Strategic planning, budgeting, servicewide policies, delegations of authority and functional statements.
Processing paper returns, electronic submissions, tax payments, and refunds.
Examination activities relating to small business, self-employed, large and mid-size businesses, employee plans, exempt organizations and government entities.
Activities related to collecting delinquent taxes and securing delinquent tax returns.
Policies, guidelines, and procedures related to workforce issues such as training, hiring, personnel matters and labor relations.
Pre-filing agreements, private letter rulings, technical advice, determination letters, and compliance programs.
Administrative appeals process involving taxpayers’ disputes with the IRS.
Criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes.
All security, safeguard, assurances and privacy information.
Internal and external communications, governmental liaison and disclosure, legislative affairs, and public liaison activities.
Processes and activities that assist taxpayers who encounter problems not resolved through normal IRS systemic and/or business processes.
Assessment and abatement of penalties and interest.
Customer technical and account inquiries received via telephone, email, other written correspondence and walk-in service.
Processes and activities associated with customer outreach in the operating divisions.
Processes and procedures that apply to and are used by employees of more than one operating division or function.