3.24.202 Supervisory Operator's Manual

Manual Transmittal

November 27, 2024


(1) This transmits revised IRM 3.24.202, ISRP System Operator’s Manual.

Material Changes

(1) IRM Update to Program Owner name.

(2) IRM Changed the name of the management section group.

(3) IRM Removed EAMS group and added PAMS group.

(4) IRM Updated the Management Guidance instructions.

(5) IRM Removed the Note from 4(b).

(6) IRM (4) Added new line about User Short ID.

(7) Exhibit 3.24.202-1 Added new question and answer on the User Short ID.

(8) Exhibit 3.24.202-2 Added new procedure for assigning new User Short ID.

(9) Several editorial changes were made throughout this IRM to correct spelling and grammatical errors and ensure Plain Writing standards are followed.

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 3.24.202 dated November 09, 2023 (effective January 01, 2024) is superseded.


Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) Clerk Supervisory Operators.

Effective Date


James L. Fish
Director Submission Processing
Customer Accounts Services
Taxpayer Services

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. Purpose: This IRM Section supplies guidance to the Supervisory Operators (SOPs) using the Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) System in Submission Processing. Supervisory Operators are to watch and manage workflow processes using on-line and printed reports. The IRM also provides guidance to manage and monitor ISRP employee accounts. The instruction listed in this IRM is to provide guidance to the SOPs who are expected to understand the risks associated with their operations, and to ensure controls are in place to work effectively. The Supervisory Operator supplies reliable, and supportable annual reports on the status of those controls. This IRM provides policy and procedures for SOPs to follow when helping employees using the ISRP systems.

  2. Audience: The primary users of the IRM are Submission Processing. Supervisory Operators (SOPs)

  3. Policy Owner: The Field Director of Submission Processing

  4. Program Owner: Return Processing Branch, Mail Management Data Conversion Section, (an Organization within Submission Processing)

  5. Primary Stakeholder: Submission Processing (SP), Supervisory Operators (SOPs)

  6. Program Goals: The program goal is to provide monitoring for ISRP workflow and processing and employee monitoring and tracking.


  1. This IRM is the primary, official source of IRS instructions to ISRP Clerk Supervisory staff. The use of this IRM is for the administration, organization, and operation of the ISRP program. It details procedures, instructions and guidelines for the daily operations for ISRP divisions and functions.


  1. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1950 requires the heads of each department and agency to set up and support adequate systems of internal controls.

  2. The amendment of the act in 1982 with the Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) Public Law 97–255 requires:

    1. The Comptroller General to prescribe the internal accounting and administrative control standards.

    2. Each executive agency to conduct annual evaluations of its systems of control, using guidelines set by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director.

    3. Each executive agency to send an annual statement to the President and Congress on the status of the IRS's system of internal controls.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Mail Management Data Conversion handles the information in this IRM.

  2. The Director of Submission Processing handles policy related to this IRM.

  3. The Field Director and Supervisor’s Operation Manager has the primary responsibility for monitoring and tracking ISRP system workflow and processing and employee monitoring and tracking.

Program and Management Review

  1. Program Reports: This IRM instructs managerial staff (SOPs) in retrieving ISRP system data on the employees which report to them.

  2. Program Effectiveness: Supervisory Operators properly monitor reports to ensure accuracy of subsidiary or individual records maintained in the operating unit to determine effectiveness. Any data balancing issues encountered are successfully resolved.

Program Controls

  1. The Portal Accounts Management Section (PAMS) manages all ISRP user accounts to activate new accounts, reinstate disabled accounts, and deactivate accounts by using the Business Entitlement Access Request System (BEARS) process.

  2. This IRM supplies instructions to support internal controls for ISRP Supervisor Operator’s Management Reports.

Internal Control

  1. Management has the primary responsibility for providing a system. All personnel have a responsibility for understanding and ensuring internal controls are functioning as intended.

  2. The goal is to maintain a reasonable balance in the IRS’s systems of internal control. When properly applied, internal controls improve effectiveness and make work easier.

  3. Headquarters or another part of the IRS office area may request changes to work procedures due to error situations, imperfections in operating methods or modification to instructions. If this occurs, the supervisory personnel are responsible to follow up and see that changes are implemented.

  4. To aid you in carrying out your internal control responsibilities, below is a listing of a condensed version of the key standards of controls developed by the General Accounting Office (GAO).

    Terms of Key Standards Internal Control Definition of Key Standards Internal Control
    Documentation The operating function, system or project that is clearly described in writing. Document of what is transcribed into the system, how it is processed, and translated at output.
    Records of Transactions Important events or transactions are promptly recorded and classified in accordance with documented procedures.
    Execution of Transaction Events or transactions are authorized and executed only by persons with authority to do so.
    Separation of Duties Key duties and responsibilities in authorizing, processing, recording, and reviewing transactions are separated among individuals.
    Supervision Qualified supervision is provided.
    Competent Personnel Managers and employees are knowledgeable, have professional integrity, and receive adequate training to do the work assigned to them.
    Accountability for Resources Records are kept to show custody and use of resources. The records are periodically reviewed to determine reliability.
    Audit Resolution Action is taken for agreed to recommendation resulting from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) or GAO reviews.

Acronyms / Terms / Definitions

  1. For a comprehensive listing of acronyms, terms and definitions found in this IRM section, please see the table below.

    Acronyms Term Definitions
    CCC Computer Condition Code Computer Condition Codes (CCC) are used to identify a special condition or computation for the computer which posts to the Master File.
    DCO Data Conversion Operation Area in which ISRP Operators enter the data into a Data Entry Terminal which is then stored on a server until it is processed through the Generalized Mainframe Framework (GMF) runstreams of the mainframe computer.
    DLN Document Locator Number The Document Locator Number (DLN) is the 14-digit number assigned to every return or document. Refer to DLN Composition Document 6209, IRS Processing Codes and Information, for detailed information.
    EOD End of Day Processing period which occurs after the end of shift processing for the last shift of the day and prior to the start of the first shift of the next day.
    EOP Entry Operator The workstation operators who manually enter information into the system.
    ERS Error Resolution System A virtual environment error correction system where information is corrected and updated on the Service Center Control File (SCCF).
    FMFIA Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act The office ensures compliance with the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act.
    GAO General Accounting Office The General Accounting Office is a legislative branch government agency that provides auditing, evaluative, and investigation services for the U.S. Congress.
    HQ Headquarters Responsible for communicating changes or updates to the Territory and Area offices.
    ISRP Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing The Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) System transcribes and formats data from paper returns/documents/vouchers for input into the Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF) and other systems by key entry operators. It also captures check images for archiving.
    KV Key Verification A status for ISRP terminals to enable data records to be verified by KV operators.
    OE Original Entry A status for ISRP terminals to enable transcription of data into ISRP.
    OMB Office of Management and Budget OMB oversees the implementation of the Federal Budget and evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, and works to make sure agency reports, rules, testimony, and proposed legislation are consistent with the President’s budget and the Administration’s policies.
    PAMS Portal Accounts Management Section Manages all ISRP user accounts to activate new accounts, reinstate disabled accounts and deactivate accounts by using the BEARS process.
    RTD Return to Duty Status of an employee back in work status. (A seasonal employee who was furloughed and now reporting back to work.)
    SERP Servicewide Electronic Research Program The electronic research tool containing IRMs used by all Business Operating Divisions.
    SOP Supervisory Operator Responsible for monitoring work in progress, managing workflow, and generating and processing reports in the program functions.

