SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Fall 2011


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Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin - Fall 2011 PDF
(Entire Publication in .pdf)

Individual Income Tax Returns, 2009 PDF
by Justin Bryan

Taxpayers filed 140.5 million individual income tax returns for Tax Year (TY) 2009, a decrease of 1.4 percent from the 142.5 million returns filed for TY 2008. The adjusted gross income (AGI) less deficit reported on these returns totaled $7.6 trillion, a 7.7-percent decrease from the previous year. This was the second year in a row that AGI has decreased.

Excel Tables:

1 XLS, 2 XLS, 3 XLS, 4 XLS

Related Link:

Individual Income Tax Return Statistics

Partnership Returns, 2009 PDF
by Nina Shumofsky

The number of partnerships and partners continued to grow between Tax Years 2008 and 2009. For 2009, the number of partnerships increased 0.7 percent, from 3,146,006 for 2008 to 3,168,728 for 2009. Since 2000, the number of partnerships has increased at an average annual rate of 5.1 percent.

Excel Tables:

1 XLS, 2 XLS, 3 XLS, 4 XLS, 5 XLS, 6 XLS, 7 XLS, 8 XLS

Related Link:

Partnership Statistics

Municipal Bonds, 2009 PDF
by Aaron Barnes

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 changed the landscape of the municipal bonds market by introducing direct payment bonds through the Build America Bond and the Recovery Zone Economic Development Bond Programs. More than 900 direct payment bonds raised $65.3 billion in proceeds in 2009.

Excel Tables:

1 XLS, 2 XLS, 3 XLS, 4 XLS, 5 XLS, 6 XLS, 7 XLS, 8 XLS, 9 XLS, 10 XLS, 11 XLS

Related Link:


Tax-Exempt Bond Statistics

Charities, Fraternal Beneficiary Societies, and Other Tax-Exempt Organizations, 2008 PDF
by Paul Arnsberger and Mike Graham

For 2008, nonprofit charitable organizations (excluding private foundations) tax exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3) reported $2.5 trillion in total assets and $1.4 trillion in revenue, both decreases from 2007. The number of returns filed by these organizations was 315,184, including 148,821 Forms 990 and 166,363 Forms 990-EZ. There were major changes in both the content of Form 990 and the filing threshold between Tax Years 2007 and 2008. Excel Tables:

1 XLS, 2 XLS, 3 XLS, 4 XLS

Related Link:

Charities and other Tax-Exempt Organization Statistics

In the Next Issue
The following articles are tentatively planned for inclusion in the Winter 2012 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin, scheduled to be published in March 2012:

  • Preliminary individual income tax data, Tax Year 2010
  • Individual income tax rates and tax shares, Tax Year 2009;
  • Split-interest trusts, Filing Year 2010;
  • Unrelated business income tax returns, Tax Year 2008;
  • Nonresident alien estate tax returns;
  • Private foundations and associated excise taxes, Tax Year 2008;
  • Personal wealth, 2007; and
  • Projections of tax return filings.

Link: Historical Tables and Appendix