2.3.68 Command Codes DUPOL and DUPPG

Manual Transmittal

December 17, 2024


(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.68, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Codes DUPOL and DUPPG

Material Changes

(1) Updated mandatory Internal Controls

(2) Command Code DUPOL has a new definer for 2025; the options now are 3, 4 or 5. The definer reflects the desired processing year.

(3) Error responses have been updated, (n) and (p).

(4) 2.3.68-1 Exhibit Description now shows updated list of acceptable definers.

(5) 2.3.68-2 Exhibit Description now shows updated list of acceptable definers.

(6) 2.3.68-3 Exhibit Description now shows updated list of acceptable definers.

(7) 2.3.68-4 Exhibit Description now shows updated list of acceptable definers.

(8) IRM 2.3.68 revised throughout to update organizational title Taxpayer Services.

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 2.3.68, dated November 20, 2023, is superseded.


You have received a copy of this IRM chapter because you are on the Distribution for IRM 2.3, IDRS Terminal Responses. Each chapter has its own catalog number used for ordering and distributing purposes. You may adjust the subsequent distribution of this chapter to meet your office's needs by adjusting your quarterly IMDDS Order Point Summary Report (IMR02).

Effective Date


Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. Overview: CFOL command code (CC) DUPOL is designed to research and display information to assist in fraud detection of SSNs in both paper and electronically filed returns. CC DUPOL extracts taxpayer information from the Duplicate TIN database that contains tax return information for the Tax Processing years 2023, 2024 and 2025. Command Code DUPPG is a subsidiary command code, and provides a second page–when available—of Duplicate TIN data once DUPOL has been used for the first page.

  2. Purpose: These sections provide instructions for accessing Duplicate TIN information through the Duplicate TIN (DUPTIN) database files in Martinsburg, WV.

  3. Audience: IRS Tax Technicians, Account Management employees, and Criminal Investigator

  4. Policy Owner: Director, Corporate Data Domain

  5. Program Owner: Tax Data On-line (TDOL), a branch within Corporate Data Domain

  6. Primary Stakeholders: Criminal Investigation (CI), Taxpayer Services (TS), and any other IRS organization profiled with IDRS access.

  7. Program Goals: As an aid to the detection of fraudulently-used Taxpayer ID numbers, these are the instructions for using the CFOL/IDRS command code DUPOL and its subsidiary paging-utility command code DUPPG. Details below.


  1. This IRM and the contained subsections provide the user the necessary information on how to use Command Codes DUPOL and DUPPG.


  1. Unified Work Request (UWR) 979147

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Applications Development (AD) is responsible for operations and maintenance of the command codes.

  2. Director, Corporate Data Domain

  3. Branch Chief, TDOL

Program Management and Review

  1. Project’s data source is the Duplicate TIN (DUPTIN) DB2 database.

Program Controls

  1. Access to this program is governed by SACS.

Terms and Acronyms

  1. Acronym Definition
    CFOL Corporate Files Online
    DUPTIN Duplicate Taxpayer Identification Number
    DUPOL Duplicate TIN On-Line
    DUPPG Duplicate TIN On-Line Second Page
    IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System
    IMF Individual Master File
    IPPIN Identity Theft Protection Pin
    IRS Internal Revenue Service
    ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility
    IT Information Technology
    NAP National Account Profile
    SSN Social Security Number
    TDOL Tax Data On-line Branch
    TIN Tax Identification Number

Related Resources

  1. Functional Specifications Package (FSP), Command Code DUPOL/DUPPG

Command Code DUPOL Input Format

  1. The required input for CC DUPOL is:

    1. Command Code

    2. Command Code Definer (3, 4, or 5)

    3. TIN (edited or unedited SSN)

    4. TIN Type Code (also called 'validity digit'; values are blank or * only)

Command Code DUPOL Output Screens

  1. Some of the features of the DUPOL command code output display screens include:

    1. CC DUPOL will display Nationwide and individual Service Center counts of how many times a particular SSN was used for the desired year. These counts will only be displayed on the first screen if multiple pages exist.

