Industries, professions and business tax centers | Internal Revenue Service

On this page

The following tax centers have been developed to help you quickly find information related to your particular area of interest, industry or profession on one page.

If you wish to establish a tax center on your website, simply pick and choose from the short descriptions and links below and incorporate these links and descriptions on your website.

Business tax centers

Small business and self-employed tax center

The links on this page provide important information for all small businesses and self-employed individuals.

Self-employed individuals tax center

The links on this page provide basic information to individuals who are self-employed independent contractors.

Tax professionals

The links on this page provide information such as Service wide Key Messages, Circular 230, and the Tax Gap for Tax Professionals.

Large Business and International tax center

The Large Business and International (LB&I) Division serves corporations, subchapter S corporations, and partnerships with assets greater than $10 million. This tax center includes information regarding LB & I programs and resources.

Disaster assistance and emergency relief for individuals and businesses

Special tax law provisions may help taxpayers and businesses recover financially from the impact of a disaster, especially when the president declares their location to be a major disaster area. Depending on the circumstances, the IRS may grant additional time to file returns and pay taxes.

Industry specific tax centers

Agriculture tax center

Links to agriculture-related topics such as tax tips, financial resources, trends and statistics, forms, and more.

Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs)

The Audit Techniques Guides (ATG) focus on developing highly trained examiners for a particular market segment. These Guides contain examination techniques, common and unique industry issues, business practices, industry terminology and other information to assist examiners in performing examinations.

Automotive tax center

The links on this page provide information such as tax tips and trends and statistics for the Automotive industry.

Cannabis industry

Guidance for taxpayers in the cannabis industry and marijuana businesses.

Child and adult care tax center

The Child and Adult Care Tax Center contains links to child and adult care related topics such as the Child Care Provider Audit Techniques Guide, forms, publications, and related links.

Gig economy tax center

Find links on this page useful if you use online platforms to provide car rides, rent a spare bedroom, or to connect and provide a number of other goods or services. The sharing economy is also referred to as the on-demand, gig or access economy.

Indoor tanning services tax center

This is a one-stop page for indoor tanning service providers, containing information on filing and paying the indoor tanning excise tax. This excise tax is part of the Affordable Care Act.

Information for industries where tips are customary

The links on this page provide information for all industries that deal with tip income and reporting tips.

Money services business information center

Businesses offering check cashing, money orders, travelers checks, money transfers, currency dealing or exchange, and pre-paid access (formerly stored value) products are Money Services Businesses and are subject to Bank Secrecy Act requirements.

Payroll professionals tax center - Information for payroll professionals and their clients

Information for payroll professionals and their clients. This page includes links to information on employment taxes, worker classification, electronic filing, employment tax related forms and publications, news and events, and more.

Real estate tax center

The links on this page provide information such as tax tips and trends and statistics for the real estate industry.

Restaurants tax center

The links on this page provide information such as tax tips and trends and statistics for the restaurant industry.

Trucking tax center

This page provides the latest information on Form 2290 and 2290 e-file.