Related Resources

  1. IRM 1.4 ,Resource Guide for Managers

  2. IRM, Management Reports

  3. Exhibit 3.24.202-1, Questions & Answers (Q&A) for Supervisors

  4. Exhibit 3.24.202-2, ISRP Manager’s Reference Guide

  5. Exhibit 3.24.202-3, ISRP Manager’s Report Guide

  6. IRM deviations must be sent in writing following instructions from IRM, Internal Management Document System - Internal Revenue Manual Process, IRM Standards, and elevated through appropriate channels for executive approval.

  7. IRMs are located on the Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) at the following site https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov . Specific instructional links are available on the IMF Data Conversion Research Portal found at https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/content/portals.html.

  8. The IRS adopted the Taxpayer Bill of Rights in June 2014. Employees are responsible for being familiar with and acting per taxpayer rights. See IRC 7803(a)(3) and the following site for additional information about the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, https://www.irs.gov/taxpayer-bill-of-rights.

Managerial Responsibilities (ISRP End of Day (EOD) Processing Guidelines When Working Outside the Scope of a Normal Workday)

  1. When working overtime during a weekend, holiday, or on a day that is typically outside the scope of a normal workday (e.g., working a Friday night for a Sunday - Thursday shift), the need for End Of Day (EOD) processing may exist. Successful posting is dependent on each Site’s Data Conversion Operation (DCO) notifying Enterprise Operations (EOps) when EOD processing is necessary. EOD processing affects ISRP downstream processing and various other support functions.


    For ISRP Deposit EOD Processing Guidelines When Working Outside the Scope Of A Normal Workday refer to: IRM, Managerial Responsibilities (ISRP Deposit End of Day (EOD) Processing Guidelines When Working Outside the Scope of a Normal Workday).

  2. Once DCO determines the need for ISRP EOD processing, the site must supply notification as outlined below.

    1. Open an Incident ticket and assign to the group listed below. A separate ticket must be opened for each day requested.
      EOPs assignment group - Wintel Server Product and Application Support 4A

    2. Issue an email to the following groups and individuals.

ISRP User Account Management Guidance

  1. The Portal Accounts Management Section (PAMS) manages all ISRP user accounts to activate new accounts, reinstate disabled accounts and deactivate accounts by using the BEARS process.

    1. Complete a BEARS request for each user. A list of users cannot be submitted with one BEARS request.

    2. Perform only one action at a time.


      One BEARS request to activate an account; one BEARS request to remove or deactivate an account; one BEARS request to reinstate an account due to failure to timely self-certify.

    3. Avoid using acronyms in BEARS.


      Use Supervisory Operator when requesting SOP actions.


      For Transaction Management System (TMS) users only: PAMS will first create the Active Directory object, then complete the BEARS processing.

  2. When Supervisory Operator is requesting a SOP action, submit a modify request via BEARS.

  3. The Incident process for ISRP issues is as follows:

    1. From IRS Service Central select Search Box→ type ISRP→ Select magnifying glass→ Select Catalog

    2. Select the applicable option: ISRP/SCRIPS Software or ISRP/SCRIPS Hardware Issue.

    3. Begin the description fields with the Site and Project Identifiers (e.g., “KCSC ISRP”). Clearly state what action is needed in the description and avoid acronyms.

BEARS Sub-Applications and Special Instructions Field
  1. This document supplies information necessary to request access to the DS Domain and TMS Track Users – ISRP Domain through BEARS.


    Before submitting an ISRP BEARS request for a new user, ensure all users have submitted and signed the BEARS application: IRS EMPLOYEE PDS LAN EMAIL SKYPE LIMITED INTERNET (BASELINE STANDARD ACCESS). If the user does not have this application active, the ISRP BEARS request will be denied.

  2. When requesting access to an application use the table listed at IRM (6) to determine the right sub application you will be requesting to access. The table shows the Operation, types of users under each operation, and the corresponding sub application for each site. Make sure you select the appropriate sub application for your site.

  3. Site abbreviations are used throughout this Sub Applications table. Following are the abbreviations for each site:

    • Austin - AUSC, AUIRSC

    • Kansas City - KCSC, KCIRSC

    • Ogden - OSC, OIRSC, OSCT

  4. BEARS Special Instructions Field:

    1. All users, except Track Users - ISRP Domain, will include the following information in the BEARS Previous Special Instruction field:
      User’s ID: (such as the User’s SEID. Example: bxxxx)
      The User’s Short ID: (This will be the user-id. Example: bxx)
      SOP ID: (This is the manager’s ID (SOP##) that the user is assigned to. Example: s1m)
      User Type: (such as Entry Operator)


      To access a list of User’s Short Ids that are already assigned, see instructions in IRM

    2. Track Users - ISRP Domain will include the following information in the BEARS Previous Special Instruction field:
      User’s SEID:
      User Code: (such as tm67 or tm-id assigned by Site manager)
      User’s Group: Track User

  5. ISRP SOP Manager Assignment:

    1. When requesting a user to be reassigned to a different manager through BEARS, ensure the following information is present:
      The employee’s Name
      The employee’s SEID
      The employee’s User ID
      The Supervisor’s SOP ID number to whom the employee will report

  6. The following table shows a list of BEARS ISRP Sub Applications by Operation:

    BEARS ISRP Sub-Applications Table
    Data Conversion, Receipt and Control, and Course Development

