2.8.8 AIMS Command Codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB Program Scope and Objectives Background Authority Responsibility Program Management and Review Program Controls Terms/Acronyms/Definitions Related Resources Command Code AMNON Command Code AMNOND Command Code AMNON Error Messages Command Code AMNOND Command Code AMTIN7 Command Code AMTIN7 Command Code AMBLK Command Code AMBLK Error Messages Command Code AMFRZ Command Code AMFRZ Error Messages Command Code AMREQ Command Code AMREQ Command Code AMLAB Command Code AMLAB Error Messages Exhibit 2.8.8-1 Command Code AMNON Exhibit 2.8.8-2 Command Code AMNOND Exhibit 2.8.8-3 Command Code AMTIN7 Exhibit 2.8.8-4 Command Code AMBLK Exhibit 2.8.8-5 Command Code AMBLK Exhibit 2.8.8-6 Command Code AMFRZ Exhibit 2.8.8-7 Command Code AMREQ Exhibit 2.8.8-8 Command Code AMLAB Part 2. Information Technology Chapter 8. Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Section 8. AIMS Command Codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB 2.8.8 AIMS Command Codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB Manual Transmittal December 02, 2024 Purpose (1) This transmits revised IRM 2.8.8, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB. Material Changes (1) IRM Replaced Wage and Investment (WI, W&I) with Taxpayer Services (TS) throughout the IRM. (2) IRM Added ACTIVITY-CD 445 to error message MFT-CD/FORM-NUM/ACTIVITY-CD inconsistent for Form Number 990. Effect on Other Documents IRM 2.8.8, dated December 13, 2023, is superseded. Audience This IRM is intended for the general use of IDRS system personnel from all four Business Operating Divisions (TS, SB/SE, LB&I and TE/GE) and Appeals accessing the Audit Information Management System. Effective Date (01-01-2025) Rajiv Uppal Chief Information Officer (12-02-2024) Program Scope and Objectives his IRM section provides the instructions for the Audit Information Management System (AIMS) command code AMNON, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB. AMNON processes EXAM.TEGE request for a Non Master File (NMF) return. Establishes a full record on AIMS for specific account tat is not a Master File. Generated 5546 record to be used in operinga programs to generate charge outs for NMF cases. AMNOND will delete the Aims Account from the data base. AMFRZ will set an AIMS freeze code on an account which prevents closing of that account. AMREQ is used to cause Master File to send an update record to AIMS Weekend processing. This update record includes most fields on the AIMS data base. It generates TC429 transaction (F/). AMLAB generates realtime lables for returns on AIMS. Generated Status-Change-Label Records (FP). Purpose: This transmits revised IRM 2.8.8, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB. Audience: The audience for this IRM section are users of the Audit Information Management System (AIMS). Policy Owner: Information Technology, Chief Information Officer. Program Owner: Information Technology, Applications Development, Compliance, Business Compliance Management System Branch AIMS Related Section. Primary Stakeholders: IDRS users from Appeals, LB&I, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS. Program Goals: To provide explicit instructions for the use of command codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB. in entering and requesting data. (01-01-2024) Background As a result of a study, it was concluded that Examination had a need for a new information management system. The study group recommended a terminal assisted Audit Information Management System (AIMS). A stand alone direct access terminal system was considered along with the enhancement of IDRS. Enhancement of IDRS was determined to be clearly the best choice for the Service. This new system satisfied Examination Division's current needs for accurate and timely inventory controls, better control of assessments and up-to-date management reports. The system traces examination results through final determination of tax liability including Appeals and Tax Court. After the successful implementation of AIMS for the Examination Division, control of returns in Appeals was added to AIMS. As of January 1, 1977 control of Exempt Organization returns was added and on October 1, 1977 control of Employee Plan returns was added. (01-01-2024) Authority During the summer of 1973, the Deputy Commissioner established a Task Force to identify ADP requirements of Compliance functions, and to make appropriate recommendations to satisfy their needs. (01-01-2024) Responsibility Headquarters AIMS Related Section is responsible for maintaining procedures related to AIMS programming. (01-01-2024) Program Management and Review Command Codes AMNON, AMTIN, AMBLK, AMFRZ, AMREQ and AMLAB are managed by Work Requests which are submitted for changes and also by tickets which are submitted by users for corrections. (01-01-2024) Program Controls IRS implements access control measures that provide protection from unauthorized alteration, loss, unavailability, or disclosure of information. SACS controls all the IDRS user accesses and permissions. (12-19-2017) Terms/Acronyms/Definitions The following table defines acronyms frequently used throughout this IRM section: Acronyms Acronym Definition PBC Primary Business Code EGC Employee Group Code TIN Taxpayer Identification Number Note: You may create separate subsections for terms and acronyms if that better suits your content. (12-19-2017) Related Resources TS, SB/SE, TE/GE, APPEALS (01-01-2012) Command Code AMNON CC AMNON is used to establish NMF records on AIMS. This command code will accept as input the data necessary to establish a return on AIMS with a file source of N or D. File Source N, indicated by EIN or SSN input format, is used when the NMF TIN is known. File Source D is input when the correct TIN is unknown or unavailable. After the data has been validated, the return will be established on AIMS. The input documents for CC AMNON are as follows: Form 5345-D, Examination Request - ERCS (Examination Return Control System) Users. Form 5354, Examination Request for Non-Master File for Examination Division. Form 5588, TE/GE NMF Request - EO, EP and GE Divisions. A Form 5546, Examination Return Charge-out, and labels will be printed at the service center during the weekly processing for distribution to the originator. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMNOND CC AMNOND allows for real-time deletion of a previously-established NMF record if all validity/consistency checks are met. See Exhibit 2.8.8-2 for detailed procedures. (01-01-2025) Command Code AMNON Error Messages Error Messages - If the data entered did not pass validity or consistency checks, a message will be displayed. If a field did not pass a validity check, the position following the incorrect field will have an asterisk and the message " CORRECT INVALID DATA" will de displayed. If a field did not pass a consistency check the message "CORRECT INCONSISTENT DATA" will be displayed on line 23. Access problems and other consistency errors will print out on line 23 as follows: ACT-CD 305 - SPECIAL-PROJECT-CD MUST BE 0999 SOURCE CD MUST BE 23 Self-explanatory. For EGC 77XX and 79XX only. ACTIVITY CODE/MFT INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory AIMS NOT AVAILABLE Try again - Computer error CORRECT INCONSISTENT CITY State and Zip Code should not be entered on the screen since the city contains a comma CORRECT INCONSISTENT DATA Find the element that has an "*" behind it and use the following to determine what elements are inconsistent APPL-CD * - 1) Status Code = 81 and input APPL-CD does not agree with corresponding input AIMS PBC (i.e.: second and third digits of APPL-CD do not match second and third digits of input PBC) or (2) First character of PBC is not 6 or (3) Status Code = 81 and APPL-CD is not input. SBC* STATUS CODE is 81 and SBC is input. EGC* STATUS CODE is 81 and EGC is input. EP-PLAN-TYPE* EP-PLAN-TYE INPUT AND FORM-NUMBER IS NOT 5330 OR 5500 NC/CD* For SSN input, the Name Control must match the first four characters of the Taxpayer's Name. PBC* APPL-CD input and PBC is not 6XX PLAN-NMBR* PLAN NUMBER input and FORM NUMBER is not 5330 or 5500 POD* and EGC* POD is not valid with EGC 7XXX FORM-NUM* MFT-CD/FORM-NUM/ACTIVITY-CD inconsistent. See table below. MFT FORM NUMBER ACTIVITY CD MFT FORM NUMBER ACTIVITY CD 07 1066 489 47 720 090 08 8804 488 47 8871 325 12 1042 470 16 945 463 17 941 353, 465 49 8872 326 17 941PR, 941SS 465 53 706, 706A, 706NA 412, 413, 418, 419, 420, 430-433 17 8288 499 54 709 434-439 18 942 356, 466 56 990BL 379 19 943 365, 467 66 4720 334 19 943PR 467 67 990 319, 320, 321, 327, 328, 339-345 20 1040, 1040A 270–280, 282-284 347-351, 354, 355 20 1040NR, 1040NREZ 270–281 358, 360, 361, 363-366 20 1040SS 266 369, 371-378 21 1041 495, 496, 497, 498 381, 382, 398, 399, 445 21 1040NR,1040NREZ 270-280, 282-284 67 990EZ 321 22 1040PR 266 71 CT1 468 23 1120DISC 224 72 CT2 469 74 5500 370, 383, 412 24 957 992 76 5330 310 25 958 992 77 706GST 421 26 959 991 78 706GSD 421 27 8725 016 79 1 CALDE, 2814, 991 27 8876 034 888888 31 1120S 202, 234, 288-290 80 940 464 32 1120, 1120L, 1120M, 1120PL 203, 209, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 226-230, 338, 395, 396 81 216, 926, 966, 966E 32 1120C 490-493 1041B, 1099L, 1099PATR, 2952, 3520, 32 1120F 260, 261, 262, 263, 265 4067, 4337, 4347, 4683, 999999 992 32 1120FSC 241 82 583 099 33 990C 490-493 83 587 099 34 990T 305, 311, 385-394 35 1065 380, 473, 481-483 85 3845 099 36 1041A 337 86 678 099 37 1041PF/5227 335, 336 87 8849 001-199 38 2438 992 93 2290 196 39 944 462 44 990PF 329-333, 346 94 11 099 45 720 001-195 95 11B 099 46 8038 397 96 11C 197 46 8038G 300 97 730 198 46 8038GC 302 99 8278 182, 501-505, 507, 508, 549 46 8038T 309 46 8328 322 46 8703 306 CORRECT INVALID DATA Screen input field is invalid. FILE SOURCE-CD is not D or N. TIN fails validity checks or fails consistency check with it's display file source. TAXPAYER-NAME greater than 35 character or less than one. TAXPAYER-SECONDARY-NAME is all numeric or numeric and spaces CITY greater than 25 characters or less than one character. STATE-CD is greater than 2 characters or invalid state abbreviation. ZIP-CD is 5 or 9 or 12 characters or is non-numeric. TAX-PRD not numeric or not less than or equal to the current year or month less than 01-12. RET-FORM-NUM is invalid form number. STATUTE-INFORMATION is an invalid date. TEFRA-CD is not Y, N, S or blank TDC-CD is not 050, 051, 052, 100, 102-105, 108 or 198. AIMS-SOURCE-CD is not 03-99. AIMS-ACTIVITY-CD is not numeric. AIMS-AGING-REASON-CD is not 000-003 or 005-999 or blank LCC-CD is not O, M or H INFORMANTS-CLAIM-IND is not 1 or blank RETURN-COND-CD is not 1 or blank. MFT is not an NMF MFT. RET-REQUISITION-IND is not 1, 3 or blank. CLAIM-AMT is not numeric or from 1-9 digits or dollars only or left-justified without leading zeroes, commas, decimal points or sign. STATUS-CD is not 00, 01, 04-10, 11-13, 15-20, 22-25, 26-29, 30, 31, 