News Releases for June 2006 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for June 2006


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IR-2006-103, June 29, 2006 — Because of the temporary closure of the main IRS Headquarters Building, there is a temporary change of address for the delivery of certain documents. (Superseded by IR-2006-124)

IR-2006-102, June 29, 2006 — The IRS Headquarters Building at 1111 Constitution Ave. NW in Washington is likely to remain closed for at least 30 days due to flooding and electrical outages.

IR-2006–101, June 21, 2006 — The Internal Revenue Service appointed John Imhoff as the Deputy Chief, Criminal Investigation (CI).

IR 2006-100, June 21, 2006 — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the appointment of Christopher Wagner as Deputy Commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division.

IR-2006–99, June 21, 2006 — The Internal Revenue Service selected Frank Y. Ng to fill the new position of Deputy Commissioner, Large and Mid-Size Business (International).

IR-2006-98, June 21, 2006— An additional two Fords and a Mercury have recently been certified as qualifying for the Alternative Motor Vehicle Tax Credit.

IR-2006-97, June 19, 2006 — Victims of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma may claim casualty and theft losses on their individual income tax returns following guidance outlined in Rev. Proc. 2006-32.

IR-2006-96, June 19, 2006 — Certain taxpayers from 31 Louisiana parishes, 49 Mississippi counties and 11 Alabama counties affected by Hurricane Katrina have until Oct. 16, 2006, to file 2004 and 2005 indivldual income tax returns.

IR-2006-95, June 14, 2006 — The Internal Revenue Service will survey nearly 50,000 people this month to help the agency improve the way it provides taxpayer services.

IR-2006-94, June 13, 2006 — Written Testimony of Commissioner of Internal Revenue Mark Everson

IR-2006-93, June 8, 2006 — Taxpayers may submit their suggestions using Form 13285A.

IR-2006-92 , June 7, 2006 — IRS officials today announced further details of the Special Enrollment Examination in 2006.

IR-2006-91, June 7, 2006 — The IRS announced that purchasers of Toyota Motor Sales USA qualified vehicles may continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.

IR-2006-90, June 7, 2006 — The IRS announced that purchasers of Ford Motor Company qualified vehicles may continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.

IR-2006-89, June 5, 2006 — The IRS today announced there will be an increase in the interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2006.

IR-2006-88, June 2, 2006 — The IRS issues guidance on a commercial building tax deduction under the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

IR-2006-87, June 1, 2006 — 501(c)(3) organizations may not intervene in a political campaign on behalf of or opposed to any candidate for public office.

IR-2006-86, June 1, 2006 — Consumers can save money and energy by purchasing hybrid cars, including certain Hondas, that qualify for the alternative motor vehicle credit.

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