IR-2009-77, August 25, 2009 — The IRS announced availability of the summer 2009 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin, which features sole proprietorship data for tax year 2007.
IR-2009-76, Aug. 21, 2009 — The IRS now has channels on Youtube and iTunes featuring products to help taxpayers take full advantage of the 2009 tax provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
IR-2009-75, Aug. 19, 2009 — Agency to receive substantially all of the accounts it was seeking.
IR-2009-74, Aug. 17, 2009 — The IRS announced the second in a series of public forums will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 2, in Washington, D.C., and feature a panel of federal and state officials.
IR-2009-73, Aug. 14, 2009 — Interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning Oct. 1, 2009, will remain the same.
IR-2009-72, Aug. 13, 2009 — Time is running out for many small businesses wishing to take advantage of the expanded business loss carryback option included in this year’s recovery law.
IR-2009-71, August 4, 2009 — Summertime brings no relief from phony e-mails that claim to come from the IRS but which really come from scammers trying to steal the identity of the e-mail recipients.
IR-2009-70, Aug. 3, 2009 — The IRS is encouraging business taxpayers, associations and other interested parties to submit to the Industry Issue Resolution (IIR) Program tax issues for resolution that involve a controversy, dispute or an unnecessary burden on business taxpayers.
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