IR-2018-193, Sept. 27, 2018 — The IRS is reminding taxpayers to beware of criminals who continue using devious tactics to steal money and personal information from unsuspecting victims, especially as the fall season approaches.
IR-2018-192, September 25, 2018 — The Internal Revenue Service has selected two new members for the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC).
IR-2018-191, Sept. 24, 2018 — Today the IRS announced that eligible employers who provide paid family and medical leave to their employees may qualify for a new business credit for tax years 2018 and 2019.
IR-2018-190, Sept. 21, 2018 — Employer payments or reimbursements in 2018 for employees’ moving expenses incurred prior to 2018 are excluded from the employee’s wages for income and employment tax purposes, the IRS announced today.
IR-2018-189, Sept. 18, 2018 - The Internal Revenue Service, in response to shortages of undyed diesel fuel caused by Hurricane Florence, will not impose a penalty when dyed diesel fuel is sold for use or used on the highway in the State of North Carolina.
IR-2018-188, Sept. 18, 2018 ― In the wake of Hurricane Florence, the IRS is reminding taxpayers that criminals and scammers try to take advantage of the generosity of taxpayers who want to help victims of major disasters.
IR-2018-187, Sept. 15, 2018 — Hurricane Florence victims in parts of North Carolina and elsewhere have until Jan. 31, 2019, to file certain individual and business tax returns and make certain tax payments, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2018-186, Sept. 13, 2018 — The Internal Revenue Service issued proposed regulations today (LINK) concerning global intangible low-taxed income, and related sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
IR-2018-185, Sept. 11, 2018 — The IRS and its Security Summit partners today reminded tax professionals that they should report data theft immediately and follow an established process for helping the IRS protect their clients.
IR-2018-184, Sept. 11, 2018 – With tax reform bringing major changes for the current tax year, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded small businesses, self-employed individuals, retirees, investors and others who need to pay their taxes quarterly that the third estimated tax payment for 2018 is due on Monday, Sept. 17, 2018.
IR-2018-183, September 10, 2018 — Because a natural disaster can strike any time, the IRS is reminding individuals and businesses to take time now and create or update their emergency preparedness plan.
IR-2018-182, Sept 10, 2018 – With the last third of the year now in full view, the IRS today reminded small business and self-employed taxpayers of the importance of meeting their tax obligations. Part of those obligations normally include making quarterly estimated tax payments.
IR-2018-181, Sept. 7, 2018 ― The IRS today announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning Oct. 1, 2018.
IR-2018-180, September 7, 2018 — With tax reform bringing major changes for the year ahead, the Internal Revenue Service today urged retirees to make sure they are paying in enough tax during the year by using the Withholding Calculator, available on
IR-2018-179, September 6, 2018 ― With nearly 10 million U.S. taxpayers facing a penalty for underpayment of estimated tax last year, the Internal Revenue Service urges taxpayers to plan ahead, understand their options and avoid the penalty when they file in early 2019.
IR-2018-178, Sept. 5, 2018 — Business taxpayers who make business-related payments to charities or government entities for which the taxpayers receive state or local tax credits can generally deduct the payments as business expenses, the Internal Revenue Service said today.
IR-2018-177, Sept. 4, 2018 — The IRS, state tax agencies and the tax industry today called on tax professionals to be alert to the subtle signs of data theft, noting continuing cases where practitioners are victims of theft and don’t even know it.
IR-2018-176, Sept. 4, 2018 – The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers they have until Sept. 28 to apply for the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP).
Find previous year news releases and fact sheets from 1997 through last month.