On this page
- How do I reset a forgotten password?
- How do I retrieve a forgotten user ID?
- How do I access a locked account?
- What to do if I am experiencing technical difficulties?
- How do I receive support for assistive technology tools?
1. How do I reset a forgotten password?
If you remember your user ID, you can reset your password on demand within the IRS Online Registration System. Follow the steps on the screen to proceed with your reset.
2. How do I retrieve a forgotten user ID?
If you remember the email associated with your account, you can retrieve your user ID on demand within the IRS Online Registration System. Follow the steps on the screen to retrieve your user ID.
3. How do I access a locked account?
You may unlock your account directly within the IRS Online Registration System by resetting your password. Follow the steps on screen to proceed with your password reset.
4. What to do if I am experiencing technical difficulties?
We suggest performing the following basic troubleshooting steps:
- Use an alternate internet browser or device
- Clear your browser history and cache
- Allow up to 24 hours for system processing
If you would like to report technical difficulties or outages, you may contact the IRS CPEO Team at sbse.able.cpeo.info@irs.gov or IRS 501(c)(4) Program at 877-829-5500 for assistance. Please provide any information you have on the errors you may be encountering for optimal support.
Please note, the IRS Online Registration System undergoes periods of scheduled maintenance. Any impact to system functionality will be communicated on IRS.gov.
5. How do I receive support for assistive technology tools?
If you are experiencing difficulties using assistive technology tools, such as JAWS or Dragon, please contact the IRS CPEO Team at sbse.able.cpeo.info@irs.gov or the IRS 501(c)(4) Program at 877-829-5500 for assistance.
Please provide the following information, if applicable, for optimal support:
- Contact information associated with your account
- Existing licenses associated with your account
- Information associated with the pages, applications, or notification(s) you wish to complete
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