SOI Tax Stats - Instructions for SAS users of SOI ZIP Code datasets | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - Instructions for SAS users of SOI ZIP Code datasets


Instructions for SAS Users of the SOI ZIP Code Datasets

To open the SOI ZIP Code Datasets using SAS:

  1. Save SAS data to desktop (click and drag)
  2. Open SAS programmer
  3. Go to Tools
  4. Open Table Editor
  5. Go to File —> Open
  6. Create a Library Name (should be item with cabinet on it) for the SAS file
  7. Click on Browse button in Library and browse to your desktop to find the file and create path
  8. Press Okay
  9. Go to File —> Open and find the library name that was created and click on it
  10. Data should open

For additional information, please contact the SOI Statistical Information Services Office by phone at 202-874-0410 or by email.

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