32-34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 51-57, 60 or 81. TECH-SERVICES-CD is not 001-999 or blank PLAN-NUMBER is not 001-999 for EGC 76XX. EP-PLAN-TYPE is not 0, 1, 2 or blank. FLOWTHRU-IND is not 1 or blank. PBC is not numeric. First character must be 1-4 or 6. SBC is not numeric. Blanks are also valid for EGC 7XXX. EGC is not 1000-2999, 5000-5999, 7200-7299, 7600-7699, 7700-7799 or 7900-7999. If STATUS-CD is 81, blanks are valid. APPL-CD is an invalid appeals code. CHECK-DIGIT is invalid. SPECIAL-PROJECT-CD is not numeric or blank. TRACKING-CD is not numeric POD-CD is not numeric TEGE-SPECIAL-DEFINER-CD is not numeric TEGE-OPEN-CASE-GRADE 77XX & 79XX: (Position 1: 1-4); (Position 2: 1-3, 5, 7 or 9); (Position 3: 1-2); (Position 4: blank or R) 76XX: (Position 1-2 = 09, 11, 12, 13, 14); (Position 3-4 = blanks) VCAP-IND is not 1 or blank ACT-CD/PROJECT-CD INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory ACTIVITY CODE XX IS NON-TAXABLE - CLAIM AMOUNT INVALID Self-explanatory ACTIVITY CODE 495 NOT VALID FOR RETURNS WITH A TAX PERIOD AFTER 200712 For MFT 21, ACT CD 495, Tax Period cannot be > 200712 AGING-REASON-CD 50 - EGC MUST BE 2XXX Self-explanatory AGING-REASON 50 & 51 ONLY VALID WITH PBC 212 Self-explanatory LCC-CD ONLY VALID FOR EGC 1XXX, 54XX OR 58XX Self-explanatory CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT, SOURCE CODE MUST BE 30 OR 32 FOR EGC 76XX Self-explanatory EGC 56XX ONLY VALID WITH PBC 194 Self explanatory EGC/TEGE-OPEN-CASE-GRADE INCONSISTENT TEGE-OPEN-CASE-GRADE only valid with 77XX or 79XX or 76XX EGC FOR FLOWTHRU MUST BE 7XXX Self explanatory EGC/ACTIVITY CODES INCONSISTENT Self Explanatory EGC / SOURCE CODES INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory EGC’S 1000-1099; 2000-2099; 1850-1999 AND 2850-2999 REQUIRE AN SBC OF 877XX Self Explanatory EGC 1998 & 2998 ARE NOT VALID WITH STATUS 5X Self Explanatory EMPLOYEE-GRP-CD/PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CODE INCONSISTENT Self Explanatory EP CASE - PLAN # MUST BE ENTERED Form 5330 or 5500 requires Plan Number input FOR MFT 99, ACT-CD 182 ONLY SOURCE CODE 26 IS VALID Self-explanatory FOR EGC XXXX SOURCE CODE 79 INVALID FOR NMF MFT 34 EGC XXXX must be 72XX or 77XX or 79XX I / O ERROR - IRWRITE 5546 RECORD Try again - Computer error I / O ERROR - (TIF, FIND, XXXX) Try again - Computer error IF TIN CORRECT, CHECK-DIGIT SHOULD BE XX Calculated check digit does not match screen INCONSISTENT PBC WITH EMPLOYEE-TYPE PBC 1XX and 2XX must equal 1XXX or 2XXX. PBC 3XX must equal 1XXX. INCONSISTENT PBC WITH SECONDARY-BUSINESS-CD The PBC is not consistent with the entire 5 digits of the SBC. INCONSISTENT PBC/SBC The PBC is not consistent with the first 3 digits of the SBC. INCONSISTENT PBC/SERVICE-CENTER-CODE Self-explanatory INVALID AIMS-BOD-CD AIMS BOD Code must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. INVALID COMMAND CODE DEFINER Self-explanatory. INVALID EMPLOYEE GROUP CODE First character of the EGC must be 1, 2 or 5. INVALID EMPLOYEE-TYPE First character of the EMPLOYEE-GROUP-CD must be 1, 2 or 5 INVALID INDUSTRY-AREA-CD RANGE Last 2 digits of the PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CD must be 01-07, 12-14, 20, 21, 23-27, 30, 90-99 INVALID PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CD Valid codes are 101-107, 190-194, 201-207, 212-214, 295-299, 320, 321, 323-327, 330, 398, 401-404, 406, 409, 410, or 415-417. INVALID SBC First 3 digits of the SECONDARY-BUSINESS-CD must be 000-947, 949, 950, 951, 960, 970, 980 INVALID TERRITORY-CD RANGE 4th and 5th position of the SECONDARY-BUSINESS-CD must be 00-60 INVALID TIN Self-explanatory. MFT / TAX PERIOD INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. MFT 96 NOT VALID FOR EGC 76XX Self-explanatory NMF MFT 74 - STATUTE-DT NOT ALLOWED Self-explanatory PBC XXX - AGING REASON 99 (TAX EXAMINERS) NOT VALID PBC 320, 321, 323-325, 327, 330 not valid with Aging Reason 99 PBC 2XX, 330 - EGC 1998 & 2998 NOT VALID - MUST UPDATE TO ANOTHER EGC Self explanatory. PBC 3XX REQUIRES AGING-REASON-CD FOR STATUS-CD 15 OPENINGS Self-explanatory PBC 320, 321, 323-325, 327 OR 330, SOURCE CODE 20 NOT ALLOWED FOR OPENINGS Self-explanatory PBC 398 IS ONLY VALID WITH EGC 54XX, 57XX, 58XX Self explanatory. RECORD ALREADY ON FILE - USE CC AMDIS Self-explanatory RECORD NOT ON FILE Self-explanatory. SBC 877XX ONLY VALID WITH EGC’S 1000-1099, 2000-2099, 1850-1999 AND 2850-2999 Self-explanatory SOURCE-CD 20 NOT VALID WITH EGC'S 1100-1849 AND 2100-2849 FOR OPENINGS Self explanatory. SOURCE CODE NN, CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT Self-explanatory SOURCE CODE nn, POS AMT CLAIMED NEEDED (nn=source code on TIF record) Self-explanatory SPECIAL-PROJECT-CODE 0153 NOT VALID Self explanatory. SPECIAL PROJECT CODE XXXX IS NOT VALID AFTER 199012 Project codes not valid after 199012 are: 0101-0104, 0106, 0107, 0109, 0110, 0113, 0114, 0116, 0118, 0121, 0122, 0205, 0209, 0210, 0225, 0401. STATUS 5X NOT ALLOWED WITH PBC XXX FOR AMNON (5X = 51-57) Self-explanatory STATUS CODE 07 IS COMPUTER GENERATED - CANNOT ESTABLISH CASE WITH STATUS 07 Self-explanatory STATUS CODE 09 IS COMPUTER GENERATED - CANNOT ESTABLISH 3XX CASE WITH STATUS 09 Self-explanatory. Note: Status Code 09 is generated by AMSOC PBC 3XX to PBC 3XX transfer processing. STATUS CODE 20 IS INVALID WITH EGC 5XXX FOR NMF ESTABLISHMENTS Self-explanatory STATUS CODE/EGC INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory STATUS-CDS 12 - 19 ARE NOT VALID WITH SOURCE-CD 45 Self-explanatory