has the Latest Information for Taxpayers in Disaster Areas | Internal Revenue Service has the Latest Information for Taxpayers in Disaster Areas

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IRS Tax Tip Number 2017-69, Nov. 1, 2017

Taxpayers who live in an area affected by one of the many disasters this year can visit The website has details about tax relief that might benefit them. The Tax Relief in Disaster Situations page on has resources that can walk taxpayers through information related to these disasters:

The IRS also issues local news on the Tax Relief in Disaster Situations page. This includes frequently asked questions and news releases. For instance, taxpayers affected by the wildfires in California can find information about tax relief available to them.

Taxpayers who live in a federally declared disaster area who want to file a 2016 tax return electronically should do so by Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. These taxpayers will still be able to file paper tax returns after that date.

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