    Data Conversion    
    SP Supervisor/Work Leader PROD MGR OSC SUBM PROC ISRP
    SP Data Conversion Clerks
    DCO Operators
    RCO Payment Perfection Operators Inputting Remittances
    Receipt & Control    
    RP Supervisor/Work Leader (Deposit) PROD MGR OSC REMIT PROC ISRP
    RP Clerk
    RCO TMS Correction Operators (Deposit)
    TMS Track Users - ISRP Domain PROD COORD AUSC ISRP TMS Track User
    Course Development    
    SP Supervisor
    Course Development
    SP Data Conversion Clerk
    Course Development
    SP Quality Reviewer
    Course Development
    SP Training User
    Course Development

Supervisory Operator Instructions for Handling 100 Million Dollar Manual Refund

  1. To ensure refunds of one hundred million dollars or more are expedited and handled efficiently, follow these procedures:

    1. Input the return as normal, making sure to enter any editing (pencil or otherwise) made by Code & Edit or Accounting.

    2. Verify Action Code (ACT C) 341 is input. If not present, input ACT C 341.

Supervisory Operator Instructions for Processing Manual Refunds Under 100 Million Dollars

  1. To help ensure manual refunds are handled efficiently and prompt, follow these procedures:

    1. Input the return as normal, making sure to enter any editing (pencil or otherwise) made by Code & Edit or Accounting.

    2. Verify Computer Condition Code (CCC) "O" . If not present, input CCC "O" .

Supervisory Operator Functions

  1. Supervisory operations allow you to control work and retrieve on-demand reports. The following instructions show you how to access these functions.

Supervisory Functions Window

  1. Once profiled as a Supervisor, access the Supervisory Functions Window by selecting the Windows key → ISRP folder → Supervisory Functions. While it has the basic features of a Windows application, these features are customized in ISRP. The following paragraphs describe the functions on the Supervisory Functions window.

Menu Bar Options
  1. The following tables show the basic features of each Menu Options and describes their functions:

    File Menu Options Functions
    Delete Deletes on-line display and report data.
    Save As Save report data to your SOP home directory.
    Print Displays Print dialog box - print reports.
    Print Setup Displays Print Setup dialog box.
    View Menu Options Functions
    Toolbar When checked, displays Toolbar.
    Status Bar When checked, displays Status Bar.
    On-line IRM (complete text) Accesses On-line IRM (complete text).
    Reports Menu (Each Report Title) Functions
    Report Displays the specified report.
    Controls Menu Functions
    Set KV Options Allows SOP to set or clear specific criteria for KV.
    Purge Block Allows SOP to purge a block for ISRP.
    Release Block Allows SOP to release a "locked" block.
    Remove Ghostblock Allows SOP to remove a "locked" Ghostblock.
    Delete Local Production Data Allows SOP to delete block data from local workstation.
    Window Menu (Various Options) Functions
    Window Allows SOP to change the look of the SOP display.
    Help Functions
    About ISRP Supplies the version information for ISRP.
Supervisor Log
  1. When you access the SOP application, the Supervisor Log window opens automatically. This window, illustrated below, tracks and displays all your actions as you work. This enables you to review your work for the current session. Use this window to verify that you have successfully set Key Verification (KV) indicators, released or purged blocks, etc.

    Figure 3.24.202-1

    This is an Image: 34456026.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

Entry Operator (EOP) Applications
  1. You cannot access Entry Operator (EOP) applications from your Supervisory Functions window. To perform all EOP functions: Original Entry (OE), Key Verification (KV), and, Block Edit, etc., access the Data Entry Operations window by following these steps:

    Tasks Steps
    Access EOP Applications
    1. Close the Supervisory Functions window (optional).

    2. Select Windows key → ISRP folder → Data Entry Operations. (Initialization successful dialog box appears).

    3. Select OK. (Data Entry Operations window appears).

    Return to Supervisory Functions
    1. Close the Data Entry Operations window (optional).

    2. If the Supervisory Functions window is open, select icon from task bar. Otherwise, Select Windows key → ISRP folder → Supervisory Functions. (The Supervisory Functions window appears).

    Log off ISRP
    1. Press <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del>. (The Windows 10 log off screen appears).


      NEVER log off while VBDEA.net window is open.

    2. Select Logoff.

100% Key Verification Requirements

  1. For Programs 15501 and 45501, Form 3753 Manual Refund Posting Voucher, identified by a TC 840 in the Batch Header, Key Verification (KV) must be set at 100% prior to a Clerk entering the batch of work due to the high volume of errors and the fallout rate for the schedule number (SCH#).

Setting and Clearing Key Verification Criteria

  1. This section provides instructions for Key Verification.

Levels of Key Verification
  1. The ISRP system allows two levels of KV on a block of work. The system default is for key verification of the block header only. However, as a SOP, you can set additional criteria for KV (referred to as "Full KV" ). This criteria includes such items as program number, operator id., ABC, batch number, etc. See the table below for allowable combinations. When additional criteria are set for KV by the SOP, the selection of fields for KV is determined by the program—specific Program Requirement Packages, (PRP 741). Allowable KV criteria options are as follows:

    Field Name Blocks Requiring Full KV
    Program Number Blocks with a specific program number.
    Program Number and Operator ID Blocks with a specific program number entered by a specific operator.
    Program Number and Batch Number Blocks in a batch for a specific program number. This can be used instead of entering all the ABCs present for that batch.
    Operator ID Blocks entered by a specific operator.
    Alphanumeric Block Control (ABC) Blocks with a specific ABC associated with the current SOP.


    Do not combine the ABC option with any other option.

  2. The system maintains a separate KV indicators file for each SOP so that the criteria you set impacts only those blocks for which you are responsible. You create the KV indicators for your file when you set the indicators. They remain as set until you update the file by adding additional KV indicators or by clearing the KV indicators and setting new indicators.

  3. After KV is complete and the response "ALL SECTIONS VERIFIED" is on the screen, before you exit with <F9>, you can press <F2> to see document 00. Press <F5> to find and view the last document in the block.

Setting the Criteria
  1. You access the options to set KV criteria through Controls→Set KV Options→Set KV Indicators on the Supervisory Functions window. The Set KV Indicators dialog box appears as shown below:

    Figure 3.24.202-2

    This is an Image: 34456027.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

  2. To set the KV criteria:

    Task Steps
    Set KV Criteria
    1. Select Controls→Set KV Options→Set KV Indicators on the Supervisory Functions window. (The Set KV Indicators dialog box appears).

    2. Enter the desired set of criteria. For example, enter a program number, user ID., etc. The system will not allow you to enter combinations which are not specified.

