SOI Tax Stats - Coefficients of variation for returns of active corporations - Table 1


Data presented

Number of Returns, Selected Receipts, Cost of Goods Sold, Net Income, Deficit, Income Subject to Tax, Total Income Tax Before Credits, Selected Credits, Total Income Tax After Credits, Total Assets, Net Worth, Depreciable Assets, and Depreciation Deduction.
Classified by: Minor Industry
Tax Years:

2013 XLS  2012 XLS  2011 XLS

2010 XLS  2009 XLS  2008 XLS  2007 XLS  2006 XLS  2005 XLS  2004 XLS  2003 XLS  2002 XLS  2001 XLS  

2000 XLS  1999 XLS  1998 XLS  1997 XLS  1996 XLS

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