Where to file your taxes for Form SS-4 | Internal Revenue Service

Where to file your taxes for Form SS-4


Mail or fax Form SS-4:

If your principal business, office or agency, or legal residence in the case of an individual, is located in: Mail or Fax Form SS-4 to:
One of the 50 states or the District of Columbia

Internal Revenue Service
Attn:  EIN Operation
Cincinnati, OH 45999

Fax: 855-641-6935

If you have no legal residence, principal place of business, or principal office or agency in any state:

Internal Revenue Service
Attn:  EIN International Operation
Cincinnati, OH  45999

Fax: 855-215-1627 (within the U.S.)

Fax: 304-707-9471 (outside the U.S.)