Taxpayers can sign up to receive IRS email subscription services | Internal Revenue Service

Taxpayers can sign up to receive IRS email subscription services

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IRS Tax Tip 2018-97, June 25, 2018

The IRS issues tax information by email for many different audiences. Here are some of the electronic subscriptions people can request by visiting the e-News Subscriptions page on

  • GuideWire: People who sign up for GuideWwire receive email notifications when the IRS issues advance copies of tax guidance, such as regulations, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, announcements, and notices.
  • e-News for Tax Professionals: Provides the latest national news for the tax professional community, as well as links to resources on and local news and events by state.
  • Outreach Corner: Provides organizations such as businesses and non-profits articles content that they can use in their own communication products and newsletters.
  • Tax Statistics: Supplies information about the most recent tax statistics.
  • Quick Alerts: Provides tax professionals and tax software providers with the latest information about e-file issues and events.
  • IRS Newswire: Provides news releases issued by IRS National Media Relations Office in Washington, DC.

Here are some other electronic subscriptions the IRS offers:

The IRS also offers Consejos Tributarios del IRS, a newsletter in Spanish.

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