Understanding your LT33 notice

What this notice is about

Your recent payment was applied to your account; however, there’s still an outstanding balance.

What you need to do

Pay your balance in full by the date shown on your notice to avoid paying more in penalties and interest.

If you don’t think you owe additional tax or believe you’ve paid the full balance:

  • You can find additional information about your balance and payment history in your Individual Online Account (not eligible for business entities); or
  • You can call the number shown on your notice for an explanation of your outstanding balance; or
  • You can contact us by mail at the address shown in the “Additional information” section of your notice. When you contact us, you can mail supporting documentation to show you have paid your balance in full.

Still have questions about your LT33 notice?

Chat with us now – we're available online:

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. Eastern time/5 a.m. – 7 p.m. Pacific time
Saturday-Sunday: Unavailable

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