IRS holds special weekend events to help people who don’t normally file taxes get Child Tax Credit payments and Economic Impact Payments | Internal Revenue Service

IRS holds special weekend events to help people who don’t normally file taxes get Child Tax Credit payments and Economic Impact Payments

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Friday, Saturday events in 12 cities held to support eligible families

IR-2021-146, July 7, 2021

Note: More events coming soon.

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service and partners in non-profit organizations, churches, community groups and others will host events in 12 cities this weekend to help people who don't normally file a federal tax return to register for the monthly Advance Child Tax Credit (AdvCTC) payments.

The special events PDF by IRS and partner groups to help people quickly file income tax returns and register for the advance payments will take place July 9-10, 2021. Events will be held in Atlanta, New York, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Phoenix, St. Louis and Washington, DC/Maryland.

"This is part of a wider effort by the IRS to reach as many people as possible who don't file a tax return but may be eligible for the Child Tax Credit and Economic Impact Payments," said Ken Corbin, IRS Wage and Investment Commissioner and the agency's Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer. "We encourage people to share this information widely and encourage those who need help to visit these locations."

With the help of a new Non-filer Sign-up Tool on the IRS website, volunteers and IRS employees will assist eligible individuals and families get these important tax credits and benefits. This tool, an update of last year's IRS Non-Filers tool, is also designed to help individuals register for the $1,400 third round of Economic Impact Payments (also known as stimulus checks) and claim the Recovery Rebate Credit for any amount of the first two rounds of Economic Impact Payments they may have missed. Individuals do not need to have children to attend these events and sign up for Economic Impact Payments.

People can check their eligibility for the AdvCTC payments by using the new Advance Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant.

For this weekend's events, to make the sign-up process go quickly and smoothly, people are encouraged to have the following information when they come to one of these events:

  1. Social Security numbers for their children,
  2. Social Security numbers or Tax Identification Numbers for themselves and their spouse,
  3. a reliable mailing address,
  4. an email address, and
  5. their bank account information if they want to receive their payment by direct deposit.

The IRS is also planning to do additional events in the future as well as work with partners inside and outside the tax community to share information as widely as possible to people who may be eligible for Child Tax Credits and the Economic Impact Payments. This is part of a wider effort to raise awareness of the expanded Child Tax Credit, the IRS also encourages its partners to use available online tools and toolkits to help non-filers, low-income families and other underserved groups sign up to receive the AdvCTC.

Some tax credits, such as the Child Tax Credit (CTC), are "refundable," meaning that even if taxpayers don't owe income tax, the IRS will issue them a refund if they're eligible; but they must file a tax return or register with the new Non-filer Sign-up Tool to receive it. Some people who haven't filed a 2020 tax return yet are also eligible for the $1,400 per person Economic Impact Payments and the Recovery Rebate Credit.

The first monthly payments of the expanded and newly-advanceable CTC from the American Rescue Plan will be made starting July 15. Most families will begin receiving monthly payments without any additional action. Eligible families will receive a payment of up to $300 per month for each child under age 6, and up to $250 per month for each child ages 6 to 17.

People who need to file a 2020 federal income tax return, but are unable to attend one of these events, may be able to prepare and file their own federal income tax online using IRS Free File if their income is $72,000 or less.

People who don't need to file a 2020 federal tax return can also use the Non-filer Sign-up Tool to register to receive the advance CTC payments, the Third Round Economic Impact Payment, and the Recovery Rebate Credit.

The IRS encourages people to request payments via direct deposit, which is faster and more secure than other payment methods. People who don't have a bank account should visit the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation website for details on opening an account online. They can also use the FDIC's BankFind tool to locate an FDIC-insured bank.

Finally, BankOn, American Bankers Association, Independent Community Bankers of America and National Credit Union Administration have lists of banks and credit unions that can open an account online. Veterans can see the Veterans Benefits Banking Program for financial services at participating banks.

About the advance Child Tax Credit

The expanded and newly-advanceable Child Tax Credit was authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act, enacted in March. Normally, the IRS will calculate the payment based on a family's 2020 tax return, including those who use the Non-filer Sign-up Tool. If that return is not available because it has not yet been filed or is still being processed, the IRS will instead determine the initial payment amounts using the 2019 return or the information entered using the Non-filers tool that was available in 2020.

The payment will be up to $300 per month for each child under age 6 and up to $250 per month for each child age 6 through 17.

To make sure families have easy access to their money, the IRS will issue these payments by direct deposit, as long as correct banking information has previously been provided to the IRS. Otherwise, people should watch their mail around July 15 for their mailed payment. The dates for the Advance Child Tax Credit payments are July 15, Aug. 13, Sept. 15, Oct. 15, Nov. 15, and Dec. 15.

To learn more about advance CTC payments, visit or see FAQs on the 2021 Child Tax Credit and Advance Child Tax Credit Payments.