The mission of Tax-Exempt Bonds (TEB) is to administer federal tax laws that apply to tax-exempt, tax credit and direct pay bonds (tax-advantaged bonds) and to provide our customers with top quality service by applying tax laws with integrity and fairness.
TEB consists of examination and technical groups responsible for:
- Identifying and correcting noncompliance in the tax-advantaged bonds market
- Supporting voluntary compliance by issuers of tax-advantaged bonds
- Administering the TEB Voluntary Closing Agreement Program (VCAP)
- Preparing and presenting outreach for the tax-advantaged bond community
Contact us
For answers to questions about tax-advantaged bonds, call IRS TE/GE Customer Account Services (CAS) at 877-829-5500 (toll-free number).
Outreach requests
To request a speaker or panelist for your meeting, workshop, seminar or conference, see Requesting educational services from Tax-Exempt & Government Entities.
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