Cross Border Activities Questionnaire (CBAQ) submission process for new applicants


Application CBAQ

A taxpayer applicant, not previously accepted to the CAP program, must submit an Application CBAQ, which will be used to help determine suitability for the program. Taxpayers should respond to the questions for the Application CBAQ based solely on source data from the last filed tax return and ignore any references to planned or anticipated information for the current CAP year.

When applying to the 2025 CAP cycle, a calendar year taxpayer should submit a CBAQ based on the last filed Form 1120. For example, if the taxpayer applies to the CAP program for the 2025 tax year on October 31, 2024, the taxpayer will base the CBAQ on the Form 1120 for the tax year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed on October 15, 2024.