Around the nation news release archive — 2018 | Internal Revenue Service

Around the nation news release archive — 2018

Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.

FS-2018-18, November 2018 ― With 2018 bringing record-setting hurricanes, wildfires and other disasters to many parts of the country, many Americans are now facing the challenge of reconstructing their financial records.

IR-2018-236, November 29, 2018 — The IRS recently announced that 401(k) plans and similar employer-sponsored retirement plans can make loans and hardship distributions to victims of Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence and to members of their families.

IR-2018-218, November 9, 2018 —The IRS today reminded people, including those in disaster areas, who want to file a 2017 tax return electronically to do so by Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018.

Tax Relief for Victims of Super Typhoon Yutu in the Northern Mariana Islands

IR-2018-204, Oct. 16, 2018 — The IRS has provided temporary relief from certain requirements of the Internal Revenue Code to allow owners and operators of low-income housing projects located anywhere in the United States and its territories to provide temporary emergency housing to individuals who are displaced by a major disaster from their principal residences, regardless of income.

IR-2018-202, October 15, 2018 — After additional disaster declarations by FEMA, the IRS has added more counties that are eligible for individual and public assistance in areas of Florida and Georgia affected by Hurricane Michael.

IR-2018-200, Oct, 15, 2018 — The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), in response to shortages of undyed diesel fuel caused by Hurricane Michael, will not impose a penalty when dyed diesel fuel is sold for use or used on the highway in emergency response vehicles in the State of Florida.

GA-2018-04, Oct. 15, 2018 — Victims of Hurricane Michael that took place beginning on Oct. 9, 2018, in Georgia may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service.

IR-2018-199, Oct. 12, 2018 – Hurricane Michael victims in parts of Florida and elsewhere have until Feb. 28, 2019, to file certain individual and business tax returns and make certain tax payments, the IRS announced today.

FL-2018-04, Oct. 12, 2018 - Was your home or business affected by Hurricane Michael? You may qualify for tax relief from the IRS. Learn more.

IR-2018-142, June 26, 2018 — The IRS reminds any residents of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa affected by last year’s hurricanes and tropical storms who are required to file a 2017 federal income tax return or pay their 2017 tax, to be sure to do so by June 29.

HI-2018-02, June 18, 2018 — Victims of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that occurred starting on May 3, 2018 in Hawaii may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service.

NC-2018-02, May 9, 2018 — Victims of a tornado and severe storms that occurred on April 15, 2018 in parts of North Carolina may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service.

AL-2018-03, May 2, 2018 — Victims of severe storms and tornadoes that began on March 19, 2018 in parts of Alabama may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service.

IR-2018-50, March 13, 2018 — The IRS today granted many businesses affected by severe winter storms additional time to request a six-month extension to file their 2017 federal income tax returns.

IR-2018-10, Jan. 23, 2018 – The IRS is urging victims of last year’s hurricanes, especially those who lived in areas affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, to see if they qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

CA-2018-01, Jan. 17, 2018, California — Victims of the wildfires, flooding, mudflows and debris flows that took place beginning on Dec. 4, 2017 in parts of California may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service.

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