2.3.30 Command Code DAILY

Manual Transmittal

June 05, 2024


(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.30, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code DAILY.

Material Changes

(1) IRM Included mandatory internal control subsection

(2) IRM Updated stakeholder Wage & Investment (W&I) to reflect new name Taxpayer Services (TS).

(3) Editorial updates have been made throughout the IRM section.

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 2.3.30, dated December 11, 2012, is superseded.



Effective Date


Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. The Daily Transaction Register (DTR) is a listing of transactions which have newly appended to IDRS modules with open TDA’s or TDI’s. the register is printed in the Service Center after each daily or weekly update of IDRS.

  2. Purpose: Use CC DAILY to request a display of information from the current Daily Transaction Register (DTR) for the area office of the terminal on which CC DAILY is input.

  3. Audience: LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS.

  4. Policy Owner: Project Director-Dean, Information Technology

  5. Primary Stakeholders: This Command Code is for Field Offices use only.

  6. Program Owner: Taxpayer Services (TS) is responsible for the administration, procedures, and updates related to the program.

  7. Program Goals: Lists the transaction codes that may be input with the Transaction register, for the area office of the terminal.

  8. Contact Information: Applications Development, Internal Management, Im Sub Office, Account Services Branch


  1. This revision updates IRM 2.3.30 Command Code DAILY

  2. Command Code DAILY is a stand alone Database flat file that is loaded daily by DTR15. It is used as a inquiry only Command Code to list transactions which have newly appended to IDRS modules with open TDA’s or TDI’s.

  3. DTR’s displayed on Monday contain selected transactions which appended on IDRS on the previous Friday and from the week-end update.

  4. DTR’s displayed on Tuesday through Friday contain selected transactions from the previous day.

  5. This Command Code is for Field Office use only.

  6. Command Code DAILY accesses DTR0921 Record for Inquiry ONLY.


  1. The Assistant Regional Commissioner Collection will designate those remote sites which will use Command Code DAILY and will issue guidelines for Command Code use.

  2. FSP

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Users in Area Offices will use IRM 2.3.30 Command Code DAILY to request a display of information from the current Daily Transaction Register (DTR) for the area office of the terminal on which Command Code DAILY is input.

Program Management and Review

  1. Command Code DAILY are governed by SACS

  2. Managers will ensure that all policies and regulations are followed to ensure that the request

Programs Controls

  1. The IDRS programming ensures that all open balance due modules in a notice collection status are included when a request is submitted.


  1. Acronym Definition
    CC Command Code
    IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System
    IRM Internal Revenue Manual
    LMSB Large and Mid-size Business (also known as Large Business and International)
    TE/GE Tax Exempt and Government Entities
    SB/SE Small Business Self-Employed
    TS Taxpayer Services
    TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
    EIN Employer Identification Number
    PCAS Program Cost Accounting System
    MCC Microcomputer and Electronics Corporation
    TCC Treasury Command Center
    CC Command Code
    IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System
    IRM Internal Revenue Manual
    LMSB Large and Mid-size Business (also known as Large Business and International)
    TE/GE Tax Exempt and Government Entities
    SB/SE Small Business Self-Employed
    TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
    EIN Employer Identification Number
    PCAS Program Cost Accounting System
    MCC Microcomputer and Electronics Corporation
    TCC Treasury Command Center

Related Resources

  1. FSP

  2. Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) - IDRS Command Code Job Aid

  3. Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS)

General Command Code DAILY Information

  1. The Daily Transaction Register (DTR) is a listing of transactions which have newly appended to IDRS modules with open TDA's or TDI's. The register is printed in the Service Center after each daily or weekly update of IDRS.

    1. DTR's distributed (or displayed with CC DAILY) on Monday, contain selected transactions which appended to IDRS on the previous Friday.

    2. DTR's distributed (or displayed with CC DAILY) on Tuesday, contain selected transactions which appended to IDRS on the previous day plus posted transactions from the weekend update.

    3. DTR's distributed (or displayed with CC DAILY) on Wednesday, through Friday contain selected transactions which appended to IDRS on the previous day.

  2. The DTR data for a particular area office is also available on IDRS terminals located in that office. The display is available on the day following the daily or weekly update in which the transactions appended or posted.

  3. The Assistant Regional Commissioner Collection will designate those remote sites which will use CC DAILY and will issue guidelines for Command Code use.

Command Code DAILY

  1. Use CC DAILY to request a display of information from the current Daily Transaction Register (DTR) for the area office of the terminal on which CC DAILY is input. This Command Code is for Field Office use only.

Transaction Selection Criteria

  1. Transaction Selection Criteria

    1. For TDI, only certain transactions are selected for the DTR: those which update name and/or address or which recall a tax period or the entire TDI.

