EO operational requirements: Obtaining copies of exemption determination letter from IRS | Internal Revenue Service

EO operational requirements: Obtaining copies of exemption determination letter from IRS


How can I get a copy of my organization's exemption letter?

You can download copies of determination letters (issued January 1, 2014 and later) using our on-line search tool Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS).

To request a copy of a determination letter issued before 2014, submit Form 4506-B, Request for a Copy of Exempt Organization IRS Application or Letter PDF using the email feature on the form.

If you submitted a request and it’s been more than 60 days, please contact Customer Service at 877-829-5500 to check the status. Do not send a second request; it could delay processing.

You may also request an affirmation letter using Form 4506-B. The affirmation letter serves the same purpose for grantors and contributors as a copy of the original determination letter.

If you are a subordinate organization under a group exemption ruling, contact the central organization that holds the group ruling to obtain confirmation of your status as a member of the group. See Publication 4573, Group Exemptions PDF, for more information.