Tools to help people get their Economic Impact Payment | Internal Revenue Service

Tools to help people get their Economic Impact Payment

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COVID Tax Tip 2020-48, April 30, 2020

The IRS has two tools to help millions of taxpayers with their Economic Impact Payment. The payments are $1,200 per eligible person and up to $500 for each qualifying child.

The first tool, Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here is available – in English and Spanish - for certain taxpayers who don't normally need to file a return. This free tool allows them to enter basic information so the IRS can issue their payment. The second tool, Get My Payment allows people to check the status of their payment and provide bank account information if a payment has not been scheduled for delivery.

Who needs to use Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here?

  • Taxpayers with low- or no-income: Those who don't normally file a tax return include those with little or no income. This includes single filers who made under $12,200 and married couples who made less than 24,400 in 2019.
  • Taxpayers who receive federal benefits: Eligible SSI and veterans' beneficiaries who usually don't file a tax return don't need to provide information to get a $1,200 payment automatically. However, VA and SSI benefit recipients who don't normally file a tax return and have children should use the free tool by May 5. This will add the $500 per qualifying child under 17 to the automatic payments. If they miss the May 5 deadline, they will have to file a tax return next year for 2020 to receive the $500 per child.
  • Married individuals must provide additional information for their spouse to claim the full $2,400 payment if their spouse didn't receive SSA, SSDI, RRB, SSI or VA benefits in 2019 and didn’t have to file a tax return in the last two years. They need to provide this information using the Non-Filer tool before the payment is scheduled otherwise, their payment at this time will be $1,200.

Should these groups use the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool?

  • Taxpayers who have already filed or who are required to file a 2019 tax return should not use this tool. Using this tool will NOT speed up their Economic Impact Payment and will likely slow down processing of their tax return and receiving any refund.
  • People who already received their payment, even if they did not receive the full amount, should not use this tool.
  • Those who can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's 2019 tax return are not eligible for the Payment and should not use the tool.

How to use Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here

The process is simple, and it only takes a few minutes to complete and submit the request for their Economic Impact Payment. First, taxpayers should visit and go to Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here. Then provide basic information. The IRS will use this information to confirm the taxpayer's eligibility, calculate, and send them a payment.

No tax will be owed on Economic Income Payments. It will not reduce a taxpayer's refund or increase the amount owed when on the 2020 tax return filed next year. It will not affect income for purposes of determining eligibility for federal government assistance or benefit programs.

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