    2. For TDA, all transactions are selected for tax modules which were in TDA status at the end of the last weekend TDA analysis with the following exceptions:

    000 019 072 123 142 420 431 537 583 936 994
    001 020 080 125 147 421 432 550 586 950 995
    002 023 081 126 148 422 474 560 901 951 998
    003 024 082 127 149 423 475 564 902 952 999
    005 025 090 130 154 424 510 570 903 984  
    006 026 091 131 157 425 516 571 904 986  
    007 053 092 136 159 427 517 572 920 990  
    012 060 120 137 246 428 530 576 922 991  
    016 070 121 140 380 429 531 577 930 992  
    017 071 122 141 386 430 532 582 932 993  

  2. The following transactions are always suppressed from the DTR

    1. Transactions input with an IDRS Command Code using Transaction Register Indicator of "1"

    2. Any TC 670 for zero (.00) amount

    3. Transactions with Document Code 18 or 28 processed through local Service Center pipeline (DDES).

  3. A transaction selected for the DTR while in pending status will be reissued on the DTR if the pending status code is updated to a deleted pending status of DQ, DU, DP or DN as a result of corrective action.

  4. Assessment transactions for IMF, BMF, EPMF and IRAF TDA modules will not be selected for the DTR until they have posted to their respective master files and received the generated assessment date. These include tax penalty and interest assessments.

Command Code DAILY Input Display

Input Display

This is an Image: 28143513.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Record Element Description:

Item Line Position Description and Validity
(See below)

  1. Enter the last four digits of the TDA/TDI Employee Assignment Number in screen positions 7 through 10, to request the DTR information applicable to specific employee.

  2. Enter the fifth and sixth digits of the TDA/TDI Employee Assignment Number in screen positions 7 and 8, leave screen positions 9 and 10 blank, to request DTR information applicable to a specific office group.

  3. Leave screen positions 7 through 10 blank, to request DTR information for the entire Area Office.

Terminal Response:

  1. Error Messages—Displayed on line 24, except where noted.

    1. NO TRANSACTIONS—There are no transactions in the Daily Transaction Register Record that match the input Group Designation.

    2. GROUP DESIGNATION INVALID—The input Group Designation is not in one of the formats specified in (2) above. Correct and reinput.

    3. DTRF NOT AVAILABLE—The Daily Transaction Register File has not been loaded into IDRS.

    4. BOOK LIMIT REACHED/ALL TRANS NOT SHOWN—The terminal will display no more than 999 pages. If the number of pages of data for the input Group Designation exceeds 999, this message will appear on line 12 of page 999. This message applies to system maximum capacity far exceeding maximum pages that will be available under guidelines for the use of this command code. Notify Resident Program Analyst of the problem.

    5. PF TOO BIG BREAK INTO MULT PF IF POS.—(Page File too big. Break into Multiple page files if possible.) This message applies to maximum system capacity far exceeding maximum pages that will be allowed. Notify Resident Program Analyst of the problem.

    6. INVALID DEFINER—The character following DAILY (sixth position) is not blank on the input screen.

    7. For other error messages see Standard Validity Criteria IRM 2.3 Section 8.

  2. Valid Response: The valid response is a display of information from the current Daily Transaction Register. The format for the response depends on whether the input Group Designation is for a specific Employee (see (2)(a) above) or for a specific Group (see (2)(a) above) or for an entire Area Office (see (2)(a) above).

Command Code DAILY Output Display

Valid Response for input Group Designations

  1. The terminal displays transactions appended to modules having TDA/TDI Assignment Numbers which match the input Group Designation. Within any Group Designation transactions are in order of the TDA/TDI Assignment Number. Thus, if the input Group Designation is all blanks (a blank matches any number in the last four digits of the eight digit TDA/TDI Assignment Number) transactions for the Office Groups with "00" or "8n" (n= any numeric) in the fifth and sixth positions of the TDA/TDI Assignment Number will precede those for Field Groups. The Group Designation displayed on line one of the screen will show the last four digits of the TDA/TDI Assignment Number and will change as transactions are displayed for sub-groups or individual employees within a group. A new page begins whenever the TDA/TDI Assignment Number changes.

  2. Transactions are displayed in the following order:
    By TDA/TDI Assignment Number
    Within TDA/TDI Assignment Number by Type of Case (TDA before (TDI)
    Within Type of Case by File (MF before all others)
    Within File by Cycle of Issuance
    Within Cycle of Issuance by Name Control
    Within Name Control by TIN
    Within TIN by Transaction Type (Entity transactions before Tax transactions)

    For Group Designations with other than "800" or "8n" (n=any numeric) in the fifth and sixth positions of the TDA/TDI Assignment Number there is no sort by Cycle of Issuance; Cycle of Issuance is present only for Office Branch assignments.

  3. Line 24 is reserved for paging information. To expedite printing the end-of-line symbol is automatically displayed in the first position of every blank line and after the last character of every partially filled line.