    2. CC DUPOL will display how many times the SSN was used, how it was used, and who used it.

    3. CC DUPOL will provide IDRS-like paging when multiple records exist.

    4. The paging routine will automatically position the cursor following the Start of Message symbol. When the ENTER key is depressed, the terminal will display the next page or any page designated by overlaying a page number onto the format by key input.


    Do not leave the terminal in a paging condition. Since no entry code is needed for input, anyone could depress the ENTER key and have unauthorized access to the display. Terminate terminal session by inputting SINOF.

Command Code DUPOL Error Screens

  1. In the event of an error situation, one of the following messages will be issued:

    1. INVALID TIN REQUEST - Taxpayer Identification Number is improperly formatted or non-numeric.

    2. NO RECORD FOUND IN TABLE - There is no information for the requested Taxpayer Identification Number in the Duplicate TIN Database file.

    3. CHECK TIN AND RE-ENTER REQUEST - Check Taxpayer Identification Number and re-attempt request.

    4. DUPOL FILE NOT AVAILABLE - TRY LATER - The attempt to access the Duplicate TIN Database failed.

    5. UNSUCCESSFUL READ CAUSED BY TIME-OUT - The CC request was canceled due to the length of turnaround time.

    6. NO RECORD FOUND IN PRIMARY LINK TABLE - The requested SSN indicates multiple use but no information exist on file.

    7. ERROR DETECTED IN RETRIEVING DATA, CONTACT PROGRAMMER - The attempt to retrieve data from DB2 file encountered a severe error and the program abended.

    8. ERROR DETECTED WHILE OPENING CURSOR, CONTACT PROGRAMMER - The attempt to read multiple records resulted in a severe error.

    9. ERROR DETECTED WHILE CLOSING CURSOR, CONTACT PROGRAMMER - The attempt to close file resulted in a severe error.

    10. SQL ERROR ENCOUNTERED: (error code) - The program aborted due to a DB2 system error. Contact IBM Database Administration Section for frontline investigation and resolution. If further investigation cites a DB2 systems error, problem will be escalated to appropriate IBM Database Support Section by the production DBA as mandated by existing Service Level Agreements.

    11. A PAGING REQUEST WAS ENTERED BEFORE A DUPOL REQUEST WAS ENTERED - an attempt to retrieve an additional page was performed before an initial DUPOL request was made.

    12. NO SCREENS AVAILABLE - The attempt to retrieve an additional screen was unsuccessful, no additional screen exists.

    13. INVALID TRANSACTION REQUEST - The CC request was invalid due to a missing or invalid definer code.

    14. (n) PLAN DEFINER NOT AVAILABLE YET - A definer was used that is not one of the three current definers (3, 4, or 5).

    15. DB2 IS ENABLED BUT NOT CONNECTED YET - DB2 is available and enabled, but is not connected to CICS.

    16. DUPOL REQUIRES TRANS-ID DEFINER AND AN EDITED OR UNEDITED SSN often followed by EXAMPLE > DUPOLx WHERE x MUST BE 3, 4 or 5 - Definer is invalid and/or SSN not valid.

Command Code DUPOL Input Screen

This is an Image: 28112226.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Line Position Description
1 01–05 Command Code: DUPOL
1 06 Command Code Definer: (3, 4 or 5)
    3 = Search 2023 Tax Processing Year (2022 Tax Return)
    4 = Search 2024 Tax Processing Year (2023 Tax Return)
    5 = Search 2025 Tax Processing Year (2024 Tax Return)
1 07–15, or 07–17 TIN (edited or unedited SSN)
1 16 or 18 TIN Type Code 'validity digit' (blank or * only)

Command Code DUPOL Response Screen

NOTE: This format is the initial response screen. If more records exist enter paging command DUPPG for additional screen.