    3. Select Start. Your KV indicators file is updated, and the status says "done" .

    4. Select OK. The dialog box closes.

  3. Altering KV criteria when EOPs are logged on to the system may cause blocks to go to invalid status. Therefore, set KV indicators before the shift begins when fewer EOPs are logged on to the system. Clear KV indicators at the end of the shift to minimize impact to the SOP's KV file.

Viewing and Selectively Clearing Key Verification (KV) Indicator
  1. The clear KV indicators dialog box gives the SOP the choice of clearing all set indicators or clearing a selected indicator. The selected indicator must match exactly the previously set indicator.

  2. To clear a selected indicator, take the following steps:

    Task Steps
    Clear a selected KV Indicator
    1. Select ControlsSet KV OptionsClear KV Indicators on the Supervisory Functions window.

    2. The Clear KV Indicators dialog box appears.

    3. Enter data into one or more fields that exactly match the previously set indicator:

      1. Program Number

      2. Program Number and Operator ID

      3. Program Number and Batch Number

      4. Operator ID

      5. Alpha Block Control

    4. Select the Clear Selected button. Your KV indicators file is updated.

    5. Entering an invalid combination, causes an error message to appear.

    Viewing KV Criteria
    1. Select ControlSet KV OptionsClear KV IndicatorsView Indicators button.

    2. The view KV Indicators report is displayed in a dialog box.

    3. Each row corresponds to a currently set indicator.

Purging and Releasing Blocks

  1. Occasionally, blocks in ISRP will become "locked" . That is, the EOP cannot enter any data or RESUME original entry of the block. Two situations which will cause a locked block are:

    • The system experiences some type of failure while the EOP is working the block.

    • The EOP exits the data entry application "ungracefully" by not logging off appropriately using the <F9> key.

  2. Releasing a block makes a block available for further processing. It does not delete any data or the Document Locator Number (DLN).

  3. Purging a block removes all block data from ISRP. Only the OPSTATS data related to the EOP who entered the block will remain. This is the only way to purge a DLN for re-use within the system. When a block is rejected, the DLN is not immediately made available for re-use. It will be available for re-use after End of Shift is run. Only this Supervisory Function, "Purge Block" option, makes the DLN available for re-use. Extreme care must be taken in purging and releasing blocks to ensure that the block is in the desired status after this process.

  4. The following table will help you to determine the status of a block within the ISRP system. This table will also help in determining the status of blocks on the age list. The numbers refer to the related block status number. Numbers are provided so that the correct number/status can be reported to the Systems Administrator (SA) if you have trouble purging/releasing the block. "block_status_num" is the title of the column in the ISRP database.

    Block Status Definitions

    block_status_num Status Definition
    0 IN_OE Block is in Original Entry. A block header has been created, and an EOP in currently performing OE.
    1 OE_PARTIAL Block was in Original Entry, but the EOP exited the block before it was completed.
    2 OE_COMPLETE EOP has completed work in original entry. Block is awaiting Key Verification (KV).
    3 IN_KV Block is in Key Verification. EOP is currently performing KV.
    4 KV_PARTIAL Block was in KV, but the EOP exited the block before it was completed.
    5 IN_BE Block edit is currently being performed on the block.
    6 FORMAT_PENDING Block has completed KV and is ready for formatting.
    7 IN_FORMAT Continuous formatting is being performed on the block. Formatting prepares the block for acceptance by downstream IRS processes (such as General Mainline Framework (GMF)).
    8 FORMAT_COMPLETE Completed and formatted block is awaiting End of Shift processing.
    9 IN_EXPORT Block is being put on "good tape" .
    10 PROCESSING_COMPLETE Block has been processed to "good tape" .
    11 BLOCK_DELETED Block was removed from good tape.
    12 INVALID Block did not post to good tape due to system or other problem.
    13 BLK_REJ_AT_TRANSPORT RRPS block was rejected during transport processing.

  5. Blocks which are in the following statuses cannot be purged or released:






Purge Block
  1. Purging a block removes all information from ISRP, including the DLN. OPSTATS data will be retained. Two types of data can be purged: production and training.


    Never purge training (OEK) data.

  2. Blocks in the following statuses cannot be purged:

    • IN_OE

    • IN_KV

    • IN_BE

    If a block in any of these statuses becomes locked, use the Release Block option to release it.

  3. The Purge Block option is accessed through the Supervisory Functions window under "CONTROLS" .

    Figure 3.24.202-3

    This is an Image: 34456028.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

  4. To purge a block, take the following actions:

    Task Steps
    Purge a Block
    1. Select ControlsPurge Block on the Supervisory Functions window.

    2. Enter the DLN, RPSID, or GPPID for the block to be purged.

    3. Verify that Purge Production Data is selected.

    4. Select OK.

Release Block
  1. The Release Block function is used to make a locked block available for continued processing. A block can become locked due to system error, or from an EOP's failure to exit an application appropriately. Only blocks in the following statuses may be released:

    • IN_OE

    • IN_KV

    • IN_BE

  2. The Release Block option is accessed through the Supervisory Functions window. Releasing a block must be done on the specific workstation where the last work was done on the block, and requires two steps:

    1. Enter the desired DLN, Remittance Processing System Identification (RPSID), or General Purpose Program Identification (GPPID) through the Release Block dialog box, shown below.

    2. Enter the desired (target) status for the block through the Release Block Status dialog, shown below.

    Figure 3.24.202-4

    This is an Image: 34456029.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

    Figure 3.24.202-5

    This is an Image: 34456030.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

  3. To release a block:

    Task Steps
    Releasing a Block
    1. Select ControlsRelease Block on the Supervisory Functions window.

    2. Enter the DLN, RPSID, or GPPID for the locked block.

    3. Select OK.

    4. Select the desired status for the block.

    5. Select OK

  4. The table below shows the valid block states to which a block can be released, based on its current state:

    Current State New State
    IN_OE OE_Partial
    IN_KV KV_Partial
    • OE_Partial

    • OE_Complete

    • KV_Partial

    • Format_Pending

  5. If the current block status is IN_BE, a "Release Block Status — IN_BE" window will appear. This window provides additional information to assist you in determining the correct target status for the block. This window is shown below:

    Figure 3.24.202-6

    This is an Image: 34456031.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

  6. To release a block for which the current status is IN_BE, take the following steps:

    Task Steps
    Release block where current state is IN_BE
    1. Select ControlsRelease Block from the Supervisory Functions window.

