IR-2022-92, April 20, 2022
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that more than $12.1 million in matching grants were awarded to 131 organizations across the country for development, expansion or continuation of qualified Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) for the 2022 grant year. The grant year runs from January 1 to December 31, 2022.
Through the LITC Program, the IRS awards matching grants of up to $100,000 per year to qualifying organizations. The LITC Program is a federal grant program administered by the Taxpayer Advocate Service, an independent organization within the IRS led by the National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins. Although LITCs receive partial funding from the IRS, LITCs, their employees and volunteers are independent from the IRS.
Qualified organizations awarded LITC grants ensure the fairness and integrity of the tax system for taxpayers who are low-income or speak English as a second language (ESL) by providing pro bono representation for qualified taxpayers in tax disputes with the IRS, educating them about their rights and responsibilities as taxpayers, and identifying and advocating on issues that impact these taxpayers.
Here is a complete list of 2022 grant recipients PDF, the cities and states where they are located, and the amounts awarded by the IRS.
More information about LITCs and the work they do to represent, educate and advocate on behalf of low-income and ESL taxpayers is available in IRS Publication 5066, LITC Program Report. IRS Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List, provides information about LITCs by geographic area, including contact information and details about the languages served at that specific LITC location.