STATUTE GG - ONLY VALID WITH MFT 21, 23 OR 31 Self-explanatory SYSTEM ERROR ON ACCESS/UPDATE Try again - Computer error TAX PERIOD CANNOT BE MORE THAN 24 MONTHS IN THE FUTURE Self explanatory. TAX PERIOD/TEFRA-CD INCONSISTENT TEFRA-CD not required after 201811 TDC-CD ONLY VALID FOR MFT 20 Self explanatory. TECHNICAL SERVICES CODE ONLY VALID FOR STATUS-CD- 20-39 Self-explanatory TECHNICAL SERVICES CODE ONLY VALID FOR EGC 1XXX OR 2XXX Self-explanatory TECHNICAL SERVICES CODE REQUIRED Self-explanatory TEFRA-CD ONLY VALID FOR MFT 35 Self-explanatory TEFRA-CD ONLY VALID FOR EGC 1XXX OR 2XXX Self-explanatory TEFRA-CD REQUIRED Self-explanatory TEGE-SPECIAL-DEFINER-CD ONLY VALID WITH EGC 7XXX Self-explanatory TE/GE FLOW-THROUGH ACTIVITY CODE/MFT INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory TIN CHANGE INDICATED, BUT NOT FOUND F4 Record-Type-CD without a new TIN-in OPEN-AIMS-REC. TIN CHANGED TO xxxxxxxx Self-explanatory. TIN / FILE SOURCE INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. TIN / MFT INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. VCAP-IND ONLY VALID FOR EGC 72XX, 77XX OR 79XX Self-explanatory (01-01-2000) Command Code AMNOND The file Source must be N or D, and the MFT must be valid. All other input items must match the AIMS Record. If validity/consistency errors are present, an asterisk will appear immediately following the field(s) in error and display the following applicable messages on Line 13: INVALID TIN INVALID NAME CONTROL INVALID FILE SOURCE INVALID TAX PERIOD TIN/FILE SOURCE INCONSISTENT MFT/TAX PERIOD INCONSISTENT INVALID MFT INVALID NAME-CTRL/CHECK DIGIT TIN/MFT INCONSISTENT INVALID CHECK DIGIT General System Messages: MESSAGES CONDITION ACCOUNT NOT FOUND No record was found on AIMS. CANNOT DELETE CHARGE-OUT GENERATED Form 5546 has been generated IF TIN CORRECT, CD/NC IS aaaa Name Control on record does not match screen name control EGC 5XXX MUST USE SERVICE CENTER TERMINAL EGC on the record is not 5XXX and the terminal header is for a service center. (A service center terminal can only delete 5XXX EGC records.) I / O ERROR (TIF, FIND, XXX) Computer error -Try Again. SYSTEM ERROR ON ACCESS/UPDATE Computer error -Try again. IF TIN CORRECT CHECK-DIGIT SHOULD BE XXXX Calculated Check Digit does not match screen. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMTIN7 CC AMTIN7 will only be used to obtain temporary taxpayer identification numbers. See Exhibit 2.8.8-3 for input and output displays and procedures. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMTIN7 Error Messages: These error messages are for CC AMTIN7: I / O ERROR (TCWF, READ, XXXX) Temporary computer problem I / O ERROR (TCWF, WRITE, XXXX) Temporary computer problem INVALID COMMAND CODE DEFINER Not a 7 in position 6, line 1 CC AMTIN - BAD RETURN FROM GETINPUT, TAP ABORTED Computer System error; alert RPA CC AMTIN - BAD RETURN FROM PUTOUT, TAP ABORTED Computer System error; alert RPA REQUEST COMPLETED Self Explanatory (01-01-2000) Command Code AMBLK Command Code AMBLK displays data stored by the computer for NMF Cases in response to closing command codes. It is an auxiliary Command Code used after the following command codes: CC AMSOC - to display data stored by the computer for a particular terminal for a short closing. CC AMCLS (O, E, A, P, F) - to display data stored by the computer for a particular terminal for a long closing. Command Code AMBLK displays data stored for closing, however it does not differentiate between two similar Command Codes with a different sixth digit (i.e. AMSOC/AMSOCA). Only the first five digits of Command Code are referenced in this section and it is to be understood that if Command Code AMBLK is to be used after CC AMSOCA, instructions for CC AMSOC should be used. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMBLK Error Messages If any errors are encountered one of the following messages may appear on line 13 of output display: BLOCK NOT STARTED This terminal has been cleared but a new block has not been started since there has been no TIN, MFT, Tax DLN stored in this terminal. I / O ERROR Input/Output error while trying to access information stored in this terminal. Please recheck your entries and try again. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMFRZ This Command Code, used with definer "S" , sets the a Specialized Freeze Code on AIMS which will prevent a case from closing or updating. When used with definer "R" it will remove the Specialized Freeze Code specified on the screen. See Exhibit 2.8.8-8. Input may be a single line or batch. If batch, up to 11 lines may be input. A correct entry will display OK in position 40-41, an incorrect entry will display ** with a corresponding error message in line 13. An entry of DR on top if the two asterisks will bypass the line. (01-01-2014) Command Code AMFRZ Error Messages The following error messages are for CC AMFRZ: CANNOT BE FROZEN, STATUS IS XX Record is Status 80-89 and screen Freeze Code is not "Q" or "H " "6" - cannot be frozen. CANNOT INPUT IMF WITH BMF/EPMF/NMF ON SAME SCREEN CANNOT RELEASE-AIMS-SPECIALIZED-FREEZE-CD IS NOT SET Cannot release AIMS SPECIALIZED FREEZE CODE when not set CANNOT RELEASE-BANRUPTCY-FREEZE-CD IS NOT SET Cannot release AIMS SPECIALIZED FREEZE CODE U or X when BANKRUPTCY FREEZE CODE is not set CANNOT RELEASE-BANKRUPTCY FREEZE CODE PRESENT ON AIMS Cannot release AIMS SPECIALIZED FREEZE CODE X or U if not equal to BANKRUPTCY FREEZE CODE CANNOT RELEASE — FREEZE CODE XX PRESENT ON AIMS (XX = AIMS