    2. Enter the DLN, RPSID, GPPID.

    3. Select OK. Release Block Status dialog box appears.

    4. Verify prior block status.

    5. Select the desired status.

    6. Select OK. A confirmation message appears.

    7. Select OK. The dialog box closes.

Removing a Ghostblock
  1. A ghostblock may be created when an EOP exits ISRP abnormally while entering the block header. This can be caused by a power failure or an "ungraceful exit" . This leaves empty blocks on the workstation and prevents users from accessing the ISRP applications. It also prevents the ABC/SOP combination from being re-used.

  2. To remove a ghostblock, take the following steps:

    Task Steps
    Remove a ghostblock
    1. Obtain ABC and SOP of the block.

    2. Select ControlsRemove Ghostblock from the Supervisory Function.

    3. Enter the ABC.

    4. Enter the SOP ID.

    5. Press OK. A Confirm Operation dialog box appears.

    6. Press OK.

Delete Local Production Data Usage
  1. The Delete Local Production Data option is used when Release Block (IRM fails and the SOP wants to delete the block data from the local workstation. This option will delete the files in the Production folder under ISRP in the system’s Program Data folder.

    Task Steps
    Delete Local Production Data
    1. Select ControlsDelete Local Production Data from the Supervisory Function.

    2. If there are files found in the Production folder, a message will display indicating the files found.

    3. If there are no files in the Production folder, a message will display indicating “No Local Production Data files were found for deletion.”

    4. Press OK to proceed with deleting the files indicated in the display message or press CANCEL if the files should not be deleted.

    5. After deleting, a confirmation dialog box will display “Local Production Data files have been deleted successfully.”

Print a Data Entry Display

  1. While connected to a workstation, you can create a screen print using Snagit Editor.

    Task Steps
    Open Snagit Editor.


    This may be done by clicking on the Snagit icon located in your system tray or by pressing the Print Screen or <PrtScr> button on the keyboard.

    1. In Snagit, select Capture in the upper left-hand corner. A menu box appears, click the red Capture circle.

    2. Scroll over the desired selection to be printed or select "Full Screen" at the top to print the entire screen.

    3. Press the camera icon to capture the image.

    4. The image captured will now appear in Snagit. To print, select File → Print.

Management Reports

  1. This section provides instructions for Management reports.


  1. Automatic Report -Automatically generated and printed report in the computer room as part of the End of Shift/Day processing.

  2. Batch - Cart batch number. Generated from Receipt and Control Operation. Contains blocks of documents.

  3. Block Document Locator Number - Twelve-digit prefix to identify a block.

  4. Blocks Completed Production - A listing of all blocks in the current inventory that have completed OE/KV, and Data Edit and Validation (DED01) formatting. Does "not" show that blocks were posted to good tape.

  5. Consolidated OPSTATS - Report showing operator statistics for all programs and operators from a single shift.

  6. Document Count - Number of documents in a block. For reporting purposes, and for document counts in OPSTATS, the block header will be counted in the block document total. The header will not be counted as a document for down-stream (legacy) processing.

  7. Edit Block Proof List - Blocks successfully processed by DED01, and sent on to good tape to GMF.

  8. End of Day - Processing period which occurs after the end of shift processing for the last shift of the day and prior to the start of the first shift of the next day.

  9. End of Shift - Processing period that occurs after all work for a single shift has been completed and prior to the start of the next shift for the day. The end of shift is the process to prepare data for input to downstream processing.

  10. Format Parameter Package Validation - DED01 process in which blocks are formatted prior to being put on to good tape.

  11. Header - For reports, standard header information consists of:

    • Program/Run/File# — This information identifies the specific report.

    • Service Center Name

    • Page #

    • Date (in mmddccyy format)

  12. Invalid Blocks - All blocks in the current inventory that have completed original entry and key verification, but failed the DED01 formatting process. These blocks will have a status of 12.

  13. On Demand Reports - Reports that can be created by an operator, supervisor, or systems administrator on request. Report is displayed on a workstation with a print option. Printing is accomplished by a printer located on the floor. The entry operator can access only one on-demand report — OPSTATS. It is displayed within the application. Supervisors and Systems Administrators can access various reports, displayed in a Windows environment.

  14. Processing Complete - Status of blocks which indicates that the blocks were formatted successfully and were put on good tape.

  15. Segmented Report - Reports which contain more data than can fit on one page. Pages will be displayed in a repeating fashion, grouped by a unique characteristic.

Automatic Reports

  1. Automatic reports are generated by the system. They are made available to the SOPs at the beginning of the following shift. (SAs must run end of shift for the reports to generate). Automatic reports and their related Program/Run/File numbers.

    Report Title Program/Run/File/Number
    Consolidated Operator Statistics Report ISR07/40
    Site Operator Statistics Report by Supervisor ISR07/41
    End of Shift Age List ISR01/43
    End of Shift Completed Block List ISR01/44
    DIS End of Shift Edit Block Proof List ISR01/40
    Edit Block Proof List by Supervisor ISR01/45
    Run Balance Report ISR01/50
    On-Line Grader Report ISR70/40

Consolidated Operator Statistics Report
  1. This listing shows ISRP and RPS (RPS Electronic Voucher OE/KV only) operator keystroke statistics for all programs from a single shift.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated.
    EOP Entry Operator user ID.
    JOB Program number.
    SOP Supervisor user ID that manages EOP.
    KS Keystrokes per hour for shift/program.
    DOCS Total documents for shift/program (includes block headers and documents).
    D/HR Documents per hour for shift/program (includes block headers and documents).
    CHARS Total characters entered.
    CHAR/DOC Average number of characters entered per document.
    ERR1 Single field character error corrections for shift/program (count of number of times backspace key used).
    ERR2 Full field character error corrections for shift/program (count of number of times "backup field" key used).
    E-TIME Elapsed time for shift/program (i.e., time in function).
    IN Total sections inserted for shift/program.
    DEL Total sections deleted for shift/program.
Site Operator Statistics Report by Supervisor
  1. This listing shows ISRP and RPS (RPS Electronic Voucher OE/KV only) operator keystroke statistics for all programs from a single shift for all EOPs which report to the Supervisor.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID that manages the EOPs.
    DATE Date report generated.
    EOP Operator user ID.
    JOB Program number.
    SOP Supervisor user ID that manages the EOPs.
    KS Keystrokes per hour for shift/program.
    DOCS Total documents for shift/program (includes block headers and documents).
    D/HR Documents per hour for shift/program (includes block headers and documents).
    CHARS Total characters entered.
    CHAR/DOC Average number of characters entered per document.
    ERR1 Single field character error corrections for shift/program (count of number of times backspace key used).
    ERR2 Full field character error corrections for shift/program (count of number of times "backup field" key used).
    E-TIME Elapsed time for shift/program (i.e., time in function).
    IN Total sections inserted for shift/program.
    DEL Total sections deleted for shift/program.
End of Shift Age List
  1. This listing shows ISRP and RPS (RPS Electronic Voucher OE/KV only) current block inventory by block status. The block statuses are:

    1. Blocks Partially Entered - All blocks in the current inventory which have been partially entered (that is, OE initiated but not completed).

