These videos will help taxpayers learn more about how tax reform affects their taxes | Internal Revenue Service

These videos will help taxpayers learn more about how tax reform affects their taxes

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IRS Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-196, December 19, 2018

The IRS has several videos that can help individual and business taxpayers learn more about the tax reform legislation. The IRS posts these videos on the IRS Video Portal and to their YouTube channel. Aside from these sites, the IRS offers tax reform information on its other social media channels, such as Twitter and their new Instagram account. Taxpayers can visit the Multimedia Center on for links to all the agency’s social media sites.

Here are some of the tax reform videos taxpayers can watch on their computer or on their smartphone when they’re on the go.

IRS Video Portal

The IRS continues to produce and post videos to post on the Video Portal. These videos can help individual and business taxpayers better understand how the tax reform law affects them and their taxes. Taxpayers can check back throughout the year to find new videos.

  • Tax Reform Basics for Employers
    This provides an overview of tax reform changes for employers. Topics covered include changes to employer credit for family and medical leave, employee achievement awards, and qualified transportation fringe benefits.
  • Tax Reform Basics for Individuals and Families
    Addresses tax reform changes that affect individual taxpayers. Topics include standard deductions, personal exemptions, itemized deductions, and the child tax credit.
  • Understanding How to Use the IRS Withholding Calculator to Check & Correct Withholding
    This video explains why many taxpayers may need to change their withholding. It also helps tax professionals understand how to use the IRS withholding calculator to help taxpayers change their withholding.

IRS YouTube Channel

  • Paid Family and Medical Leave:  English
    If employers provide paid family and medical leave for their employees, they may be eligible for a tax credit. This video has more information about this credit.

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