Emergency Rental Assistance Frequently Asked Questions | Internal Revenue Service

Section 501, Division N, of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, enacted December 27, 2020, allows States and political subdivisions, U.S. territories, Indian Tribes, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (“Distributing Entity”) to use certain funds allocated by the Department of the Treasury to provide financial assistance to households to pay rent, utilities, home energy expenses, and other related expenses.  Section 3201 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, enacted March 11, 2021, appropriates additional funds for States, political subdivisions, and U.S. territories to provide financial assistance to households to pay rent, utilities, home energy expenses, and other related expenses. Payments under either provision are referred to as “Emergency Rental Assistance” in the following questions and answers.

A1. No. Emergency Rental Assistance payments made to eligible households are not considered income to members of the household.

A2. No. Emergency Rental Assistance payments, including payments for utilities or home energy expenses, made to eligible households are not considered income to members of the household.

A4. Yes. Emergency Rental Assistance is intended to help eligible households that require financial assistance to pay for rent, utilities, home energy expenses, and other related expenses, and the payments are excluded from income only for those households.  Rental payments you receive, whether from your tenant or from a Distributing Entity on your tenant’s behalf through an Emergency Rental Assistance program, are includible in your gross income.

A5. Yes. Emergency Rental Assistance is intended to help eligible households that require financial assistance to pay for rent, utilities, home energy expenses, and other related expenses, and the payments are excluded from income only for those households.  Utility payments your company receives, whether from a customer or from a Distributing Entity on the customer’s behalf through an Emergency Rental Assistance program, are includible in your company’s gross income.