    2. Blocks Awaiting Verification - All blocks in the current inventory which have completed OE, but have not yet begun KV.

    3. Block Partially Verified - All blocks in the current inventory which have been partially verified (that is, KV initiated but not completed).

    4. Block in Block Edit - All blocks in the current inventory which have been edited via the block edit function.


      This function may be run immediately following OE or immediately following KV.

    5. DC Blocks Completed Production - All blocks in the current inventory that have completed OE and KV, and have passed Format Pending (FP) validation. This list includes all work that has been entered, and does not indicate that the block has been successfully placed on the GMF tape.

    6. RPS Electronic Voucher Completed Production - All blocks in the current inventory that have completed OE and KV, and have passed FP validation. This list includes all work that has been entered, and does not indicate successful processing of the block by the transport.

    7. Blocks Rejected - All blocks that were rejected from the system due to system disk read errors or were rejected by an operator with RB code (Reject Block). These blocks must be re-entered.

    8. Blocks Rejected at Transport - All blocks that were rejected by the operator at transport. These blocks must be re-entered.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated.
    TIME Time report generated.
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID.
    PROGRAM Program number.
    EOP Operator user ID of operator that worked on document.
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block.
    BATCH Cart Batch Number.
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control.
Consolidated End of Shift Completed Block List
  1. This listing shows all blocks in the current ISRP and RPS (RPS Electronic Voucher OE/KV only) inventory that have completed OE and KV and have passed Format Pending (FP) validation. This list includes all work that has been entered, and does not indicate that the block has been formatted and successfully placed on the GMF tape. This listing is a Submission Processing Center roll up of the End of Shift Age List. The same data is presented in three sort sequences.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated.
    TIME Time report generated.
    SOP User ID of supervisor that owns the block of work.
    DOC COUNT Document count (from block header).
    BATCH Cart Batch Number.
    EOP Operator user ID of operator that worked on document.
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block.
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control.
ISRP End of Shift Edit Block Proof List
  1. The report provides a list of all completed blocks successfully processed and placed on the GMF Pipeline Data (GMF01) and GPP Data (GMF02) tape.

    Figure 3.24.202-7

    This is an Image: 34456007.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    BATCH Cart Batch Number
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    DOC COUNT Document count (from block header)
    BOB CODE Block Out of Balance Code, computed from raw data
    FORMAT 4-digit format code from PRP used by the Parameter File during GMF tape processing
    MFID Master File System ID from Header Validation File
    SOP User ID of supervisor that owns the block of work
    FTYPE File Type: IS for ISRP and IR for RPS
Edit Block Proof List by Supervisor
  1. This is the same report as the Edit Block Proof List, but grouped by the Supervisor responsible for the completed blocks. The report provides a list of all completed blocks successfully processed and placed on the GMF tape.

    Figure 3.24.202-8

    This is an Image: 34456008.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR User ID of supervisor that own the block of work
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    BATCH Cart Batch Number
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    DOC COUNT Document count (from block header)
    BOB CODE Block Out of Balance Code, computed from raw data
    FORMAT 4-digit format code from PRP used by the Parameter File during GMF tape processing
    MFID Master File System ID from Header Validation File
    FTYPE File Type: IS for ISRP and IR for RPS
On-line Grader (OLG) Summary of Run for Grade Report
  1. Report for each student showing their status after completion of each block.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    EOP ID Operator user ID
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    Batch Batch number
    Program Program number
    Total Number of Sections in Error Number of incorrectly entered sections
    Total Number of Accurate Sections Number of correctly entered sections
    Total % of Accurate Sections Accuracy Rate
    Total Time of Entry Elapsed time for program
    Total Keystrokes per Hour Keystrokes per hour
    Adjusted Keystrokes per Hour Correct Keystrokes per hour (Keystrokes in error are removed from computation.)
    Documents per Hour Document per hour (includes block header and documents)
    DOCUMENT Document serial number
    SECTION Section Number
    Field Prompt Prompt displayed
    OE ENTERED Entered value
    Should be Truth File value

On-Demand Reports

  1. On-Demand reports are created upon request and displayed at the workstation, with a print option. Following are the available On-Demand reports, and their related numbers and who may access report.

    Report Title Program Run / File Number Access by
    Individual Operator Statistics Report ISR95/40 EOP
    Operator Statistics Report by Supervisor ISR96/40 SOP
    Age List by Supervisor ISR96/41 SOP
    Current Status of Batches in System for Supervisor Sxx (Batch Status by Supervisor) ISR96/42 SOP
    Program Status by Supervisor ISR96/43 SOP
    Blocks in Process by Supervisor ISR96/44 SOP
    Operator Status ISR96/45 SA
    Operator Status by Supervisor Listing ISR96/46 SOP
    Operators by Supervisor Listing ISR96/47 SOP
    Security Report (SA event log) ISR200040 SA
    Header Validation Listing ISR9740 SA
    Downtime Report ISR9840 SA
    OLG Summary Report ISR70/40 SOP

Individual Operator Statistics Report - ISR95/40
  1. The report shows an individual operator’s keystroke statistics since the start of the current shift for all program numbers. DCO and RPS operators can generate this report, with only statistics for Electronic Voucher OE/KV appearing for RPS.

    Fields on Report Definition
    OPERATOR Operator user ID
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    PROGRAM Program number
    KS Total keystrokes for shift/program
    KS/HR Keystrokes per hour for shift/program
    DOCS Total documents for shift/program (includes block headers and documents)
    D/HR Documents per hour for shift/program (includes block headers and documents)
    CHARS Total characters entered
    CHAR/DOC Average number of characters entered per document
    E-TIME Elapsed time for shift/program (i.e., time in function)
Operator Statistics Report by Supervisor - ISR96/40
  1. The report shows an operator statistics since the start of the current shift for all program numbers. DCO and RPS operators can generate this report, with only statistics for Electronic Voucher OE/KV appearing for RPS.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    PROGRAM Program number
    EOP Operator user ID of operator that works for the Supervisor
    KS Total keystrokes for shift/program
    KS/HR Keystrokes per hour for shift/program
    DOCS Total documents for shift/program (includes block headers and documents)
    D/HR Documents per hour for shift/program (includes block headers and documents)
    CHARS Total characters entered
    CHAR/DOC Average number of characters entered per document
    E-TIME Elapsed time for shift/program (i.e., time in function)
Age List by Supervisor - ISR96/41
  1. This report shows ISRP and RPS (RPS Electronic Voucher OE/KV only) current block inventory by block status. The block statuses are:

    1. Blocks Partially Entered - All blocks in the current inventory which have been partially entered (that is, OE initiated but not completed).