Output Display and Descriptions

  1. Output Display—TAX MODULE

This is an Image: 28143514.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Record Element Description:
Item Line Position Description
1 1 1–5 Command Code " DAILY"
  2 1–18 Literal
2 2 19–22 BRANCH/EMPLOYEE —Same as input
  2 23 HYPHEN (-)
3 2 24–27 AREA OFFICE and TERRITORY OFFICE codes generated from terminal input Format AOTO
  2 37–48 Literal "TRANSACTIONS "
  2 60–64 Literal
4 2 65–74 DATE. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. This date is today's date, whereas the printed DTR carries the prior workday's date.
  4 2–11 Literal
5 4 12–14 TYPE OF CASE . "TDA" OR "TDI"
  4 17–28 Literal
6 4 29–34 CYCLE OF ISSUANCE . If present, Format is "YYYYCC" . Else—blank. See Note 2 below.
  4 38–45 Literal
7 4 46–49 NAME CONTROL
  4 53–56 Literal
8 4 57–68 TIN and FILE SOURCE
9 4 73–77 PDT INDICATOR. Blank if no determination made, else *PDT*.
  5 1–20 Literal
10 5 21 RETURN CONDITION CODE. "F" , if present Otherwise blank. BMF only
  6 1–7 Literal
11 6 8 TDI CODE
      0=No TDI
      1=Open TDI
      2=Closed TDI
      9=Account Consolidation
  6 30–42 Literal
12 6 43–77 PRIMARY NAME
  A 1–4 Literal
13 A 5–6 MFT
  A 8–14 Literal
14 A 15–20 TAX PERIOD Format is "YYYYMM" . "0000" if Form 706
  A 22–29 Literal
15 A 30–32 PLAN NUMBER is displayed for EPMF accounts.
  A 34–48 Literal
16 A 49–50 CURRENT STATUS See Note 3 below
  A 52–64 Literal
  B 1–20 Literal
18 B 21–24 PENDING TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION CODE. Three blanks identify a posted transaction
  B 27–29 Literal
  B 36–44 Literal
20 B 45–52 TRANSACTION DATE Format is "MMDDYY" .
  B 56–62 Literal
21 B 63–80 TRANSACTION AMOUNT See Note 4 below
  C 58–70 Literal
  D 37–47 Literal
23 D 48–49 CLOSING CODE See Note 5 below
  D 53–63 Literal
24 D 64–66 PENALTY CODE . Present for TC240 transactions only.
1 A line is left blank after the last transaction displayed for an entity or tax module.
2 CYCLE OF ISSUANCE is present only for TDA/TDI ASSIGNMENT NUMBER nnnn00nn or nnnn8nnn transactions. Never present for TDA Entity Module Transactions
3 CURRENT STATUS is present only for TDA Tax Module Transactions. Shows status as of most recent daily or weekly status update, for a research guide
4 TRANSACTION AMOUNT is present only for Standard type transactions.
5 CLOSING CODE is only present for TC 47x type transactions.
6 Literals will be printed only when significant data is present.

Command Code DAILY Response

Output Display—ENTITY MODULE

This is an Image: 28143515.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Record Element Description:
Item Line Position Description
  2 1–18 Literal
2 2 19–22 BRANCH/EMPLOYEE —Same as input
  2 23 HYPHEN (-)
3 2 24–27 AREA OFFICE and TERRITORY OFFICE codes generated from terminal input Format AOTO
  2 37–48 Literal "TRANSACTIONS "
  2 60–64 Literal
4 2 65–74 DATE. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. This date is today's date, whereas the printed DTR carries the prior workday's date.
  4 2–11 Literal
5 4 12–14 TYPE OF CASE. "TDA" or "TDI"
  4 17–28 Literal
6 4 29–34 CYCLE OF ISSUANCE . If present, Format is "YYYYCC" . Else—blank. See Note 2 below.
  4 38–45 Literal
7 4 46–49 NAME CONTROL
  4 53–56 Literal
8 4 57–68 TIN and FILE SOURCE
9 4 73–77 PDT INDICATOR . Blank if no determination made, else *PDT*.
  5 1–20 Literal
10 5 21 RETURN CONDITION CODE. "F" , if present Otherwise blank. BMF only
  6 1–7 Literal
11 6 8 TDI CODE
      0=No TDI
      1=Open TDI
      2=Closed TDI
      9=Account Consolidation
  6 30–42 Literal
12 6 43–77 PRIMARY NAME
  A 1–20 Literal
13 A 21–24 PENDING TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION CODE. Three blanks identify a posted transaction.
  A 27–29 Literal
  A 38–46 Literal
15 A 47–54 TRANSACTION DATE Format is "MMDDYYYY" .
  B 1–12 Literal
16 B 13–16 NEW NAME CONTROL —If NEW NAME LINE is present
  B 19–29 Literal
17 B 30–33 NAME LINE YEAR (IMF only)—IF NEW NAME LINE is present
  B 36–44 Literal
18 B 45–79 NEW NAME LINE up to 4 lines will be displayed if necessary
  C 34–44 Literal
  D 36–44 Literal
20 D 45–66 NEW CITY
  D 69–74 Literal
21 D 75–76 STATE
  E 64–67 Literal
22 E 68–79 NEW ZIP CODE
  F 1–8 Literal
23 F 9–20 NEW TIN with FILE SOURCE
1. A line is left blank after the last transaction displayed for an account.
2. CYCLE OF ISSUANCE is present only for TDA/TDI ASSIGNMENT NUMBERS nnnn00nn and nnnn8nnn transactions.
3. Elements 16 through 23 are present only if change type transaction and even then they may not all be present.
4. Literals will be printed only if significant data is present.