Statistics of Income Bulletin (Publication 1136) article topics


Business tax statistics | Charitable and exempt organization statistics | Estate, gift, and trust statistics | Individual tax statistics 

Business tax statistics: domestic-owned business statistics

Corporate income tax returns

Corporation income tax brackets and rates

Empowerment zone employment credit

Excise taxes


S Corporation returns

Sole Proprietorships (See Individual Tax Statistics)

U.S. Possessions Corporation Returns

Other business tax statistics

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Business tax statistics: international business statistics

Foreign-Controlled Domestic Corporations

Foreign Corporations with U.S. Business Operations

Foreign-Owned Domestic Corporations

Transactions Between Large Foreign-Owned Domestic Corporations and Related Foreign Persons

Foreign Sales Corporations

Foreign Tax Credit (Corporate)

Foreign Trusts

Interest-Charge Domestic International Sales Corporations (IC-DISC's)

International Boycotts

U.S. Controlled Foreign Corporations

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Charitable & Exempt Organization Statistics

Charitable Bequests (see Estate, gift, and trust statistics)

Charities & Other Tax-Exempt Organizations

Exempt Organizations' Unrelated Business Income Tax

Private Foundations & Charitable Trusts

Split-Interest Trusts

Tax-Exempt Bonds

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Estate, gift, and trust statistics

Charitable Bequests 

Estate Tax

Gift Tax

Income from Trusts and Estates

​​​​​​​Nonresident Alien Estate Tax Returns

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Individual tax statistics: U.S. citizens or resident aliens

High Income Tax Returns

Individual Income Tax Returns

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data

Accumulation and Distribution of Individual Retirement Arrangements:

Individual Noncash Charitable Contributions

Other individual income tax statistics

Individual Income Tax Rates and Tax Shares

Personal Wealth

Sales of Capital Assets

Sole Proprietorships (Nonfarm)

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Individual tax statistics: international individual statistics

Foreign Recipients of U.S. Income

​​​​​​​Foreign Trusts

​​​​​​​Individual Foreign-Earned Income / Foreign Tax Credit

​​​​​​​Partnership and Sole Proprietorship Data

  • Partnership and Sole Proprietorship Data, by Region and State for Tax Years 2007-2009
    2012 PDF, Summer 2010

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