SPECIALIZED FREEZE CODE) CANNOT RELEASE: Z FRZ IS SYSTEMATICALLY REMOVED WHEN STATUS IS UPDATED TO 12-40 Self-explanatory DATA ON LINE 13 Line 13 must be blank. It is reserved for error messages. EGC IS 5XXX, MUST USE SERVICE CENTER TERMINAL Self Explanatory FIRST 2 DIGITS OF THE TAX PERIOD MUST BE 19 OR 20 The century digits of the Tax Period must be the first two characters of the Tax Period and must be 19 or 20 FREEZE CODE bA THRU bZ OR 1 THRU 9 OR 10 THRU 99 MUST BE ENTERED AMFRZR: freeze code "bA" thru"bZ" or 1 thru 99 must be entered on the screen. FREEZE CODE H MUST BE RELEASED BY A SERVICE CENTER TERMINAL Self explanatory FREEZE CODE XX ALREADY POSTED There is already a Freeze Code on AIMS, it must be removed before posting a new one. (XX is the freeze code on the record) FRZ CD Z/STATUS NOT GREATER THAN 06 Freeze Code Z cannot be released when status is less than 06 I / O ERROR (TIF, FIND, XXXX) Computer error I / O ERROR (TIF, REPLACE, XXXX) Computer error IF TIN CORRECT, CD/NC is aaaa Input matches on TIN, F/S, MFT, Tax period but Check Digit is not correct for TIN INVALID CK DIGIT NAME CONTROL Self Explanatory INVALID COMMAND CODE DEFINER Definer on input screen is not R or S. INVALID FREEZE CODE Freeze Code entered is not A thru T, V, W, Y, 1 thru 9 or 10 thru 99. INVALID MFT MFT is invalid; correct and reenter INVALID NAME CONTROL/CHECK DIGITS Invalid Check Digits. INVALID PLAN REPORT NUMBER Plan Report Number is not numeric. INVALID TAX PERIOD Tax Period not all numeric INVALID TIN Format of TIN/File Source is incorrect MFT 46/76/84/85/86 - PLAN-RPT-NUM MUST BE INPUT Self Explanatory MFT/TIN INCONSISTENT Format of TIN does not correspond to the MFT PLAN-RPT-NUM NOT VALID FOR NMF CASES Self Explanatory PLAN-RPT-NUM ONLY VALID WITH MFT 46/76/84/85/86 Self Explanatory RECORD NOT ON FILE Cannot find a record for the TIN, F/S MFT, Tax Period entered SAME RECORD AS LINE ABOVE Input batch line is the same as previous batch line. TAX PERIOD/MFT INCONSISTENT Tax Period does not correspond to the MFT TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS DATA BASE SERVICE CENTER CD Self-explanatory TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS BASE SC-CD / PROCESSING CAMPUS CD Self-explanatory TIN CHANGED TO VVVVVVVVV TIN was changed. Use the TIN indicated to obtain account. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMREQ The input of this command code for an account on the Taxpayer Information File (TIF) database will cause a transaction (TC 429) to be generated to the Master File to bring back to the data base current update information such as freeze conditions and entity information. This command code would normally be used only on rare occasions where the data base record does not contain the latest update data. (01-01-2011) Command Code AMREQ The following error messages are for Command Code AMREQ: 424 RECORD A full record has not been established ACCOUNT CLOSED The account accessed contains a current status of " 90" CD MISMATCH INPUT AAAA AS N/C If correct Check Digits are unknown, enter AAAA to bypass Check Digit validity checks. FIRST 2 DIGITS OF THE TAX PERIOD MUST BE 19 OR 20 The century digits of the Tax Period must be in the first two characters of the Tax Period and must be 19 or 20 I / O ERROR IRWRITE WRITE Print the screen and contact an RPA IF TIN CORRECT CD/NC IS VVVV Input Check Digit/Name Control does not match record on file INVALID CK DIGIT NAME CONTROL Self explanatory INVALID FILE SOURCE File Source other than IMF or BMF INVALID MFT Self explanatory INVALID PLAN REPORT NUMBER Plan Report Number must be numeric INVALID TAX PERIOD Self explanatory INVALID TAX SHELTER IND Tax shelter reversal indicator was not "1" or "b" INVALID TIN Self explanatory INVALID TIN/FS Self explanatory MFT 46/76/84/85/86 - PLAN-RPT-NUM MUST BE INPUT Self explanatory N/C INVALID INPUT AAAA AS N/C If correct Check Digits are unknown, enter AAAA to bypass Check Digit validity checks. NTIF NOT AVAILABLE REENTER INPUT (N = I or B) if this message appears retry 3 or 4 times. If the TIF still cannot be accessed contact an RPA. PLAN-RPT-NUM NOT VALID FOR NMF CASES Plan-Rpt-Num cannot be input for Display File source "N" PLAN-RPT-NUM ONLY VALID WITH MFT 46/76/84/85/86 Self explanatory RECORD NOT ON FILE Self explanatory RECORD TRANSFERRED TO PBC NNN The record has been transferred to the PBC indicated. SYSTEM ERROR ON ACCESS/UPDATE Print screen and contact and RPA TIN CHANGED TO The TIN has been changed. The new TIN and Check Digit/Name Control is displayed in message. (01-01-2000) Command Code AMLAB CC AMLAB is used to obtain additional Status Change, Name and Address Exam Labels for a return established on AIMS. These labels (a total of eighteen) will be printed during overnight processing at the Service Center. The right-most (top) label will be identified by having "AUDIT LABEL" printed on middle line (left) and the PBC, EGC and Status Code that were input on CC AMLAB will be printed on the right side of the label. (01-01-2011) Command Code AMLAB Error Messages The following error messages are for Command Code AMLAB: CANNOT INPUT IMF WITH BMF/EPMF/NMF ON SAME SCREEN Self-explanatory I / O ERROR (AIMS, FIND, XX) Try again INCONSISTENT PBC/SERVICE-CENTER-CODE Screen PBC inconsistent with Service Center Code. INVALID APPEALS CODE Self Explanatory INVALID NC/CD Invalid CD/NC Invalid—correct and re-enter INVALID EGC EGC not 1000-2071, 2073-2999, 5XXX, 72XX, 76XX, 77XX or 79XX. INVALID MFT Input MFT not valid INVALID NC/CD