IRS Written Determinations are documents the IRS is required to make " to public inspection..." pursuant to the provisions of I.R.C. Sec. 6110. The documents prepared for release each week are made available to the public every Friday morning, and can either be retrieved from the list below or directly from the Written Determinations download folder.

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编号 UILC 主题 发布日期
200335035 401.29-02 Special Distribution Requirements 08/29/2003
200335035 402.01-00 Exempt Trust 08/29/2003
200335034 61.09-06 Assigned 08/29/2003
200335034 104.03-00 Damages 08/29/2003
200335034 165.04-00 Limitations on Losses of Individuals - Casualty and Theft 08/29/2003
200335034 118.01-01 Shareholder Contributions 08/29/2003
200335034 197.00-00 Amortization of Goodwill & Certain Other Intangibles 08/29/2003
200335034 351.00-00 Transfer to Corporation Controlled by Transferor 08/29/2003
200335034 357.02-01 In General 08/29/2003
200335034 358.00-00 Basis to Distributees 08/29/2003
200335034 368.11-00 Control v. No Control 08/29/2003
200335034 362.00-00 Basis to Corporations 08/29/2003
200335034 704.01-04 Section 704(c) Considerations 08/29/2003
200335034 721.00-00 Nonrecognition of Gain or Loss on Contributions 08/29/2003
200335034 723.00-00 Basis of Property Contributed to Partnership 08/29/2003
200335034 752.03-00 Liability to Which Property is Subject 08/29/2003
200335034 1016.07-03 Stockholders Contributions 08/29/2003
200335034 1032.00-00 Exchange of Stock for Property (Recognition v. Nonrecognition) 08/29/2003
200335034 1221.00-00 Capital Asset v. Not a Capital Asset 08/29/2003
200335034 1231.00-00 Property Used in 08/29/2003
200335033 1233.00-00 Gains and Losses from Short Sales 08/29/2003
200335032 301.01-07 Form v. Substance 08/29/2003
200335032 305.03-00 Distributions in Lieu of Money 08/29/2003
200335032 356.01-00 Reorganization Exchange 08/29/2003
200335031 1362.00-00 Election by Small Business Corporation 08/29/2003