You can correct the spelling when you file or by calling us toll-free at 800-829-1040. When you file, check that both your name and SSN agree with your Social Security card to prevent any delays in processing your return and issuing any refunds. Report any change to the Social Security Administration by visiting their website or calling them at 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778).
Note: The spelling of your name on your tax return will be used on any refund check we issue you.
No. You can elect "married filing jointly" filing status without changing your name with the Social Security Administration (SSA).
- Make sure that the name shown on your Social Security card matches the name you use on your tax return.
- If you haven’t changed your name with the SSA, you'll need to show your former name on the tax return instead of your married name to avoid delays.
For information on changing your name on your Social Security card due to marriage, visit Social Security Administration or call them at 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778).
When you file your return, check that both your name and SSN agree with your Social Security card to prevent any delays in processing your return and issuing any refunds. Report any change to the Social Security Administration by visiting their website or calling them at 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778).
Contact your employer and ask them to correct the forms to reflect your new name as it appears on your Social Security card. You can correct the name on copies of Form W-2 and Form 1099 that you use to file your return. Please include a copy of Form W-2 C, Corrected Wage and Tax Statements from your employer or corrected Form 1099 with your tax return.
No, report all income on one return. Contact your employer to request that they correct the form with the SSA to reflect your new name as it appears on your Social Security card. You can correct the name on the copies of the W-2 that you use to file your return. If you receive a Form W-2c, Corrected Wage and Tax Statement from your employer, include a copy with your tax return.
Changed Your Name After Marriage or Divorce YouTube Video