FAQs - Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4) | Internal Revenue Service

FAQs - Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate Under Section 501(c)(4)

  1. System Access/Assistive Technology Help
  2. How do I check the status of my Form 8976 submission?
  3. What is the process for submitting amendments to my Form 8976 submission?
  4. How do I withdraw a Form 8976 submitted in error?
  5. What to do if I am unable to pay for my notification?
  6. Why am I receiving a "Payments cannot be processed at this time" error message?
  7. What is the process for requesting a refund for my Form 8976 notification?
  8. My question is not covered here. Is there another source of information I can refer to?

1. System access/assistive technology help

Please view the System Access/Assistive Technology FAQ links below for additional support while using the IRS Online Registration System:

  • How do I reset a forgotten password?
  • How do I retrieve a forgotten user ID?
  • How do I access a locked account?
  • What to do if I am experiencing technical difficulties?
  • How do I receive support for assistive technology tools?

2. How do I check the status of my Form 8976 submission?

If you submitted a complete and accurate notification, you can expect to receive an acknowledgement from the IRS within 60 days of submitting your notification. 

To check on your status, sign in to the IRS Online Registration System and refer to the Main Menu.

If your Form 8976… Then:
Was accepted You will see a C4 acknowledgment entry in the ‘My Information’ box (C4-#######). Please check your Secure Inbox for correspondence from the IRS regarding your submission.
Is under review Your Open notification will be listed under the ‘View Application Status’ section. If the IRS requires additional information, they may contact you.
Was non-accepted You will receive a notice of non-acceptance from the IRS. A refund will be automatically initiated – please allow 4-6 weeks for full disbursement.

3. What is the process for submitting amendments to my Form 8976 submission?

Changes may not be made to accepted Form 8976 submissions. If you wish to submit amendments to a notification that is currently under review, sign in to the IRS Online Registration System.

  • In the Main Menu, find the Open notification submission under the ‘View Application Status’ section. Click Details.
  • Document the Application Number from the pop-up window that appears.
  • Contact TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500. Please provide the Application Number and organization name, along with any desired changes to your submission. 

4. How do I withdraw a Form 8976 submitted in error?

Accepted Form 8976 submissions may not be withdrawn. If you wish to withdraw a notification that is currently under review, sign in to the IRS Online Registration System.

  • In the Main Menu, find the Open notification submission under the ‘View Application Status’ section. Click Details.
  • Document the Application Number from the pop-up window that appears.
  • Contact TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500. Please provide the Application Number and organization name, along with your request.

5. What if I do not see an option to pay for my notification?

If you did not see the option to submit a payment for your Form 8976 submission, sign in to the IRS Online Registration System and refer to the Main Menu.

  • If an ‘Outstanding Payment’ entry appears under ‘Additional Activities’, please submit your payment accordingly.
  • If no ‘Outstanding Payment’ is available, find your Open notification submission under the ‘View Application Status’ section. Click Details.
  • Document the Application Number from the pop-up window that appears.
  • Contact TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500. Please provide the Application Number and organization name, along with details regarding the issue you are encountering.

6. Why am I receiving a "Payments cannot be processed at this time" error message?

These errors typically occur when certain fields on your submission contain unallowable special characters. Please review your notification submission to ensure only allowable special characters are used: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ! # $ & ‘ ( ) + , - . /

To do this, sign in to the IRS Online Registration System.

  • In the Main Menu, find the Open notification submission under the ‘View Application Status’ section. Click Details.
  • If the notification is still editable, the pop-up will provide a 'Fix' button to edit your information. Please correct any unallowable special characters and re-submit the notification.
  • If the notification is not editable, or you require further assistance, contact TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500. Please provide the Application Number and organization name, along with details regarding the issue you are encountering.

7. What is the process for requesting a refund for my Form 8976 notification?

For nonaccepted or withdrawn Form 8976 submissions

If your Form 8976 was non-accepted or withdrawn, your refund is already underway. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing and check your bank statements periodically for full disbursement.

For open Form 8976 submissions

Sign in to the IRS Online Registration System.

  • In the Main Menu, find the Open notification submission under the ‘View Application Status’ section. Click Details.
  • Document the Application Number from the pop-up window that appears.
  • Contact TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500. Please provide the Application Number and organization name, along with your refund request.

For accepted Form 8976 submissions

Refunds are not provided for accepted Form 8976 submissions.

8. My question is not covered here. Where do I go next?

Utilize the search box in the top right corner of this page to search other pages on IRS.gov. If your question is still outstanding, please contact TE/GE Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500 for more information regarding your Form 8976 or the IRS Online Registration System.

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