This is an Image: 28112227.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Line Position Description
01 01–05 Command Code: DUPOL
01 06 Command Code Definer: (3, 4 or 5)
01 07–15 TIN (Unedited SSN)
01 16 TIN Type Code 'validity digit' (blank or * only)
01 29–50 Screen literal
01 70–79 Date requested
03 02–29 Screen literal
03 31–35 Nationwide SSN usage count
03 54–57 Tax year of requested SSN
05 03–07 Service Center literal
05 09–12 Andover Service Center SSN usage count
05 19–23 Service Center literal
05 25–28 Austin Service Center SSN usage count
05 35–39 Service Center literal
05 41–44 Cincinnati Service Center SSN usage count
05 51–55 Service Center literal
05 57–60 Kansas City Service Center SSN usage count
05 67–71 Service Center literal
05 73–76 Ogden Service Center SSN usage count
06 03–07 Service Center literal
06 09–12 Atlanta Service Center SSN usage count
06 19–23 Service Center literal
06 25–28 Service Center SSN usage count
06 35–39 Service Center literal
06 41–44 Fresno Service Center SSN usage count
06 51–55 Service Center literal
06 57–60 Memphis Service Center SSN usage count
06 67–71 Service Center literal
06 73–76 Philadelphia Service Center SSN usage count
08 01–80 literal
09 01–80 literal
10 01–80 literal
11 01–80 literal
12–21 01–09 Abused SSN
12–21 12–21 File Location Code, either Service Center abbreviation or ITIN Status abbreviation, as appropriate.
12–21 25 System ID
12–21 30-32 Date added (Julian date). NOTE: Dates greater than 366 indicate the record was manually added in a subsequent year after the processing year has ended.
12–21 37–45 Primary SSN
12–21 49 Filing Status Code
12–21 57 Dependent Status Indicator
12–21 63–66 SSN Source Code
12–21 70–72 Reversal Date (if significant, indicates Julian date when the TIN was reversed due to tax return being rejected.)
12–21 77 Priority Code
24 22–25 Page number literal
24 27–29 Current screen number
24 31–32 Page literal
24 34–36 Total number of screens
24 49 Start of Message symbol
24 50–54 COMMAND CODE to retrieve additional screen
24 56–58 Next screen number

Command Code DUPPG Response Screen

Description: Screen layout to display additional page of abused SSN occurrences for requested TIN.

This is an Image: 28112228.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Line Position Description
01 01–05 Command Code: DUPOL
01 06 Command Code Definer (3, 4 or 5)
01 07–15 TIN (Unedited SSN)
01 16 TIN Type Code 'validity digit' (blank or * only)
01 29–50 Screen literal
03 01–80 literal
04 01–80 literal
05 01–80 literal
06 01–80 literal
07–20 01–09 Abused SSN
07–20 12–21 File Location Code, either Service Center abbreviation or ITIN Status abbreviation, as appropriate.
07–20 25 System ID
07–20 28–30 Date added (Julian date). NOTE: Dates greater than 366 indicate the record was manually added in a subsequent year after the processing year has ended
07–20 37–45 Primary SSN
07–20 49 Filing Status Code
07–20 57 Dependent Status Indicator
07–20 63–66 SSN Source Code
07–20 70–72 Reversal Date (if significant, indicates Julian date when the TIN was reversed due to tax return being rejected.)
07–20 77 Priority Code
22 01–78 Additional usage message
Note: Indicates if more than 24 records exist
24 22–25 Page number literal
24 27–29 Current screen number
24 31–32 Page literal
24 34–36 Total number of screens
24 49 Start of Message symbol
24 50–54 COMMAND CODE to retrieve additional screen
24 56–58 Next screen number

Command Code DUPOL Error Screen

Description: Screen layout for error messages.

This is an Image: 28112105.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Line Position Description
01 01–05 Command Code: DUPOL
01 06 Command Code Definer: (3, 4 or 5)
01 07–15 TIN (Unedited SSN)
01 16 TIN Type Code 'validity digit' (blank or * only)
01 27–48 Screen literal
01 60–69 Error date
22 01–70 Error message line 1:
    Possible responses:
      * SQL ERROR ENCOUNTERED: [error code]
23 01–70 Error message line 2
    Possible responses:
      [continued from above] EXAMPLE> DUPOLx WHERE x MUST BE 3, 4 or 5.