984 business income tax return reports, partnership, sole proprietorship, and farmers' cooperative return reports


Archive < Businesses < Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, and Farmers' Cooperatives

1957 to 1976 U.S. business income tax return reports

The following archival reports compile business income tax information including partnerships, sole proprietorships and corporations.



1953 to 1983 Partnership Income Tax Return Reports
A partnership is a relationship between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business, with each person contributing money, property labor or skill and each expecting to share in the profits and losses of the business whether or not a formal partnership agreement was made. Here you will find historical reports concerning partnerships.


1957 to 1984 Sole Proprietorship Income Tax Return Reports
Here you'll find historic reports that present sole proprietorship data from business schedules filed with individual income tax returns. The economic activities described in these reports encompass virtually the entire range of unincorporated, one-owner businesses and professional practices.

1953 and 1963 Farmers' Cooperative Income Tax Return Reports
Here you will find reports that provide financial statistics from income tax returns filed for farmers' marketing and purchasing cooperatives.

Archive < Businesses < Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, and Farmers' Cooperatives