A message from the Commissioner – IRS reopening continues


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June 17, 2020

We continue to gradually reopen our operations across the country. As of Monday, thousands of employees have returned to facilities in seven states, and four more states and Puerto Rico will reopen on June 29. The IRS continues to focus on nonportable work and will reopen facilities in remaining states on July 13.

As the public health situation evolves, we will continue to closely monitor state and local guidelines and adhere to safety protocols to protect employees, including social distancing and using face coverings in common areas.

For the majority of employees who can perform their duties at home, our maximizing telework policy will remain in effect for the foreseeable future to ensure social distancing. Employees should remain in their current work status, whether teleworking or on weather and safety leave, until hearing directly from their manager. IRS managers will begin contacting employees whose work is nonportable with reporting instructions over the next few weeks.

The health and safety of our employees is our top priority. Our facilities staff continues to work around the clock to ensure the appropriate precautions are taken for the well-being of our employees. There is also a special Return to normal operations section available on IRS Source with information you need to know. As a reminder:

  • Employees should self-screen for the health and safety of themselves and other employees, and should not come to work if they are experiencing symptoms, have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days, or are under instructions to self-quarantine/isolate. They may be required to provide medical documentation if sick leave exceeds three consecutive workdays.
  • Employees in high-risk populations, as defined by the CDC, may request weather and safety leave if they cannot telework.
  • We will assess each POD to ensure appropriate cleaning, supplies and social distancing guidelines continue to be met.

We greatly appreciate your continued hard work and flexibility. On behalf of the IRS leadership team, I want to thank you for everything you do.
