Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending November 20, 2020 | Internal Revenue Service

Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending November 20, 2020


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Cumulative statistics comparing 11/22/2019 and 11/20/2020

Individual Income Tax Returns: 2019 2020 % Change
Total Returns Received 155,402,000 168,650,000 * 8.5
Total Returns Processed 155,096,000 162,472,000 4.8
E-filing Receipts:      
TOTAL           138,217,000 152,802,000 * 10.6
Tax Professionals 80,630,000 80,582,000 -0.1
Self-prepared 57,587,000 72,220,000 25.4
Web Usage:      
Visits to 625,522,000 1,619,588,000 158.9
Total Refunds:      
Number 111,596,000 125,299,000 ** 12.3
Amount $319.218 Billion $317.692 Billion -0.5
Average refund $2,860 $2,535 -11.4
Direct Deposit Refunds:      
Number 91,955,000 102,399,000 ** 11.4
Amount $273.525 Billion $267.864 Billion -2.1
Average refund $2,975 $2,616 -12.1

* Total includes returns filed to obtain Economic Impact Payments by those who would not usually file income tax returns.

** Includes interest only refunds for taxpayers who received refunds earlier in the year without interest.