Taxpayer Bill of Rights outlines rights for all taxpayers

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IRS Tax Tip 2019-31, March 27, 2019

This is the first tip in a two-part summary of the rights granted to all taxpayers.

Every taxpayer has rights when dealing with the IRS. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights takes these rights from the tax code and groups them into 10 categories. To help taxpayers interacting with the IRS understand their rights, the agency outlines them in Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer.

Here are the first five rights along with more information about each one:

The Right to Be Informed. Taxpayers have the right to know how to comply with tax laws. They are entitled to clear explanations of the laws and IRS procedures. Taxpayers have the right to know about IRS decisions affecting their accounts with clear explanations of the outcomes.

The Right to Quality Service. Taxpayers have the right to receive prompt, courteous and professional assistance when dealing with the IRS. They also have the right to speak with a supervisor about inadequate service. Communications from the IRS should be clear and easy to understand.

The Right to Pay No More Than the Correct Amount of Tax. Taxpayers must pay only the amount of tax legally due. This includes interest and penalties. The IRS must apply all tax payments properly.

The Right to Challenge the IRS’s Position and Be Heard. Taxpayers have the right to object to formal IRS actions or proposed actions. They can also provide justification with additional documentation. Taxpayers can expect the IRS to consider timely objections and documentation promptly and fairly. Taxpayers can expect a response when the IRS disagrees with the taxpayer’s position.

The Right to Appeal an IRS Decision in an Independent Forum. Taxpayers are entitled to a fair and impartial appeal of most IRS decisions. This includes appealing certain penalties. Taxpayers have the right to receive a written response from the IRS regarding a decision. Taxpayers generally have the right to take their case to court.

The IRS will include Publication 1 when sending a notice to taxpayers on a variety of issues, such as an audit or collection matter. Publication 1 is available in English and Spanish. All IRS facilities publicly display the rights for taxpayers.

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