2012 Fact Sheets | Internal Revenue Service

2012 Fact Sheets

Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.

Updated ITIN Procedure Changes Announced

FS-2012-11, November 2012 –– The IRS has announced updated procedures to strengthen the ITIN program requirements. The modifications further protect the integrity of the ITIN application process and strengthen the refund process while helping minimize burden for applicants.

IRS FY 2013 Budget Proposal Summary

FS-2012-10, February 2012 — The Administration’s fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget request for the IRS is approximately $12.8 billion, a $944.5 million increase (8%) over the FY 2012 enacted level but only a $639.3 million increase (5.3%) from the level enacted for FY 2011.

Earned Income Tax Credit for 2011; Do I qualify?

FS-2012-9, January 2012 — Taxpayers can find out whether they qualify for the EITC, how to claim it and how to get tax help.

Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft

FS-2012-8, January 2012 — A one page guide for identity theft victims.

Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

FS-2012-7, January 2012 — The IRS announced the availability of additional information for taxpayers caught by identity theft as part of a larger, comprehensive identity theft strategy.

IRS Releases 2006 Tax Gap Estimates

FS-2012-6 — The IRS released a new set of tax gap estimates for tax year 2006. The tax gap is defined as the amount of tax liability faced by taxpayers that is not paid on time.

Tips for Choosing a Tax Return Preparer

FS-2012-5, January 2012 — If you pay someone to prepare your tax return, the IRS urges you to choose that preparer wisely.

When Can I Expect My Refund?

FS-2012-4, January 2012 — Using e-file with direct deposit is the fastest option for receiving your tax refund, but there are other factors that might affect the speed of your refund.

Get Ready for the Tax Filing Season with IRS Social Media

FS-2012-3, January 2012 — Social media tools and platforms are used by the IRS to share the latest information on tax changes, initiatives, products and services.

Free Tax Help Available From the IRS

FS-2012-2, January 2012 — The IRS offers taxpayers a wide range of free tax help services.

2011 Changes Offer Tax Benefits to Almost Everyone; Special Tax Payment and Reporting Requirements Apply to Many

FS-2012-1, January 2012 — Taxpayers can take advantage of a variety of tax benefits on their 2011 returns, and have an extra two days to file and pay, too.

News Release and Fact Sheet Archive

News releases and fact sheets from November 2002 forward and an archive of news releases and fact sheets in PDF format back to 1997.