    2. Blocks Awaiting Verification - All blocks in the current inventory which have completed OE, but have not yet begun KV.

    3. Block Partially Verified - All blocks in the current inventory which have been partially verified (that is, KV initiated but not completed).

    4. Block in Block Edit - All blocks in the current inventory which have been edited via the block edit function.


      This function may be run immediately following OE or immediately following KV.

    5. ISRP Blocks Completed Production - All blocks in the current inventory that have completed OE and KV, and have passed FP validation. This list includes all work that has been entered, and does not indicate that the block has been successfully placed on the GMF tape.

    6. RPS Electronic Voucher Completed Production - All blocks in the current inventory that have completed OE and KV, and have passed FP validation. This list includes all work that has been entered, and does not indicate successful processing of the block by the transport.

    7. Blocks Rejected - All blocks that were rejected from the system due to system disk read errors or were rejected by an operator with RB code (Reject). These blocks must be re-entered.

    8. Blocks Rejected at Transport - All blocks that were rejected by the operator at transport. These blocks must be re-entered.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    PROGRAM Program number
    EOP Operator user ID of operator that worked on document
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    BATCH Cart Batch Number
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    DOC-COUNT Document Count (from block header)

Batch Status by Supervisor - ISR96/42
  1. The report shows the current status of all batches in the system assigned to the requesting supervisor. The report allows the supervisor to specify additional information to filter the blocks shown in the report.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    BATCH Cart Batch Number
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    PROGRAM Program number
    DAY Days in Current Status
    DOC-COUNT Document Count (from block header)
    OE EOP Original Entry Operator user ID
    KV EOP Key Verification Operator user ID
    W/S Name Workstation name (identification)
    STATUS Current status of block; OE Complete, KV Complete, Invalid, Rejected, or Unidentified
Program Status by Supervisor - ISR96/43
  1. The Report shows the current status of all batches in the system assigned to the requesting supervisor.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    BATCH Cart Batch Number
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    PROGRAM Program number
    DAY Days in Current Status
    DOC-COUNT Document Count (from block header)
    STATUS Current status of block; OE Complete, KV Complete, Invalid, Rejected, or Unidentified
Blocks in Process by Supervisor - ISR96/44
  1. The report shows all blocks owned by a supervisor currently being worked.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    BATCH Cart Batch Number
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    PROGRAM Program number
    DOC-COUNT Document Count (from block header)
    FUNCT OE, KV, or BE
    EOP Operator user ID currently working the block
    SOP Supervisor user ID of operator working the block
Operator Status - ISR96/45
  1. The report is a listing of all operators and what task they are currently performing.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    EOP Operator user ID
    SOP OF EOP Supervisor user ID of EOP
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    SOP OF BLOCK User ID of supervisor responsible for the block
    W/S Name Workstation name (identification)
Operator Status by Supervisor - ISR96/46
  1. The report list operators assigned to a Supervisor and information on work they are currently working.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    EOP Operator user ID
    W/S Workstation name (identification)
    CURRENT FUNCTION OE, KV, QR, BE, and TRAIN (for Original Entry, Key Verification, Quality Review, Block Edit, and Training respectively)
    BLOCK DLN 12-digit Document Locator Number prefix for the block
    SOP User ID of supervisor responsible for the block
Operator by Supervisor Listing - ISR96/47
  1. Report lists all operators under a given supervisor.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    EOP Operator user ID
Header Validation listing - ISR97/40
  1. This report printout information used for validating block header.

    Fields on Report Definition
    SUPERVISOR Supervisor user ID
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    TC/DC Tax Class and Document Code
    MFT MFT Code can be blank
    TRANS-CODE 3-digit Code which identifies transaction to be processed and maintains history of actions posted to taxpayer Master File Account, can be blank
    RPS-IND RPS Indicator
    PYEAR Prior Year Code
    JOB Program Number
    FORMAT 4-digit format code from PRP used by the Parameter File during GMF tape processing
    MFID Master File System ID from Header Validation File
Downtime Report - ISR98/40
  1. Report used to report downtime.

On-Line Grader Summary Report - ISR70/40
  1. The report shows the status of students participating in on-line training exercises and their respective status.

    Fields on Report Definition
    DATE Date report generated
    TIME Time report generated
    ABC Alphanumeric Block Control
    PROGRAM # Program number
    SOP ID Supervisor ID of EOP
    EOP ID Operator user ID
    KPH Keystrokes per hour
    ACCURACY RATE Accuracy rate
    ADJUSTED KPH Adjusted keystrokes per hour
    DPH Documents per hour

Viewing On-Demand Reports

  1. To view an on-demand report, select Reports from the SOP window. A drop-down menu will appear. You can then select the desired report from the menu. Select OK when the report dialog box indicates the report is ready.

Printing On-Demand Reports

  1. Once you have accessed the report, you may print it. To print the full report (not just what is shown on the window), take the following actions:

    Actions Results
    Select File→Print from the SOP menu bar Print Dialog box appears
    Verify selected printer and Print Range  
    Select Properties You can change paper size, source, copy count, and orientation
    Select Page Setup Verify the properties selected
    Select OK Properties dialog closes
    Select OK Status dialog appears - Report prints out

Saving and Deleting On-Demand Report Data

  1. You can save an on-demand report you have created by selecting File→Save As. Enter a preferred name, and select Save or Enter. To access the file you saved, select File→Save As, and select the file. Select Open to view the file. To save space in your directory, delete the saved files that are no longer needed. To do this select the file, and select Delete.

Management Utility

  1. Utility currently available is SuperSOP.

SuperSOP Utility

  1. The SuperSOP utility provides ISRP supervisors with the ability to generate a batch status report in various formats. The report will query the inventory database for batches, status, and the EOP data. The report can be sorted in a variety of formats. This utility may be used as needed but should be checked to ensure blocks are in the anticipated status. This report opens in a browser window and is a "snapshot" of the data at the time the report was selected. To see updated information, you must refresh the report by clicking "View Report" again or pressing the "refresh" rounded arrow on the toolbar, or pressing <Ctrl> + <R>.

