Title: Output display after Command Code AMSOC. Description: This represents a screen shot of a output display after Command Code AMSOC. Line 1 consist of the literal BLOCK, 1 space and element 2. Line 2 is blank. Line 3 consist of the literal FIRST ENTRY, 1 space, element 4, 1 space, the literal MFT, 1 space, element 6, the literal TPD, 1 space and element 8. Line 4 is blank, Line 5 consist of the literal LAST ENTRY, 1 space, element 10, 1 space, the literal MFT, 1 space, element 12, 1 space, the literal TPD, 1 space and element 14. Line 6 is blank. Line 7 consist of 11 space, the literal LAST DLN, 2 spaces and element 16. The element numbers, line numbers, screen position and the element description follows the screen shot.