Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending Feb. 10, 2023


2023 Filing Season Statistics — Individual Income Tax Returns

Cumulative statistics comparing Feb. 11, 2022, and Feb. 10, 2023

Return/Refund Category 2022 2023 % Change
Total returns received 26,421,000 28,826,000 9.1
Total returns processed 23,438,000 26,622,000 13.6
Total e-filing returns received (may not equal subtotals due to rounding) 25,627,000 27,239,000 6.3
E-filing returns received from tax professionals 9,598,000 10,664,000 11.1
E-filing returns received from self-prepared 16,029,000 16,575,000 3.4
Web usage, visits


149,706,000 -13.4
Total number of refunds 8,992,000 13,341,000 48.4
Total amount refunded $20.888 Billion $26.648 Billion 27.6
Average refund amount $ 2,323 $ 1,997 -14.0
Total number of direct deposit refunds 9,037,000 12,186,000 34.8
Total amount refunded with direct deposit $21.689 Billion $ 25.394Billion 17.1
Average direct deposit refund amount $ 2,400 $ 2,084 -13.2