Invalid NC/CD - correct and re-enter INVALID PBC PBC not valid INVALID PLAN NUMBER Must be numeric. INVALID PLAN REPORT NUMBER Plan Report Number must be numeric INVALID TAX PERIOD Tax period is not numeric INVALID TIN Format of File Source incorrect LABEL TYPE MUST BE 1, 2 OR 3 Input label type can only be 1, 2 or 3. Correct and re-enter LINES 2–12 BYPASSED No action MFT 46/76/84/85/86 PLAN-RPT-NUM MUST BE INPUT Self explanatory MFT/TIN INCONSISTENT Input MFT/TIN not consistent PLAN-RPT-NUM NOT VALID FOR NMF CASES Plan-Rpt-Num cannot be input for Display File source "N" PLAN-RPT-NUM ONLY VALID WITH MFT 46/76/84/85/86 Self explanatory RECORD ALREADY CLOSED Self-explanatory RECORD NOT ON FILE No match on TIN, File Source, MFT and Tax Period REQUEST COMPLETE No Action TAX PERIOD / MFT CONSISTENT MFT not consistent with format of T/P TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS DATA BASE SERVICE CENTER CD Self-explanatory TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS BASE SC-CD / PROCESSING CAMPUS CD Self-explanatory TIN CHANGED TO XXXXXXXXXXXX Correct TIN and re-enter Exhibit 2.8.8-1 Command Code AMNON Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMNON. Description: This represents a screen shot of a input display for Command Code AMNON. Line 1 consist of element 1. Line 2 consist of elements 2 and 3, Line 3 consist of element 4, Line 4 consist of element 5. Line 5 consist of elements 6 thru 8. Line 6 consist of elements 9 and 10. Line 7 consist of elements 11 and 12. Line 8 consist of elements 13 thru 18. Line 9 consist of elements 19 thru 21. Line 10 consist of elements 221 thru 27. Line 11 consist of elements 28 thru 31. Line 12 consist of elements 32 thru 37. The element number, line number, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description Element Line Position Description 1 1 1-5 AMNON 2 2 1-35 Taxpayer's Name - Required, maximum 35 characters. If TIN is SSN, enter last name first followed by a (,). 3 2 37-71 Taxpayer Secondary Name Line - If present, must not be all numeric or blanks & numerics 4 3 1-35 Street Address - Maximum of 35 characters 5 4 1-25 City - Maximum of 25 characters. NOTE: Foreign Address must include both City and Country in the 25 slotted spaces (a comma must be entered between City and Country). - In addition, item 5 (state) and item 6 (zip code) must be left blank. 6 5 1-2 State - If present, must be 2 alpha characters 7 5 4-15 ZIP Code - If present, may be 5, 9 or 12 digit numeric (no dash) 8 5 17-28 TIN and File Source - Must be valid TIN & F/S. F/S must be N or D, except F/S D is not valid for EP records 9 6 1-6 Tax Period - Required Format YYYYMM NOTE: For MFT-53, this field represents the YEAR and MONTH of the Date of Death. 01 is computer generated for the Date of Death DAY. Zeroes are computer generated for the Tax Period. 10 6 8-13 Form Number - Required, maximum of 6 characters 11 7 1-8 Statute of Limitations Date - If present, must be 8 digits; format is MMDDYYYY or MMaaYYYY (aa must be alpha characters, valid range AA-ZZ or AB-AZ). Exception: " XX" not valid for EGC 1XXX, 2XXX, 5XXX. Will be generated for Forms 11, 11-B, 11-C, 678, 709, 720, 940, 943, 1040's, 1041, 1042, 1065, 1120's, 2290, 3780, 3845 and 4638 required for any other Form 12 7 10 TEFRA-CD - Must be Y, N, S or blank 13 7 12-14 TDC-CD 3 digit numeric 14 8 1-2 Source Code - Must be entered, 2 digit numeric 15 8 4-6 Activity Code - Must be entered, 3 digit numeric 16 8 8 Return-Condition Code - Must be 1 or blank. 17 8 10 Informants Claim Ind - If entered, must be 1 18 8 12-14 Aims Aging Reason - If entered, must be 000-003 or 005-999 19 8 16 LCC-CD - If entered, must be O, M or H 20 9 1-2 MFT Code - Must be entered, 2 digit numeric 21 9 4 Return Requisition Ind - If entered, - Must be "1" or "3" 22 9 6-14 Amount Claimed - if present, must be whole dollars, left justified, numerics 23 10 1-2 Status Code - Must be entered, 2 digit numeric 24 10 4-6 TECH-SERVICES-CD - must be 001-999 or blank 25 10 8-10 Plan-number - must be entered if using Form 5588 26 10 12 EP Plan Type - may be entered if using Form 5588. Valid values are 0, 1, 2. 27 10 14 FLOWTHRU-IND - If entered, must be 1. 28 10 16-19 TEGE-SPECIAL-DEFINER-CD - if entered, must be 0000–9999 29 11 1-3 Primary Business Code - Must be numeric. First character must be 1-4 or 6. 30 11 5–9 Secondary Business Code - If entered must be numeric. 31 11 11-14 Employee Group Code - If entered, must be numeric. 32 11 16-18 Appeals Code - If entered, must be 3 digit numeric if Status Code is 81. 33 12 1-4 Name Control/Check Digit - Must be present, maximum 4 characters 34 12 6-9 Special Project Code - if present, must be 4 numerics 35 12 11-14 Tracking Code - if present, must be 4 numerics 36 12 16-18 POD Code - if present, must be 3 numerics 37 12 20-23 TEGE-OPEN-CASE-GRADE - if present, 77XX & 79XX: (Position 1: 1-4); (Position 2: 1-3 or 9); (Position 3: 1-2); (Position 4: blank or R) 76XX: (Position 1-2 = 09, 11, 12, 13, 14); (Position 3-4 = blanks) 38 12 25 VCAP-IND - If present, must be 1 After the data has been entered, the "Enter" key should be depressed. If no error is encountered, the message " REQUEST COMPLETED" will appear on line 24. For File Source D. an "X" will be returned to the screen in the Return Request field. Exhibit 2.8.8-2 Command Code AMNOND AMNOND Input Display Title: AMNOND input display. Description: This represents a screen shot of the AMNOND input display. Line 1 consist of AMNOND, 1 space and element 2. Line 2 consist of elements 3 thru 6. The element number, line number, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description Element Line Position Description 1 1 1-6 Command Code with modifier 2 1 8-9 MFT Code 3 2 1-12 TIN & File Source 4 2 14-17 Name Control 5 2 19-24 Tax Period 6 2 26-28 Plan Number Exhibit 2.8.8-3 Command Code AMTIN7 CC AMTIN7 Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMTIN7. Description: This represents a screen shot of Command Code AMTIN7 input display. Line 1 consist of AMTIN7. There are no other entries. Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-6 Command Code AMTIN7 CC AMTIN7 Output Display If CC AMTIN7 has been entered and there are no errors encountered, the generated "TIN" will be displayed on line 1, beginning in position 8. Title: Output display for Command Code AMTIN7. Description: This represents a screen shot of Command Code AMTIN7 output display. Line 1 consist of AMTIN7, 1 space, TIN, hyphen D. Line 24 consist of REQUEST COMPLETED. Please click here for the text description of the image. The TIN to be created beginning in position 8, will be made up as follows: Digits 1 & 2 Terminal District Office or Service Center Code. Digit 3 Year Digit Digits 4-9 These 6 - digits are obtained by the computer from a permanent record consisting of a six-digit number, which is incremented by one (1) each time it is used. Digits 10-11 Literal "D" File Source NOTE: " REQUEST COMPLETED" will be displayed on line 24. Exhibit 2.8.8-4 Command Code AMBLK On input if CC AMBLK, after a short closing, if no errors are encountered, the computer will display back the following: Output Display after CC AMSOC Title: Output display after Command Code AMSOC. Description: This represents a screen shot of a output display after Command Code AMSOC. Line 1 consist of the literal BLOCK, 1 space and element 2. Line 2 is blank. Line 3 consist of the literal FIRST ENTRY, 1 space, element 4, 1 space, the literal MFT, 1 space, element 6, the literal TPD, 1 space and element 8. Line 4 is blank, Line 5 consist of the literal LAST ENTRY, 1 space, element 10, 1 space, the literal MFT, 1 space, element 12, 1 space, the literal TPD, 1 space and element 14. Line 6 is blank. Line 7 consist of 11 space, the literal LAST DLN, 2 spaces and element 16. The element numbers, line numbers, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 Literal "BLOCK " 2 1 7-16 Literal "CLOSED " or Literal "IN PROCESS" 3 3 1-11 Literal "FIRST ENTRY" 4 3 13-24 TIN and file source of first entry in block 5 3 26-28 Literal "MFT" 6 3 30-31 MFT of first entry in block 7 3 33-35 Literal "TPD" — tax period 8 3 37-42 Tax Period of first entry in block 9 5 1-10 Literal "Last Entry" 10 5 13-24 TIN & file source of last entry in block 11 5 26-28 Literal "MFT" 12 5 30-31 MFT of last entry in block 13 5 33-35 Literal "TPD" 14 5 37-42 Tax Period of last entry in block 15 7 12-19 Literal "LAST DLN" 16 7 22-38 DLN of last entry in block After the DLN appears on screen in response to CC AMBLK, the operator will depress the "PRINT" key which will cause the screen to print out. The printed copy will then be attached to the front of the batch of documents just closed. CC AMBLK, AFTER CC AMCLS. In the case of the above referenced command code, the data stored by the computer will include the TIN, MFT, and tax period of the first closing in the block, the TIN, MFT, tax period (TPD) and the DLN of the last closing in the block. In addition the data also includes the Total Assessments, Total Credits and Total Audit results for the block of closings. CC AMBLK should be input after entering a batch of long closings on a particular terminal. Applies to NMF long closings, only. Input Display Title: Input display for AMBLK. Description: This represents a screen shot for a input display for Command Code AMBLK after Command Code AMCLS. .Line 1 consist of AMBLK. All other lines are blank. Please click here for the text description of the image. RECORD ELEMENT DESCRIPTION ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 CC AMBLK Exhibit 2.8.8-5 Command Code AMBLK On input of CC AMBLK, after a NMF long closing, if no errors are encountered, the computer will then display back the following: Output Display Title: Output display for Command Code AMBLK after a NMF long closing. Description: This represents a screen shot of a output display of Command Code AMBLK after a NMF long closing, if no errors are encountered. Line 1 consist of the literal BLOCK, 1 space and element 2. Line 2 is blank. Line 3 consist of the literal FIRST ENTRY, 1 space, element 4, 1 space, the literal MFT, 1 space, element 6, the literal TPD, 1 space and element 8. Line 4 is blank, Line 5 consist of the literal LAST ENTRY, 1 space, element 10, 1 space, the literal MFT, 1 space, element 12, 1 space, the literal TPD, 1 space and element 14. Line 6 is blank. Line 7 consist of 11 space, the literal LAST DLN, 2 spaces and element 16. Line 8 is blank. Line 9 consist of the literal TOTAL AUDIT RESULTS, 2 spaces and element 18. Line 10 is blank. Line 11 consist of the literal TOTAL ASSESSMENTS, 4 spaces and element 20. Line 12 consist of the literal TOTAL CREDITS, 8 spaces and element 22. The element numbers, line numbers, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. RECORD ELEMENT DESCRIPTION OUTPUT DISPLAY ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 Literal "BLOCK " 2 1 7-16 Literal "CLOSED " or Literal "IN PROCESS" 3 3 1-11 Literal "FIRST ENTRY" 4 3 13-24 TIN & File Source of first entry in block 5 3 26-28 Literal "MFT" 6 3 30-31 MFT of first entry in block 7 3 33-35 Literal "TPD" - tax period 8 3 37-42 Tax Period of first entry in block 9 5 1-10 Literal "LAST ENTRY" 10 5 13-24 TIN and File Source of last entry in block 11 5 26-28 Literal "MFT" 12 5 30-31 MFT of last entry in block 13 5 33-35 Literal "TPD" 14 5 37-42 Tax Period of last entry in block 15 7 12-19 Literal "LAST DLN" 16 7 22-38 DLN of last entry in block 17 9 1-19 Literal TOTAL AUDIT RESULTS 18 9 22-36 Total Exam Results - 2 to 15 positions - dollars only with $ and commas, right justified to include sign (-) minus if negative amount. 