American Sign Language (ASL) videos | Internal Revenue Service

Videos are hosted on the IRS YouTube channel.

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ABLE accounts (ASL) Text 1:56
Amending a return (ASL) Text 2:34
Audits by mail–What to do? (ASL) Text 5:01
Changed your name after marriage or divorce? (ASL)  Text 1:32
Choose a tax preparer wisely (ASL) Text 4:06
Day camp and other child care expenses (ASL) Text 2:23
Direct deposit for your tax refund (ASL) Text 1:36
Dirty dozen (ASL) Text 0:47
Do I need to fill out a new W-4? (ASL) Text 2:55

Do-it-yourself free tax preparation (ASL)

Text 2:33
Don’t fall for Employee Retention Credit scams (ASL) Text 1:35
Don’t fall for tax scams about the Child Tax Credit (ASL) Text 2:58
Earned Income Tax Credit—Get it right (ASL) Text 3:44
Easy steps to protect your computer and phone (ASL) Text 1:18
Education tax credits (ASL)  Text 3:13
Employee achievement awards (ASL) Text 1:46
Estimated tax payments (ASL) Text 3:49
Extension of time to file (ASL) Text 2:19
File your IRS tax return electronically for free (ASL) Text 2:52

First time filing a tax return? (ASL)

Text 5:25
Five things to know about the employer identification number (ASL) Text 3:05
For deaf users of relay services (ASL) Text 1:20
Form 1023-EZ (ASL) Text 1:32
Free help preparing your tax return (ASL) Text 1:28
Gambling winnings and losses (ASL) Text 2:07
Get an identity protection PIN (ASL) Text 2:33
Getting married? (ASL) Text 4:12
Gift tax (ASL) Text 1:47
Health care law: Are you an applicable large employer? (ASL) Text 3:36
Health care law: Employer shared responsibility payments (ASL) Text 2:39
Health care law: Highlights for applicable large employers (ASL) Text 2:51
Health care law: Highlights for self-insured employers (ASL) Text 2:32
Health care law: Information reporting for self-insured employers (ASL) Text 4:10
Help for taxpayers (ASL) Text 2:50
Here’s how to avoid IRS text message scams (ASL) Text 4:18
Here’s what to do if you must close your business (ASL) Text 1:44
Here’s what to do if you owe taxes, but can’t pay (ASL) Text 1:15
How to avoid tax scams (ASL) Text 2:47
How to pay your taxes (ASL) Text 4:47
Interactive Tax Assistant (ASL)  Text 1:50
IRA/Retirement plan 60-day rollover waivers (ASL) Text 1:23
IRS letter CP2000: Proposed changes to your tax return (ASL) Text 4:05
IRS letter CP3219A: Statutory notice of deficiency (ASL) Text 3:53
IRS phone scams (ASL) Text 1:21
IRS Small business self-employed tax center (ASL) Text 6:29
IRS tax calendar (ASL) Text 1:45
IRS tax help for people with disabilities (ASL) Text 3:10
Is Social Security taxable? (ASL) Text 3:28
Is this the year you file your tax return electronically? (ASL) Text 1:27
Miscellaneous income (ASL) Text 2:30
Missing W-2 (ASL) Text 2:05
Mortgage interest deduction (ASL) Text 2:50
Need a payment plan? Consider using the Online Payment Agreement Application (ASL) Text 3:26
Options for paying your federal taxes (ASL) Text 3:28
Organizing files for correspondence exams (ASL) Text 4:03
Owe taxes but can’t pay? (ASL) Text 3:13
Part-time and seasonal jobs (ASL) Text 2:40
Pay with cash at a retail partner (ASL) Text 3:09
Premium Tax Credit: Changes in circumstances - Introduction (ASL) Text 2:16
Preparing for disasters (ASL) Text 2:13
Protect your identity (ASL) Text 2:20
Received a letter from the IRS regarding Form 944 (ASL) Text 2:13
Refund: Claim it or lose it (ASL) Text 3:19
Renting your vacation home (ASL) Text 2:33
Six reasons why you should file your taxes electronically (ASL) Text 5:04
Small Business Health Care Tax Credit (ASL) Text 3:31
Some taxpayers can file their employment taxes annually (ASL) Text 2:36
Tax credits for families (ASL) Text 3:08
Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS) (ASL) Text 1:51
Tax filing status (ASL) Text 3:17
Tax return errors - Tips to avoid them (ASL) Text 4:19
Tax scams via video relay service (ASL) Text 3:18
Taxable and nontaxable income (ASL) Text 2:54
Understanding tax terms for American Sign Language interpreters, part 1 (ASL) Text 3:45
Understanding tax terms for American Sign Language interpreters, part 2 (ASL) Text 2:51
Understanding tax terms for American Sign Language interpreters, part 3 (ASL) Text 3:29
W-2 scam (ASL) Text 2:41
When will i get my refund? (ASL) Text 4:15
Where’s my tax refund? (ASL) Text 2:46
Your taxes in the sharing economy (ASL) Text 2:45