    Description Procedure
    Start SuperSOP and generate the available reports. Select Windows key → ISRP folder → SuperSOP.
    Select the format of the report you would like to have data sorted. Click "View Report" .
    Exit SuperSOP when done. Close the tab or close the browser window to close all tabs.

  2. Locked blocks will appear in the last status before they were locked.

  3. A SOP purge removes a block immediately.

  4. The SuperSop utility also has a menu option to list Operators by Short Id. This generates a report of the current Short IDs in use, the profile associated with the Short ID, as well as the SOP assigned and the login (SEID).

Questions & Answers (Q&A) for Supervisors

Q&A for Supervisors
Question Answer
1. What functions are performed by the Supervisor? The ISRP system has supervisory functions that are performed by the supervisor. The duties include monitoring work in progress, managing workflow, and generating and processing reports.
2. Where are these functions? From the Supervisory Functions window, the SOP performs all the functions by using the drop-down options.
3. What reports can a supervisor get? A supervisor can retrieve eight different reports from the report menu. Reports dealing with operator statistics, training, batch status blocks under the control of the supervisor. See also IRM, Management Reports, for additional information.
4. What do I do with these reports? Some of the reports deal with workflow. Supervisors can use these reports to make an assessment of the work in progress and how their unit/employees are processing the work.
5. What are controls? The Control drop-down options are used to release a block stuck in an incorrect status, to purge a block from the ISRP system, to set the KV indicators that select which blocks require Key Verification, to remove a ghostblock, and to delete local production data when data needs to be deleted from a workstation when other methods have failed.
6. What User’s Short IDs can be assigned? When assigning a User’s Short ID in BEARS, in SuperSop, select the Operators by Short ID option and click View Report. This will give a listing of all assigned Short IDs already in use. Each user must have a unique Short ID, do not request a Short ID already in use.

ISRP Manager's Reference Guide

Manager's Reference Guide
Procedures For Your Information
Key Verification
IRM, Setting and Clearing Key Verification Criteria
• Default for block header only
• Additional Criteria:
1. Program Number.
2. Program Number and Operator ID.
3. Program Number and Batch Number.
4. Operator ID.
5. Alphanumeric Block Control (ABC).
Purge & Releasing Blocks
IRM, Purging and Releasing Blocks
• EOP cannot enter any data.
• EOP cannot RESUME original entry of the block.
Purge Blocks
IRM, Purge Block
• Removes all information from ISRP.
• OPSTATS data will be retained.
Releasing Blocks
IRM, Release Block
• Used to make a locked block available to continue processing.
• Locked block due to system error.
• EOPs failure to exit gracefully.
IRM, Removing a Ghostblock
• EOP exits ISRP abnormally.
• Power failure.
• "Ungraceful Exit."
• Empty block on the workstation.
• Prevents users from accessing the application.
• Prevents the ABC/SOP combination from being re-used.
Delete Local Production Data
IRM Delete Local Production Data Usage
• Used when Release Block fails and SOP wants to delete the block data from the local workstation.
• This option deletes the files in the Production folder.
Automatic Reports
IRM, Automatic Reports
• SA must run end of shift for reports to generate.
On-Demand Reports
IRM, On-Demand Reports
• Created upon request.
• Displayed at the workstation with a print option.
Assigning Short IDs. • In accordance with the following naming conventions:
  • First Character: Alpha (A thru K, but never I).

  • Second Character: Numeric.

  • Third Character: Numeric or alpha.


Supervisors, Work Leaders, Trainees, and Quality Reviewers should be assigned Short IDs with a unique first character to distinguish their roles.

First Character:
  • "S" Supervisory Operator.

  • "W" Work Leader.

  • "Q" Quality Reviewer.

  • "T" Trainee.

ISRP Manager's Report Guide

Automatic = A
On-Demand = O
Report Name When to Use / How to Use
A Consolidated Operator Statistics Report • Provides OE, KV, and BE keystroke statistics created at the end of shift.
• Use to monitor discrepancies in EOP Form 3081 and operator statistics.
A Site Operator Statistics Report by Supervisor • Provides the statistics for EOPs assigned to a particular Supervisory (SOP) ID.
• Use to monitor discrepancies in EOP Form 3081 and operator statistics.
A End of Shift Age List • Provides the status of SP block inventory for OE, KV, and Format complete.
• Use to verify that all work is released at the end of the shift.
A Consolidated End of Shift Completed Block List Report • Provides the status of SP block inventory for completed blocks.
A End of Shift Edit Block Proof List • Provides a list of all completed blocks that have successfully gone to tape and are usable by other IRS systems.
A Edit Block Proof List by Supervisor • Provides the same information as the previous report, except that the information is reported by SOP ID.
A Run Balance Report N/A
A On-Line Grader Report • Provides data for the On-Line Grader system, which includes a student’s accuracy, keystrokes, documents per hour and any discrepancies.
• Used during new hire training or update training.
O Individual Operator Statistics Report • Provides operator statistics from the beginning of the shift by program.
• Used to monitor operator statistics.
O Operator Statistics Report by Supervisor • Provides similar information as the previous report, except that the information is organized by SOP ID.
O Age List by Supervisor • Provides the current block inventory.
• Used to verify that all work is released at the end of shift.
O Batch Status by Supervisor • Provides the current status of batches in the system that are assigned to the requesting SOP ID.
• Used to locate batches assigned to a SOP ID.
O Program Status by Supervisor • Provides the current status of all batches in the system assigned to the requesting SOP ID.
• Used to verify batches by program number.
O Blocks in Process by Supervisor • Provides a list of all the blocks assigned to the requesting SOP that are currently being worked and have a status of IN_OE, IN_KV, or IN_BE.
• Used to determine the status of a block.
O Operator Status • Provides a list of all operators assigned to a particular SOP and the work they are currently processing.
• Used to verify that the employees are assigned to the correct SOP ID and that the EOP is using the correct program number.
O Operators Status by Supervisor Listing • Provides operator statistics from the start of the current shift. It includes data for all programs.
• Used to monitor program numbers.
O Operators by Supervisor Listing • Listing of all EOP.
O Header Validation Listing • Provides a listing of blocks for which the block header has been key verified.
O Downtime Report • To be completed to report Downtime.
O On-Line Grader Report • Provides a report of an operator’s accuracy and statistics for the following OLG options:
  1. Practice blocks.

  2. Run for Grade.

  3. Keyboard Drills.


    Used during new hire training and update training. May also be used to help EOPs who are not fully successful by allowing them to enter the training data.