New York tax workshops, meetings and seminars | Internal Revenue Service

New York tax workshops, meetings and seminars


If you live near a state line, please look for tax workshops, meetings and seminars in nearby cities of the bordering state.

Filing season 2025 – Filing 2024 tax year return

This event will be delivered in person by Jacqueline Kelly-Myers, SL at the Parma Library. The purpose of the presentation is to inform, educate and prepare taxpayers with the all the information necessary to file accurate and timely returns. The SL will briefly discuss the various credits and refer taxpayers to the publications for additional information. Lastly, the SL will discuss the various ways to file returns for free, including Free File and Direct File.

Attendees will be given the publication numbers where they can access and download the publications from our website; (Pub 4995-A, Pub 5348, Pub 5776 and Pub 5917).

Registration is not required.

Sponsored by: Parma Library


Date: April 4, 2025
Time: 2-4 p.m.
Location: Parma Library, 7 West Ave, Hilton, New York 14467

FS 2025 Filing season readiness – Dirty Dozen tax scams

Stakeholder Liaison has been asked to present on the compiled annually, the Dirty Dozen lists a variety of common scams that taxpayers can encounter anytime. The IRS warns taxpayers, tax professionals and financial institutions to beware of these scams. Many of these schemes peak during filing season as people prepare their tax returns. In reality, these scams can occur throughout the year as fraudsters look for ways to steal money, personal information, data and more.

Contact: Nicole Guenkel; Phone: 914-721-8223; Email:
Sponsored by: Greenburgh Public Library


Date: April 1, 2025
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: Greenburgh Public Library, 300 Tarrytown Rd., Elmsford, New York 10523

FS 2025 Filing season readiness – How to get ready to file

York College is hosting a virtual meeting on Zoom, conducted by the Internal Revenue Service to learn about "How to get ready to File.” IRS Stakeholder Liaison will target the low-to-moderate and underserved taxpayers along with the organizations that work with these taxpayers. We hope to help taxpayers and organizations prepare correct and accurate tax returns involving individual tax credits.

During this session participants will learn about

  • The Advance Child Tax Credit and 2021 Child Tax Credit
  • The importance of filing electronically, having refunds direct deposited and using the “Where is My Refund” tool
  • Free tax services offered by the Volunteer Individual Tax Assistance and The Low-Income Tax Clinic programs.

Registration: Meeting Registration - Zoom.
Sponsored by: NYSBDC- York College (CUNY)

Date: April 1, 2025
Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Location: Virtual

Tax workshop for self-employed filers

This workshop provides free tax preparation services for gig workers, freelancers and small business owners who often face barriers to filing taxes and managing financial recordkeeping. In addition to providing annual and quarterly estimated tax filling preparation assistance, new workshops and one-on-one consultations will help the growing number of New Yorkers who perform gig and freelance work to learn the basics of tax filing and recordkeeping best practices as self-employed. IRS resource material and links will be shared with attendees during the workshop.

Contact: Lilliam Arias; Phone: 212-436-0152; Email:
Registration: Visit the Grow Brooklyn site to register.
Sponsored by: New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) and Grow Brooklyn


Date(s): Various dates offered. Visit the Grow Brooklyn registration site for specific dates.
Time: Varies. Visit the Grow Brooklyn registration site for specific times.
Location: Virtual