Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself — Summer 2024 | Internal Revenue Service

Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself — Summer 2024

The Internal Revenue Service and the Security Summit partners remind tax professionals to stay alert against new and ongoing threats of tax-related identity theft this summer.

In its ninth year, the “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself — 2024” campaign is aimed at increasing awareness among tax professionals on ways to shield themselves and their clients from identity theft and security threats. This can help protect sensitive taxpayer data that tax professionals have while also protecting their business from identity thieves.

Identity thieves are taking numerous approaches to steal sensitive information from tax professionals. This includes posing as new clients; using phishing emails to trick people into sharing Central Authorization File information as well elaborate schemes involving calling and texting. Tax professionals need to be on the lookout to avoid falling prey to these attacks, which threaten not just their clients but their businesses.

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