19 11 1-17 Literal "TOTAL ASSESSMENTS" 20 11 22-39 Total Assessments - 4 to 18 positions, dollars and cents with $, decimal point and commas, right justified to include sign (-) minus if negative amount. 21 12 1-13 Literal "TOTAL CREDITS" 22 12 22-39 Total Credits - 4 to 18 positions, dollars and cents with $, decimal point and commas, right justified to include sign (-) if negative amount. After the last DLN, Total Audit Results, Total Assessments and Total credits appear on the screen in response to CC AMBLK, the terminal operator will depress the "PRINT" key which will cause the screen to print out. The printed copy will then be attached to the front of the batch of NMF long closings just completed. Exhibit 2.8.8-6 Command Code AMFRZ Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMFRZ. Description: This represents a screen shot for a input display for Command Code AMFRZ. Line 1 consist of AMFRZZ, 2 spaces and element 3. Line 2 consist of elements 4 thru 11. The element number, line number, the screen position and the element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 1 1-5 Command Code AMFRZ 2 1 6 Command Code Definer 3 1 9-10 Specialized Freeze Code 4 2-12 1-12 TIN and File Source 5 2-12 15-16 MFT nn 6 2-12 18-23 Tax Period 7 2-12 25-28 Check Digit/Name Control 8 2-12 30-32 Plan Report Number 9 2-12 34-36 PLAN-NUM 10 2-12 38-39 Bypass Indicator 11 2-12 40-41 Validity Indicator Exhibit 2.8.8-7 Command Code AMREQ Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMREQ. Description: This represents a screen shot of a input display for Command Code AMREQ. Line 1 consist of AMREQ, 1 space and element 2. Line 2 consist of elements 3 thru 7. The element number, line number, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot. Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description Element Line Position Description 1 1 1-5 Command Code AMREQ 2 1 7-18 Tin and File Source 3 2 1-2 MFT 4 2 4-9 Tax Period 5 2 11-14 Name Control / Check Digits 6 2 16 Tax Shelter Reversal Indicator 7 2 18-20 Plan Report Number Exhibit 2.8.8-8 Command Code AMLAB Input Display Title: Input display for Command Code AMLAB. Description: This represents a screen shot of a input display for Command Code AMLAB. Line 1 consist of AMLAB. Line 2 consist of elements 2 thru 10. The element number, line number, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot, Please click here for the text description of the image. Record Element Description ELEMENT LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION I 1 1-5 Command Code 2 2-12 1-12 TIN and File Source 3 2-12 14-15 MFT 4 2-12 17-22 Tax Period 5 2-12 24-27 Check Digit/Name Control. 6 2-12 29-32 EGC 7 2-12 34-36 PBC 8 2-12 38 Label Type. Entered as 1, 2 or 3. 1 - Status Change Label 2 - Name and Address Label 3 - Status Change and Name and Address Label 9 2-12 40-42 Plan Report Number 10 2-12 44-46 PLAN-NUM Output Display a. First Output Display After the data is entered and the "Enter" key is depressed, the data input will be displayed back. If there was an error, two asterisks will be displayed in pos. 44-45 of the data line and an error message will be displayed on line 24, as follows: Title: First output display for Command Code AMLAB, Description: This represents a screen shot of the first output display for Command Code AMLAB. Line 1 consist of AMLAB. Line 2 consist of the TIN, 2 spaces, 30, 1 space, 200812, 1 space, the literal TXPR, 1 space, 1069, 1 space, 203, 1 space, 5, 5 spaces and 2 asterisks. Line 3 consist of the TIN, 2 spaces, 30, 1 space, 200712, 1 space, the literal ROGE, 1 space, 1070, 1 space, 203, 1 space, 3. Line 4 consist of the TIN, 2 spaces, 30, 1 space, 200612, 1 space, the literal HELO, 1 space, 1080, 1 space, 203, 1 space, 2. Line 24 consist of **label type must be 1,2 or 3. Please click here for the text description of the image. b. Second Output Display If the incorrect data is not changed and the "Enter" key is depressed again the screen will reappear with "DR" in pos. 44-45. If "DR" appears on an input line this signifies that the item was dropped. The other entries were correct and have "OK" displayed in pos. 44-45. Title: Second output display for Command Code AMLAB, Description: This represents a screen shot of the second output display for Command Code AMLAB. Line 1 consist of AMLAB. Line 2 consist of the TIN, 2 spaces, 30, 1 space, 200812, 1 space, the literal TXPR, 1 space, 1069, 1 space, 203, 1 space, 5, 5 spaces and the literal DR. Line 3 consist of the TIN, 2 spaces, 30, 1 space, 200712, 1 space, the literal ROGE, 1 space, 1070, 1 space, 203, 1 space, 3, 5 spaces and the literal OK. Line 4 consist of the TIN, 2 spaces, 30, 1 space, 200612, 1 space, the literal HELO, 1 space, 1080, 1 space, 203, 1 space, 2, 5 spaces and the literal OK. Line 24 consist of REQUEST COMPLETED. Please click here for the text description of the image. More Internal Revenue Manual