Electronically or by mail – Need an IRS tax form or publication? The easiest way to obtain them is by using your computer. You can download and print forms and publications or order them from our Forms and publications by U.S. Mail page. For employer and information returns, visit Online ordering for information returns and employer returns.
By phone – You can also order forms and publications by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676). To expedite your call, make a list of what you need before you call. If a product isn't available when you place your order, we'll send it as soon as it becomes available. There is no need to place another order.
If you call or write to order forms, please request items by their form or publication number, not by their titles. You should receive your order within 10-15 business days.
In person – You can also find a variety of common forms at many libraries during the filing season and they can also assist in printing tax forms from our website year-round. Local IRS offices carry limited numbers of commonly requested forms, such as Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return PDF. They don't carry Form W-2, Form W-3, Form W-4, or Form 1099 series.
Accessible IRS tax products – Check Accessible forms & publications for accessible versions for people with disabilities.