News Releases for December 2012 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for December 2012

Avi: Kontni Istorik

Sa a se yon dokiman achiv oswa istorik e li ka pa reprezante lwa, règleman oswa pwosedi aktyèl yo.

IR-2012-105, Dec. 31, 2012 — The IRS released new income-tax withholding tables for 2013 and issued special instructions on implementing new income tax and Social Security tax rates.

IR-2012-104, Dec. 31, 2012 — The IRS announced that its Office of Professional Responsibility has disbarred a return preparer accused of routinely preparing and filing fraudulent federal tax returns.

IR-2012-103, Dec. 20, 2012 — Professional tax return preparers must renew their Preparer Tax Identification Numbers (PTINs), which expire Dec. 31, 2012, if they plan to prepare returns in 2013. Preparers who need to take the competency test may schedule an appointment while renewing their PTIN.

IR-2012-102, Dec. 19, 2012 — Individuals and businesses making contributions to charity should keep in mind key tax provisions affecting donations of clothing and household items and monetary donations.

IR-2012-101, Dec. 13, 2012 — Low- and moderate-income workers can take steps now to save for retirement and earn a special tax credit.

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