News Releases for March 2013 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for March 2013

Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.

IR-2013-35, March 28, 2013 — The IRS reminds taxpayers who turned 70½ during 2012 that in most cases, they must start receiving required minimum distributions (RMD) from individual retirement accounts (IRA) and workplace retirement plans by Monday, April 1, 2013.

IR-2013-34, March 28, 2013 — The IRS announced a nationwide expansion of a program that helps law enforcement get tax return data vital to their local efforts in investigating and prosecuting cases of identity theft.

IR-2013-33, March 26, 2013 — The IRS has issued its annual “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams, reminding taxpayers to use caution during tax season to protect themselves against a wide range of schemes ranging from identity theft to return preparer fraud.

IR-2013-32, March 25, 2013 — The IRS today released the 2012 IRS Data Book, a snapshot of agency activities for the fiscal year.

IR-2013-31, March 20, 2013 —The IRS is providing late-payment penalty relief to eligible individuals and businesses requesting a tax-filing extension because they are attaching to their returns forms that couldn’t be filed until after January.

IR-2013-30, March 15, 2013 — The IRS is seeking public comments on the development of a model memorandum of understanding between Competent Authorities on certain transfer pricing issues.

IR-2013-29, March 14, 2013 — Refunds totaling just over $917 million may be waiting for an estimated 984,400 taxpayers who did not file a federal income tax return for 2009.

IR-2013-28, March 12, 2013 — The IRS is seeking volunteers to serve on the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel, a federal advisory committee that listens to taxpayers, identifies key issues, and makes recommendations for improving services.

IR-2013-27, March 8, 2013— The IRS today announced that its Office of Professional Responsibility obtained the disbarment of enrolled agent Lorna M. Walker for stealing a client's tax payments and for preparing tax returns with false deductions for multiple clients.

IR-2013-26, March 6, 2013 — The IRS announced that the winter 2013 Statistics of Income Bulletin is available at It features preliminary data from more than 145 million individual income tax returns for tax year 2011.

IR-2013-25, March 4, 2013 — The IRS announced today that it has finished updating its tax-processing systems, allowing all remaining individual and business taxpayers to file their 2012 federal income tax returns.

IR-2013-24, March 1, 2013 — The IRS today announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning Apr. 1, 2013.

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